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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Day's NFL resume is thin and it was not with particularly successful regimes but I suppose if there is an owner out there who is an OSU fan....
  2. I just can't process how this idiotic concept continues to have traction. You'd consign your society to living their lives in the middle of the Beirut civil war rather than give up your toys? What kind of thinking is that?
  3. And the big party over the Merck announcement (molnupiravir) was apparently mostly hype. Actual efficacy levels apparently down in the 30% range - which is better than nothing but is way behind monoclonals and maybe the pfizer drug as well. Initial Merck press releases were talking 80% range. I hope someone is home at the SEC, but doubtful. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/11/30/1060130774/an-fda-panel-supports-merck-covid-drug-in-mixed-vote
  4. Odd. They haven't updated the 40 on the MLB page since before Greiner became a FA. They usually keep it up to date.
  5. I don't even know if Americans realize how insane the gun culture here is. It's gotten normalized to them. Funny thing was, in - IDK, maybe ~1970, we had a shooting at Cass Tech. A girl whose guy had jilted her brought a starters pistol to school and tried to shoot him where it hurts. Ended up wounding his thigh. But the thing is, it was *really* considered insane. As in so big an outlier it didn't even really merit consideration. No one thought "measures" had to be taken because the idea it was anything other than some kind of one in a million lightning striking was never entertained by anyone. But I think about that incident now and it make me realize how steeped in this gun culture we have become. It's not just that this America is different from the rest of the world, this America is different from even what is use to be when it comes to guns. I don't get why all these nostalgic-for-the-50s conservatives aren't more nostalgic about maybe the single biggest, most significant life changing shift in the culture, the militarization of ordinary life brought about by this insane love of firearms. Sure, school buildings are securable. Doesn't mean it isn't insane we need to.
  6. Agree. We'll see if this new Jim Harbaugh can keep resisting that temptation to go off the script that is working for his team. You've got the horses Jim, you don't need anything cute in this one. Save it for Georgia if you get there.
  7. Wings were outshot, but the Bruins were taking a lot of low % shots.
  8. hronek has just been epic bad in terms of giving up the puck. WTF has happened to him?
  9. weird. I've quoted the wrong quote on a post often enough, but never quoted the right quote and had it give the wrong attribution.
  10. maybe, but most people who think people on site with other guns can help are simply deluding themselves about the situational awareness issue. The initiative is *all* with the perp. He can have emptied his clip and reloaded before a crowd full of armed citizen ever figure out the heII what is going on. That is the tactical reality. It ain't like some Western where the script writer has the Sheriff anticipating the bad guy's every move. I can grant a higher probability of meeting a gun behind a counter may have some deterrent effect on a property criminal who is in it for the profit, for whom his own weapon is only a means to an end. But not at all to someone who is going out to kill someone else.
  11. It's the Red Wing disease. I didn't see who was out there with Sieder (Leddy maybe) but at one point on one Bruin rush, Sieder took his man off the puck behind the net, gained possession, made the pass to his defense mate behind the net, who promptly passed to no-one down an empty right side for an icing. It's like they are so used to being bad that too many of them can't make the transition away from a 'just chuck it away every chance you get' mentality.
  12. Somebody (most recent sys admin?) from the old site showed up one day to post that the archives were 'available' (for a fee? for a song? for the asking? Not clear) but if MWG opened discussions with him it was not in public.
  13. I'll be waiting to see at ST how all that sizzle gets along with the Tigers IF guru steak in the form of one Alan Trammell. In fact I wonder how much input Trammell had in this whole SS evaluation process.
  14. there are speculations that a vaccine that targets a strong response via a narrow mechanism like the mRNA vaccine might induce better cellular (long term) immunity than actually having a case, but sure that is all pretty speculative and maybe a marginal difference at best. There are studies that people that got vaccinated after having COVID are even more resistant to subsequent exposure than those previously infected but not vaccinated so it stills seem a more rational course than letting yourself get it again.
  15. I'll counter point on that one - I think they will keep Reyes.
  16. As I have gotten older, my views about a lot things have gotten a lot grayer, but there is one verse in the NT that I will stand by absolutely. "The truth will make you free" I don't know how you can read the NT and not realize this is what it is all about. Not rules, not superstitions, not theology and hierarchies. If you want to live successfully, without fear, ("abundantly" as the man said) you have no hope whatsoever if you will not see and understand what really is: in nature, in other people, in yourself.
  17. If you had to play Stewie in the OF, no better place than LF at Fenway.
  18. I posted somewhere waaaay up thread that I saw a scouting report from 2018 that rated Schoop and Baez as the two fastest DP turns in the majors. I'm hoping to see a lot fewer DPs missed by half a step - assuming Hinch will leave Schoop at 2B. (and of course hopefully Torkelson takes care of that issue...)
  19. I don't think it takes anything away from a manager to accuse him of assembling a strong staff.
  20. Cisnero is bit of a wild card. It's hard to have much trust in guys who have given you one year of good control after a career spent walking >5/9 ( yeah - we see you too Kyle.....).
  21. I really don't think whatever mistakes he may have made are the core of it though, it's that he has been the most visible spokesmen for the whole evidence based/empirical approach to the world, even more so than any of the Dem pols, who like all pols tend to like to pick and choose their facts at least a bit. Fauci is the today's apotheosis for the Scientific method and a technocratic ethic. If you a Christian fundamentalist / biblical literalist he is the anti-Christ's chief earthly rep right now. (OK, that last one is a little fanciful, but it captures the idea.....🤣)
  22. Who knows what Correa is going to get - maybe the moon, or OTOH for all we know at this point Texas may have been bidding against themselves for Seager, but we got our guy at less than 200M (or so it seems) so the Semien contract wasn't too bad an indicator there.
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