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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. as noted above, there were some motivations for them, but they were not playing for the chance to stay in the playoff. There is no bigger motivation than win or go home and all the teams but Georgia had it. It was valid point. But since there is a good chance (sadly) they are going to get a rematch in the title game, we'll probably get to see if Ga plays any better with all the chips on the table or not. Not that I wouldn't be perfectly happy not to see it happen....
  2. at any given point a football game can evolve down a hundred different possible scenarios. Almost any decision can be good or bad in some number of those futures. Of course only one outcome happens, but which will is never more than a guess. There may be more or less statistical support for some choices but there is never any guarantee the particular game is going to take the 'average' path and validate the best 'average' answer. Campbell took a chance his team could do something if they got the ball back. It was a bet that ended up paying off even if it didn't have the best odds. I'm not going to fry him for that. how he uses his QB? That is a different matter. Depending on what is clearly the least reliable cog in your offense when you need a foot on 4th down - *that* makes no sense. My biggest beef with Campbell is that he seems committed to the idea that Goff can play at a higher level than he has shown any inclination to do since he's been here.
  3. only problem was that JL's advice was filtered through a pre-analytics mindset about what made a productive position player and he didn't know jack about pitch physics. But he was a good leader, and he was willing to protect young arms when that was needed.
  4. He's very unusual case - a guy who came back from Tommy John throwing over 2 mph harder with better command than he ever had in his career -- and ends up with a sore arm after 100 innings. Is the new velo more than the rest of his arm can take - or did he just overdue it a little coming back from the long lay off? High risk, high reward player.
  5. right , very different players and Goff overall looks pretty irredeemable, but it just goes to show no-one gets to the NFL without some talent. Being consistent with it is the bigger battle for the Goff type.
  6. It's like we've seen this movie before. Remember how a young Stafford would sputter and stumble and then run a great 2 min drill when he no longer had time to think about anything? We just saw sort of a painfully familiar thing with Goff.
  7. think back to all the drives the Lions could have kept alive if Goff could throw a catchable checkdown! The Vikings were ripe for this to be an easy Lion's win and it was all they could do to pull it out.
  8. Of course, Goff is so phenomenally bad it's hard to even evaluate what the rest of the O and Campbell are trying to do. If Boyle and Bough are really worse they should both have been cut.
  9. Not much they are doing makes sense. The incredible counterproductivity of the O is obscuring that they are starting to learn what they are doing on defense.
  10. A sane but cynical person might come to the conclusion that Campbell is using Goff as a way to guarantee the top pick.
  11. why waste a TO there? Either go or don't go.
  12. Gawd - another terrible short throw.
  13. The D keeps getting the ball back for them.
  14. yeah - 3rd checkdown throw he has missed in 5 min -- and then a sack.
  15. Tua tearing it up again. Maybe someone should have made Miami a better offer early in the season when he was in the doghouse.
  16. how is not a push off by the receiver anyway?
  17. After some nice throws in the 1st, Goff with two misses on easy short tosses to open the 2nd half.
  18. with all due respect Archie, if you really think using clip and magazine as interchangeable indicates anything about what someone knows about firearms, I honestly would have to say it says more about your knowledge of how language works on the net than others' knowledge of how firearms work.
  19. But how much does any of that matter if they win the big one at the end? Maybe one thing is that if Georgia beat 'Bama they wouldn't have to face them again. So sure - that and going undefeated counts for something. But even with that Herbie's point was that they weren't in the position of any of the other three teams - who all would have been out of the playoff if they had lost. That is a little different level of desperation. So I thought he had a fair point based on that comparison.
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