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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yes - the state labs have been doing sequencing to track the new strains - first detection of Omicron in MI was 12/9 https://www.wilx.com/2021/11/30/michigan-state-health-officials-testing-omicron-variant/ https://www.freep.com/story/news/health/2021/12/09/omicron-covid-variant-first-michigan-case-detected-kent-county/8889733002/ UM also does sequencing in it's surveillance which is where B117 (now known as alpha) was detected.
  2. People don't believe me when I say that I think NIL is going to turn *everything* upside down before all is said and done.
  3. You know, I have a recollection of the Lions saying they would not entertain the idea of trading him, but I don't remember if that was before or after he walked away - so as per the above it was after he told them he was done.
  4. I"m sure US DOD is taking his advice under advisement. Still, it goes to show that you give people like this the propaganda edge when you regularly kill the wrong people.
  5. This is all true though I would offer one caveat. When a player like Calvin Johnson bad mouths not only the recent FO but can't say anything good about the current either, that may affect how other players look at the prospect of playing for the Lions. Of course the degree depends on what kind of personal respect Calvin commanded among other players.
  6. LOL - so he obviously intended at that point to play for 6 yrs, not two.
  7. whether and why any other player left the game early has no direct bearing on Lions' history.
  8. Please consider the words actually written in your responses: " a career that ended up less than it might have been". The other part of your objection is already addressed in the post.
  9. Maybe the most concrete case to take would be Barry. It not for Barry's unhappiness with the Lions he might have keep playing and set a lot more records that would have stood longer than he did. I think that is a pretty safe argument. So in this case you have direct logic from the disfunction in the Lions' org to a career that ended up less than it might have been. That said, no-one forced Barry to stay with the Lions. Though you might make the narrower argument that it was specifically Lions' disfunction that got worse after he was already locked into his last contract. Again, he could have demanded a trade. But the counter arg would be that there was a lot of weird psycho-drama between Barry and his father about his career and accomplishments, so there may non-Lions related reasons for some part of his somewhat inscrutable decision making.
  10. I was struck by the pre-Ford ownership. They were clearly too cheap not be outbid by the AFL but also too dumb not to waste picks they weren't going to sign. And they were a pretty successful franchise - think what they would have been without squandering a bunch of top picks!
  11. Lions 1st round QB picks. 1944/4th overall. Otto Graham(HOF). Played 10 yrs, 7x All Pro, 23584yds. All for Cleveland. He never signed with the Lions. 1948/6th overall. Y.A. Tittle(HOF). Played 17 yrs, 3x All Pro, 33070yrds. Never played for the Lions. Signed with the Colts (AAFC) instead. Off to a great start here! 1949/2nd overall. John Rauch. Never played for the Lions( 3 for 3 so far!) - Traded for Doak Walker. Rauch only spent three seasons in the NFL as a player but did coach the Raiders to a Super Bowl. Walker turned out to be the real deal so the pick was by no means a waste, but still did not yield a quarterback. Lions didn't try for QB agains in the 1st round until 1962/10th overall. John Hadl. Played 17 yrs, 1x All Pro, 33503 yds. Never played for the Lions(!!!). Went to the AFL Chargers instead. 1964/5th overall. Pete Beathard. Played 11 yrs, 8176 yds, Never played for the Lions (!!!!). Went to AFL where he backed up Len Dawson with the Chiefs. 1968/11th overall. Greg Landry. Played 16 yrs, 16053 yds. Landry played 11 yrs for the Lions. Started 98 games. 40/41/3 record. The 1st QB in 6 1st round tries to actually play for the Lions. Has the closest thing to a winning record of all Lions 1st round pick QBs. 1986/12th overall. Chuck Long. Played 6 yrs, 3747 yds. Long spent 5 seasons with the Lions. Long was pretty much a bust, though as I recall it was in part because he couldn't stay healthy. 1990/7th overall. Andre Ware. Played 4 yrs. 1112 yds. Ware started 6 games for the Lions over 4 seasons. Apparently the Lions scouting director quit over Wayne Fontes' insistence on taking Ware. He was a bust. 2002/3rd overall. Joey Harrington. Played 6 yrs. 14693 yds. Harrington started 55 games for the Lions in 4 yrs, going 18-37. Played additional seasons in Atl and Miami and was out of the NFL. He passed for 3000 yds once with the Lions. Probably a fish out of water in the NFL. Semi bust. 2009/1st overall. Matthew Stafford. 1x Pro Bowl. Still active. 49007 yds. Stafford started 178 games for the Lions going 74-90-1. One notable Lions pick at QB came in the 1957/17th round. Lions took Jack Kemp out of Occidental College. Kemp, a two time All Pro, threw for 21218 yds in his NFL, before moving into politics. But he never played for the Lions, who cut him in training camp. There you have it. A brief history of Lions' 1st round QB picks.
  12. one of the only teams that has been able to make the Wings look fast.
  13. Sure. In Australian school economics inflation makes your money swirl down the drain counterclockwise.
  14. Brady has played to age 44 to get there. But in the same way, all the guys that won rings since Brady will be remembered more for those than all the guys that signed bigger contracts than Stafford will be remembered for that. It appears fandom does regard successful careers as those that win more than those that generate the biggest contracts even if players often opt for the latter. The counter would be that Arod was pretty famous for the having the biggest contract in baseball for a few years, but as he was also maybe the best player in baseball for a number of years his fame was justified either way.
  15. another way to look at it is that in terms of football legacy, Tom Brady will be longer remembered for his SB wins that Matt Stafford will be for having signed a contract making him the highest paid QB. If Stafford's objective in playing pro ball was to be the highest paid, that should be fine with him. Clearly that has not been Brady's focus, and that's been fine with him too.
  16. yeah - to me this seems so clear. The threat of a single bullet is generally sufficient for self defense, and single shot weapons are perfectly adequate for hunting. What need is there in society for any semi-auto weapon, long or handheld, beyond the presence of other semi-auto weapons?
  17. Well it means he managed to salvage it despite his fate of being drafted by the Lions. But the common factor with all three of these guys is that the took a bigger nickle to stay in Det (or in Suh's case in Miami, which was also not a place to go to win ) instead of getting out sooner - so sure no sympathy is warranted. It's probably no accident the GOAT has never tried to be the highest paid QB. You can center your chase on the rings or the dollars - only occasionally do they line up together.
  18. Not accepting verified positive tests does seem pointless. But when all you need to do to get around someone else's dumbness is just get the damn shot, it doesn't get you off the hook to me.
  19. He wouldn't have ridden Matt Stafford's if he had gotten one in Det? Of course he's not the player he was at 25 but Suh's numbers in 2020 were fine - 44 tackles isn't chopped liver. Has-beens don't start 16 games for the SB winner that had a top 10 scoring D.
  20. If you want rare - in a 17 game season 3-11-3 is now possible.
  21. Germans were once pretty mean to Norway, won't hurt them to be nice to them from now on....
  22. Um, define success? Suh does has a ring now and fair shot at a second. (He's also doubled his career scoring Tampa! ) And no accounting for the fact that apparently Calvin is some kind of idiot. 🤷‍♂️
  23. How much is a kWhr worth if it's a kWhr not tied to being nice to Vladdy?
  24. With the tiny little exception that money or not, any great player can't help but feel his career a little wasted when spent on a perennial loser.
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