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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I guess he never studied English geography either.
  2. is it his swing, or just the need to get more aggressive in the K zone? Or maybe part two requires some work on part one.
  3. they are probably also beginning to look at limiting his innings where convenient.
  4. C.a.n.n.o.t..u.n.s.e.e.......😱😱😱
  5. Quite the parallel to Arthur Bremer, who at 22, stalked both Nixon and Wallace in '72. Pretty much settled on Wallace because Nixon was being too tough a target. No logic in that either.
  6. Jeez. There must be somebody somewhere that needs some cookies baked.
  7. by the WAR totals that's a pretty even trade - about 20 WAR on each side, but I'd still rather have had Sale than Moncada and Kopech - the later is running sub replacement. Moncada has had 2 good seasons out of 8. Hard to argue that Chi wasn't a loser in that deal despite the WAR equivalence.
  8. the other one that is looking terrible is Brett Baier. What ever he paid for he should get his money back.
  9. Or he just actually got Covid. There is a lot of it still going around.
  10. Disenfranchising the primary voters should not be taken lightly. OTOH, the counter argument would be that 150+ million will probably vote in the general- with the hope that 80M will vote Dem. You can argue there is a good multiple of 14M voters in that 80M that felt disenfranchised by the lack of any actual contest to vote in. As of today I still don't see it, but if Biden has lost Jeffries and Shummer it's worse than I've taken it to be.
  11. One assumes that the Dems are polling the 'generic Dem candidate' vs Trump and getting better numbers than Biden is. If not, they are certifiably nuts. I don't have any problem seeing another Dem being the candidate - in theory. I'm just having trouble seeing how you leave the convention with a party that isn't fractured over the choice. This race is still all about turnout. Can the Dems generate a big enough Kumbaya moment around a replacement to get everyone to the polls? We've already hit on the question of whether you keep the AA vote if the candidate isn't Harris, and I don't think it would be. You could hold the AA vote with Hakeem Jeffries I suppose - anyone else? I can't think of anyone on the Dem bench with the cred in the AA community Biden has.
  12. LOL - right. They pray for some good ballot stuffing today.
  13. Disappointed in the source, but it's also just stupid at this point. Are these Dems in some kind of bubble? Are they even watching Biden? He's made it clear as day he's not going anywhere so these folks are wasting their time pissing into the wind.
  14. Yeah.....but. It's still hard to compare the value of a hitter to a pitcher given the difference in injury risk. It actually easier with a pure short term rental like Flaherty - if you have to weight the actual value of Skubal under control for more years against the odds he goes down during that period it's anyone's guess.
  15. I'll guess ST next season will be it for Baez if he doesn't hit in rest of the way this season. The residual value will be firmly under 9 figures, and they'll wait until late so the odds of anyone picking him up are low to reduce the chance he shows up on the field with another team too soon.
  16. I can't prove it, but I have the opposite reaction to Robs. I'm going to guess that that in the end it would just end up increasing the rich teams' already large advantages.
  17. Can't knock horses though. You can make a fair argument that the horse was as much responsible for Western civilization as any other single factor.
  18. Could it have been one fan voted and the other player voted? I don't remember when the overall transition to fan voting took place (actually those dates seem too early to me), but at some point they went from player voting to fan voting.
  19. This is absolutely true. If you want fully formed adults fighting in an army effectively the battle better be for their own homes and freedom (a la Ukraine).
  20. the answer will probably turn out to be pretty boring. SS and locals met. Locals said they would secure roofs, SS said, "good." Locals didn't execute (someone's dog probably swallowed a pork chop bone needed an emergency trip to the vet), SS didn't verify. End of story. 🤷‍♀️
  21. My condolences to anyone who hasn't been able to forget all memory of the 2003 team.
  22. This was a much stronger argument when the military draft was still active and was pretty much exactly what motivated the reduction in the voting (and at the time even the drinking age) to 18. Still, given what we know about neurological development any rational governance system should be able to carve out reasonable distinctions like this, just in the same way most states that legalized 18 yr old alcohol consumption have reversed themselves while leaving reduced voting age in place. The founders wrote an *amendable* document. And amend we did for about 150 yrs. But this idea that some in American politics push today that each word written in 1792 must remain the received wisdom of the Universe for all time is pure poppycock.
  23. I'm with you. A multibillion $ org donating $5M? It's a joke. They spent more than that to make and run the commercial.
  24. I believe the story is already out that SS assigns the locals their jobs outside the perimeter, but if they are not following up effectively, then you still have an organizational failure. And sure, it's probably multi-modal, but that's the bar a high performance organization has to meet. It's not like this was an act of nature or an earthquake, fire flood or act of God which no-one foresaw or overwhelmed resources. It was a perp doing exactly what they are supposed to stop a perp from doing and he did it from a pretty obvious place to do it from. I think it's going to be hard for someone not to take a fall on this one whether at the SS or the locals.
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