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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Paul Ryan is a putz. Always was, always will be. He gained his 15 minutes of fame by wowing a segment of know-nothing journalists with a level of know-nothingness just slightly less than their own.
  2. there will be at least some segments of the Euro politic who will think this is great because it is more incentive to get off fossil - it could even be if Germany actually has a workable plan to get off fossil.
  3. Putin must remember how much the military involvement in Afghanistan and even the Caucasus cost Russia. But OTOH, if you've gone to the expense of moving 170000 ground troops you've done it to generate a credible threat -- and also to see how his idea of 're-uniting' greater Russia is playing in Russia itself. Also I think in Putin's case you have moved them to put yourself into a position to let yourself be goaded into using them - to set up a situation even in his own mind where the West has 'forced his hand' and is therefore the responsible party to the bloodshed.
  4. Libertarianism should never be more than phase you pass through as you figure the world out. To remain there is arrested intellectual development. Or in cases like the Kochs, just a convenient self serving propaganda framework to push.
  5. Ross probably had a sense of something familiar that he never identified....
  6. IDK - haven't heard this scenario described anywhere else.
  7. LOL - the one day I don't see the 'Record'. Sounds like a white elephant to me. And quite the scale back from the plan for a 14 acre project at the St. Antione site to 3 acres in 'the District'. Mr Ross is apparently so hot to have his name on another building that whether it makes sense for the U is a minor concern. At least with the current siting they can sell it back to WSU after Ross dies.
  8. Could this be the reincarnation of Ross's project? There was a story a few day ago that UM now has sole ownership of the Rackham bldg at Farnsworth near the Museum/Library area and they are going to spend 40 million to rehab it for use as what sounds like a campus extension service but it included no news about the failed UM Ross/Gilbert innovation center. I had read somewhere else that were weren't any other tracts in the size range of the Gratiot/St Antione Site (14 acres) available in DT area - that while Ilitch et al hold a good deal of developable land, nothing was contiguous in that size range. That surprised me.
  9. What happens in a lot of regular season NBA games before the 4th doesn't mean much.
  10. I see the likely end game as once everyone has had it or been immunized it will fade from significance as a public health crisis. As it morphs it will be dealt with using updated boosters and probably some kind of ongoing booster schedule will be developed. There will be some low background of uniquely sensitive individuals or those for whom vaccination doesn't work and it will always remain a risk for them, but as a mass public health issue those numbers will be low enough not to impact normalcy. Until we get there, those that continue to resist vaccination will get it and develop their resistance the hard way, or they will die.
  11. yeah - he's still being a PITA, but at least he's not so much a particular risk to the rest of the team. Maybe Blash should just put him on the 3rd line so Larkin and Raymond can settle in with someone.
  12. meh - now that he's been infected he is no worse than someone who has been vaccinated once. He took a foolish risk to get there but got away with it.
  13. So everyone assumes Putin's Russian conscripts will just swamp the Ukraine army, and maybe with good reason, but what examples do we to have of the recent fighting trim of Russian ground troops?
  14. can you keep natural grass alive over the winter in a retractable roof park this far north? I've read re-sodding a baseball field costs something like about half a million, so it's not so costly it couldn't be done every year, but I guess the normal replacement is more like 7-10yrs. And actually the bigger problem is probably that you are at the mercy of the weather as to whether it grows in with any hold before the season starts.
  15. agreed. I think what Pickett said goes more to the point of whether he should be credited with cleverly trying to exploit the rules or just running to daylight.
  16. what would you do differently if you did? I have a couple of peeves. The first is that if they were going to put the ballpark facing south for the skyline view, then it needed more roof overhang to protect the fans from the Sun. Too much of the ballpark is pretty terrible for Summer day games. I'd also build a little more vertical with a smaller lower deck but the upper deck(s) closer to the field.
  17. FWIW, I saw Pickett was on a panel the other day and said there was nothing planned about the fake - he was ready to go down, looked up and saw enough daylight that he honestly changed his mind mid motion.
  18. I think in some cases the designers make things worse. Driving is a visually driven skill and circles should be the ultimate in seeing just where you want to go. But some are designed with terrible visual clueing. In particular I'm talking about ones like at Lee Road at US 23. The designers have tried to 'help' drivers by putting entry 'slots' to the turns, but all they really do is visually uncouple the drivers ability to see where he wants to go. I know I want Whitmore lake road, but I have to pick one several ramps and visually I can't really see which one goes to Witmore lake road. I find that bad conceptual design.
  19. No doubt there has been an inversion of sorts. I would say it's because we have reached a point where COVID outcomes have shifted from being a matter of how well communities organized (and were pushed) to take control measures (distancing, closing schools etc) to the simpler issue of people getting vaccinated - and in MI - since it is a highly polarized state, vaccine resistance has been high. Through this latest surge, low vax areas have consistently led in case rates. The availability of the vaccine has naturally reduced the level of other control measures in place, and that had created a situation where the incidence in the unvaxxed population only goes up - all compounded by Delta being more infectious. Then it becomes almost self sustaining as the high incident rates among the unvaxxed continually create 'reseeding' pressure for breakthrough cases back into areas with higher vax rates. I do fault the State gov for not trying harder with more pro vax propaganda. I understand that they believe the anti-vax crown is unreachable, but I find that to be a bit of circular reasoning. Why are they unreachable? Because they have been propagandized! So it seems to me a case where you should be fighting fire with fire. It's already established that anti-vaxxers are reachable via media inputs. I would have liked to see the State do more to pull out all the stops with its inner Joseph Goebbels. It would have been worth a shot. And the fact is, at least some of those people were reachable because vax rates in MI have finally started to increase again with this latest surge.
  20. Cowher? I think I can picture him holding a playlist in front of him. Bill Walsh also maybe.
  21. actually, not so much. The big increases in cases in Wash county have been in 48197 and 48198. https://www.washtenaw.org/3108/Cases Those are Ypsi addresses and not areas with a lot of UM alums. There was some effect in the student population (see below) and some in 48103, which would more likely have been the game, but mostly the blowup is in low vax areas. If there is a football effect, it should also show up strongly in Oakland county - that is where all the alums are driving in from. When a student brought B117 to A^2 it went right from Washtenaw to Oakland with the students that go back and forth.
  22. Well, it would be one way to the Russians 'inside' NATO as well.
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