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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Complements the timing for the Biden court reform announcement pretty nicely.
  2. How many planes did Boeing put in the sky before the 737Max? This can happen to any institution no matter how long their record. Maybe they get sclerotic or start misplacing their priorities. Every org that isn't in a constant state of upgrade/renewal is going backward.
  3. I also like the inversion of the risk equation. Why should the risk involved in providing a certain aspect of the job mean you get a pass on doing it? Isn't it obvious that the perp will exactly pick a position he thinks you think will be too much trouble? If putting *your* man in the spot is risky, then you still have to find a way to provide the security for the spot without putting your man at risk, you don't just punt. How hard would it have been to put eyes at two corners of the building so no-one could put a ladder up unseen? It's really amazingly incompetent. And that's not Cheatle, all she is doing is not throwing her people under the bus - she didn't do the local planning.
  4. If one assumed Tiger revenue would increase by probably 30-40% if they actually won something, then at this argues that at a 50% payroll/revenue ration they could carry a 200 million payroll easily. Of course the trick is if you spend the money you best win. Things are probably not real comfortable in the Jays' or Padres' front offices.
  5. Just to veer off topic a little and make a general observation. We see so many of these kinds of institutional failures because people simply have no *imagination* anymore. "Well we didn't think anyone would do that." is the modern excuse de jure. Maybe it's being spoon fed passive video entertainment for a lifetime, maybe it's helicopter parenting, maybe it's fluoridation, IDK, but the inability of people to game out obvious possibilities seems to be getting worse all the time.
  6. so that's some kind of special slope unlike the slope on all the other buildings we've seen sharpshooters on ever since 9/11? Like maybe slopes at angles from non-Euclidean geometry or something? (won't even mention that last time I looked there was pretty much no-place in the US where you couldn't rent a cherry picker,,,,,)
  7. There is one drawback in putting drones up, and this is maintaining FOF ID. There may be a feeling that keeping the sky completely clear is the least ambiguous way to maintain security - anything that is flying can be assumed hostile. That's just a spitball though...
  8. No one will take Baez under any deal scenario with his bat the way it is currently. The only way Javy ever plays for a major league team other than the Tigers is if we cut him, he catches on with another team, maybe on two-way Spring Training invite, and he somehow finds his bat.
  9. The funniest (sadly) comment I saw was from one of the LEO's about why the roof wasn't secured - something to the effect of "well someone would have needed a ladder to access that roof...... No kidding?
  10. This is what Biden has been able to hold in reserve - the fact that he has a policy apparatus that can start making proposals that can drive voter interest and engagement. Let see if he can continue to make good use of it. And what does Trump have? Project 2025 if your taste is autocracy, and a Tax/Tariff proposal guaranteed to hammer the middle class, blow the budget to smithereens AND start an international trade war in one fell swoop.
  11. Hit 'em where they live, Joe! This is a great move both as policy and as politics. I think it will be very popular with independents and will also help with disaffected/wavering progressives unhappy with the pace of change.
  12. this is how you appeal to the female viewer doncha know?
  13. Douthat is as close to being an open theocrat as you can be and still work in American journalism. If he had been born about 6K miles to the east he'd be perfectly happy on the Ayatollah's council of elders.
  14. Index funds are great for the investor. The only knock against them is a technical one, and that is as the % of the market in index funds has grown, it makes the total market a little more volatile, because all the index funds make pretty much the same funds adjustments at the same time since they all use similar algorithms, so I've seem some market insiders opine against them. But as long as they are available, they are a good choice for a lot of investors.
  15. The science just isn't there to get past guess work. Fulmer a good example where those of us that dismissed his injury history were wrong, we should have made a trade. OTOH, Sanchez had a horrible 2x TJ past and pitched for years afterward, though no doubt he didn't throw as hard as Skubal. One thing in Tarik's favor is that he is more a change of speed guy than a pure spin guy, but that bit of conventional wisdom probably isn't really worth much.
  16. fair enough.... it would actually be nice if the Tigers got to a place where we had good players we didn't know what to do with instead of the other kind!
  17. Prospects are prospects until they actually hatch. The percentage of good AA hitters make it in the majors isn't so great. then again, the counterpoint to my usual MiLB hitter skepticism is that Malloy has had a pretty good last 50 PA.
  18. quietly, Colt Keith has moved his OAA to an even zero (statcast), granted Rds still doesn't like him, but given his experience level he's doing OK. It's too big a loss of value to move a good bat who can play a better defensive position out of it until there is no hope and there is still plenty of hope for Keith. Move Keith to 1st and you will just put another bat on the bench who is a worse fielder, and at this point I can already say with confidence that the Tigers will have a worse fielder with a good bat they will have to do something with.
  19. no, the flaw in the conspiracy theories is that if it hadn't been for the fact that the kid knew they were on to him (the cop on the ladder) and had taken his time, hit probably would have taken Trump out.
  20. Remember the discussion about taking 1Bs at the top of your draft? Two teams in the top ten did it this season. Go figure.
  21. He just doesn't know it. The quintessential 'useful idiot' for both RW money and Putin.
  22. If you actually care about accurate calls, the best thing a catcher can do is get into the path of the throw, catch it and don't move. That is all.
  23. THIS! the reason is took a hundred years of baseball before catchers ever tried framing pitchers is exactly because umps did used to punish catchers that didn't stay put for a better view. It was a change in the attitude of umpire that created this in the first place in if they wanted to they could put a stop to it.
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