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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Yes, I think they will have him at least keep a hand in to be ready. You don't want Harold Castro playing everyday if Jeimer gets hurt.
  2. Manfred mendacious, contract ceilings fall like leaves. Tigs have-y leather
  3. always thought Dave Mason was in the YB. Wrong again.
  4. you make your own argument though Arch. If you have a more volatile society - for whatever reason, maybe it's a good idea to reduce the availability of lethal weapons at the hand for a people growing more irritable? There is stuff we know how to do and other stuff we know a lot less well how to do. It seems the height of folly to me to pass on the solution you can do in favor of bewailing that you don't know how to solve the problems you can't. And since the bottom line is that to widely disseminate personal killing devices actually serves no useful purpose in a civil society, there is no real cost to removing them - other than their entertainment value. That's should be a pretty easy call for a rational person/society to make in my book.
  5. The film shows that Greene can make all the highlight catches - I don't think that part at least is a question. What you can't normally see from clips is how good his 1st step was, and that is what really separates the elite OFs like Hill.
  6. My other guess is that the young pitchers are better than we even give them credit for. How many of their innings were extended or starts cut short by all the extra outs the defense gave up? That kind of thing snow balls into more fatigue on the mound and more batters faced by bottom of the barrel relievers. Park Hill or Greene in CF and Schoop at 2B next to Baez, you have your GG catcher in place and maybe we take 0.5 off the team ERA. That's 80 runs off the team's differential before anyone even develops a new pitch or hits any better. I don't think the Tigers will need to be a top offensive ball club to be competitive. Barring more pitchers going down anyway.
  7. There are news stories this week on the Merck drugs review before the FDA review panel. This one is apparently just a bit less exciting than the early press reports. The full data is ended up being so week they only got a 13-10 approval vote. The mechanism of the pfizer drug requires it be given very early in the infection cycle. It appears to work well enough but if you need to take it essentially before you know you are sick that is going to limit its real world impact. On the one hand, given the time frame as much progress as they have made is amazing, but it's still not really much progress.
  8. so the Lions may have cost Day a job the same weekend M cost his team a championship? Kewl.
  9. meh - you were good, nothing happened.
  10. I wish both sides were less guilty on the 'coddling' charge but the irony still holds here.
  11. take it easy on yourself. They are a bunch of 20 yr olds. Almost every college team can lay the occasional egg. It's what gives the college game its odd appeal. The team quality imbalances in college football are huge compared to the NFL (well, except for the Lions...) but you also have the weird level of background uncertainty where the much better team struggles for who knows why.
  12. whether society coddles the minds or not is irrelevant. The reality is what it is. You have the plain evidence of several billion people organizing advanced liberal, democratic societies without thousands of gun deaths. The evidence is before you. It is refutable. It is real, not philosophical fantasy. Like the man said, let him with eyes to see, see.
  13. I thought the last 5 minutes were interesting. You normally see the team behind by one goal really extend themselves, but either the Bruins couldn't bring it, or the Wings had really upped their normal forecheck. Whichever it was Boston wasn't able to bring as much pressure as I usually expect to see at the end of a one goal game.
  14. maybe moving to the bigger ballpark in NY affected his approach. If so CoPa should have at least as much effect.
  15. yes - a little Occam's razor cuts through the BS.
  16. this is a bit of a ret con at best. In term of guns in public places, a carry permit was nearly impossible to get in MI in the 50's. I believe you actually needed individual approval from the county based on a affidavit of need ( e.g jewel courier, etc )You could buy long guns, but you have always been able to buy long guns but there simply weren't high capacity magazine long guns commonly available on the market to buy.
  17. any reasonably good team can stop the run if they sell out to do it, and in the past you could do that against M. And it worked esp when Patterson was QB because M could not complete even a 5 yd swing pass with more than 50% probability with Shea back there. McNamara is no John Elway but he has become an efficient short and middle distance passer and that is why the running game is so much better now against good teams than in past years when it was also Harbaugh's primary focus. The team PR narrative that the emphasis on the run game is new is nothing more than that. Harbaugh has always wanting to play smash mouth, but most years he hasn't had QB play good enough to keep good defenses even moderately honest. This year he does. Up until Cade, and other than Ruddock, QB play at M under Harbaugh has been a wasteland.
  18. Day's NFL resume is thin and it was not with particularly successful regimes but I suppose if there is an owner out there who is an OSU fan....
  19. I just can't process how this idiotic concept continues to have traction. You'd consign your society to living their lives in the middle of the Beirut civil war rather than give up your toys? What kind of thinking is that?
  20. And the big party over the Merck announcement (molnupiravir) was apparently mostly hype. Actual efficacy levels apparently down in the 30% range - which is better than nothing but is way behind monoclonals and maybe the pfizer drug as well. Initial Merck press releases were talking 80% range. I hope someone is home at the SEC, but doubtful. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/11/30/1060130774/an-fda-panel-supports-merck-covid-drug-in-mixed-vote
  21. Odd. They haven't updated the 40 on the MLB page since before Greiner became a FA. They usually keep it up to date.
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