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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Damn! 66 Impala SS in blue was my first car. Not the rag top - but other wise identical.
  2. you know, I saw the Dr Strange film last night, but until now I have been assuming I did end up back in the dimension I started......
  3. long post alert: I would quibble with one of your previous posts. I don't think it's hard at all to argue a general right of privacy as the clear implication of the 4th amendment - the logic is certainly as direct as any argument that the 2nd amendment supports personal self-defense arms. That said, I agree drawing the line from a generalized right to privacy to a specific right to abortion is more uncertain, which even Roe recognizes with its gestation based regime limitations on the privacy right. So to your question "would I be fine" the answer would be that I would recognize the soundness of legal doctrine that more clearly separated the two but I would still rather leave the responsibility for the unborn with mothers and not the state. Plus as a practical matter, pharmaceutical abortion has made any ban on early stage abortion impossible to enforce and bans on later stage abortion have already proven to produce tragic social results. It's bad practical social policy regardless of the legal framework. It goes back the problem that we really don't have any idea what life, sentience, or consciousness are even in the adult human form, let alone the developing one. The 'viability' criteria was a convenient kludge in an earlier era, but is obsoleted in an era when we can clone mammals. Each side wants to wrap itself in a convenient absolutism (it's a life! it's a lump of tissue!) when neither can even state what a human being is with respect to themselves. Ask anyone who has seen dementia slowly turn a person that had every aspect of identity and personhood you see in yourself back into a mass of dumb tissue. There is an irrefutable point where the 'person' is simply gone, despite a fully formed and functional (including heart beat) physical body still existing in space. What happened to the person? Was that consciousness just a self-delusion created from complex but fully determinate processes? If it was 'real' what was its nature and does whatever it was still exist somewhere? Can you determine some magic crossover point between such a human existence and the dumb biological process that is all that is left in the end? We get no marker on that long downward slide, neither do we get one on the upward one. We don't get to see a ghostly spectral soul separating from the body and waving goodbye to resolve our uncertainties. In Indian philosophy there is a recognition of the difficulty in finding the actual "I" behind consciousness. In the West we pretty much ignore the issue and instead argue from the error of our chosen absolutes.
  4. So if they cut back to half capacity how do they decide whose pre-purchased tickets get honored? Cancel them all and require repurchase or do some kind of lottery? Or only even numbers rows or seats. etc?
  5. He has single-handedly brought the Wings power play back form dead. I wonder what Scotty wound have done with Seider. In general he wasn't big on rookie Dmen!
  6. it seemed to be like a combination of arguing the perfect as the enemy of the good and "well its not really serious anyway"
  7. the point was that it is another case of a high ranking judge with no seeming attachment to rational thinking. Male or female I find it frightening. Specialization is an inevitable consequence in a complex society, but the increasing intellectual isolation of the judiciary has much broader implications than that of say engineers or doctors. I would imagine that if M Larson had ever had an experience in an OSHA regulated environment that context would have made HER less prone to such a logical non-sequitor and one that betrays such a fundamental misunderstanding of what she is ruling on.
  8. One would normally expect that the rational place for that point to be would be some time beyond where more than a thousand are sill dying everyday in the US and Canada. Then again, the backlash against anti-vaxxers may grow to where maybe that won't be the case.
  9. yeah - Barrett sure seemed ready to channel her inner Handmaiden. There will be no burdens too undue.
  10. politicians court people who make contributions. The young in general have low levels of discretionary funds. When money = speech, then it's really money = votes and the idea of a 'one man, one vote' democracy gets replaced by a 'one dollar, one vote' one. This is a failed government and it has passed the tipping point of ever being able to reform itself back into a functioning representative democracy.
  11. It will be 5-4, they will loose Roberts but other 5 will uphold Mississippi. So, how is the vision plan at Brandeis?
  12. The problem is it only takes one player to get really sick or die and then the fact precautions had been lowered becomes a tragedy and maybe a big liability. If they could get to the point where they could say - OK - young, strong, vaccinated - your risk from COVID is no worse than your risk driving to the arena so we are justified in ignoring it. But until somebody produces that data or recommendation to go that route, you're still taking a risk with your players which is too undefined for comfort. And with a new variant on the scene that could add weeks before anyone will reach a decision like that.
  13. I think there have been guys who bailed earlier in a season than the bowl games. Whatever motivated him to play UM, OSU and Penn St stopped motivating him I guess. But the point is, it's his decision to make. He's a full partner in his 'contract' with MSU and it can be over when he decides it's over. Now as a matter of fact, I believe that unlike Cardinal's point about the SEC, the B1G does have stricter rules about revoking scholarships so a B1G athlete may even get a better deal, but why should we begrudge it? These kids put in time and work at a level 95% of people in normal lives never get close to. And after all, you don't see Tucker and MSU complaining, I read they are giving him a big send off tribute. MSU has probably seldom gotten a better return on an investment of <100K
  14. He' not picking and choosing when he plays as a member of the program. He's leaving it.
  15. One lapse or you could call that a perfect 2nd period.
  16. BP can be frustrating. The Tigers will go into the year with all kinds of guys that should be able to supplement the BP: Wentz, maybe Faedo, Roni Garcia, Olsen, Ty Maddon was supposed to be nearly ML ready. It's not like they lack for arms, and yet we've seen years before with this many guys in the pipeline and they all fail!
  17. To be terrible this year and pick up the '22 version of Mobley for the front court sounds like a better scenario than the long nightmare of the Grant Hill years where Cade starts throwing down weekly triple doubles but the team is stuck in mediocrity.
  18. Washtenaw county does publish vaxxed vs unvaxxed status on hospitalizations but not by type and it does not breakdown vaxxed/unvaxxed deaths. That said the % of vaxxed people among COVID admissions even prior to Omicron is alarming, reaching ~40% in Nov. Anecdotally I hear a lot of physicians saying that despite the hospitalizations, vaxxed patients are not dying but that certainly is not categorically true, so like you I'd like to see some real numbers.
  19. I agree that folks have trouble believing this team's upside - but it will all depend on pitching health. If we lose two starters again in 22 like we did in 21 you can probably flush having a competitive team.
  20. well, I hope Tyler is pleased with himself.
  21. I still don't understand why you feel a guy like Walker is not honoring a contract here. He is not playing any more games for MSU, they are not paying for the rest of his education. He has surrendered the balance of his scholarship (he could have had a full year of eligibility left). You can certainly argue whether it would nice to have a different system, but when a guy leaves early, he's not cheating his University in any contractual sense.
  22. I think this is key. In the current system the non playoff bowls are nothing more than big television advertising sign boards. The traditional conference rivalries are mostly gone, obviously the chance to win and end up at the top of the polls is gone. Few sell out and many are played in front of embarrassingly empty stands. It's true that all sport is entertainment, but part of the entertainment value is normally that something is at stake. With that aspect missing too many of the bowls are pointless.
  23. weren't you talking about the disengaged type? They're not the AOC crowd railing that their Rome won't be built in a day. I'd put them in the "my vote doesn't matter because nothing ever changes" slot. Their error is that a lot of stuff does change, they just aren't really paying attention to a lot of the institutional decay that will be a lot harder to fix if we have to wait for them to start noticing.
  24. probably true, but OTOH I don't think those are the folks sniping at Biden.
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