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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Heyman twitted that the Rockies have reconsidered and are going to make an offer to Story.
  2. LOL - it better not be much more than that because the odds that you get lucky with 2 middle IF both playing well into their 30s is not good.
  3. True. This Yankee ownership is more measured than they were back in the George S days.
  4. Rangers are trying to recreate another team like 1999. 940 run team.
  5. Unbaised 3rd party take? Correa to the Yankees is the most predictable shoe to drop.
  6. Still don't think the Tigers go 300+ for anyone but it is getting interesting.
  7. If you want a positive spin, consider that more teams are rating pitching as the higher priority for their money than shortstops.
  8. Seemed like a nice guy, bat just never got there. With Dingler likely getting ending up in Toledo there wasn't going to be playing time for him there or in Det.
  9. maybe it's out there and we don't here it because it's not directed to the Tigers but Story seems to be the one guy there isn't much speculation about. Maybe his agent plays the game a little differently.
  10. You see all kinds of studies that have tried to determine if little girls really have different tendencies than little boys - but since children begin acculturation the second they are born, it will never be easy to separate nature from nurture.
  11. good take Beware one year wonders. (and Rick-Cy-Young-Porcello says 'Hi')
  12. I think he did made half of his 3s in the 2nd (2 for 4), but he didn't get to the line once in the game.
  13. Could also be Avila signalling to any SS he's talking to that Tiger money is not going to stay on the table long. You just never know.....
  14. unless Simmons had some kind of injury his 2021 numbers look pretty depressing. It wasn't bad luck for Simmons - GB rate was up, barrels and hard hit balls were down, Z contact was down, K's were up. If Robbie Ray 2022 looks like Robbie Ray 2021, he and a terrible hitting but good gloved SS might still make for an interesting alternative to Correa plus Peralta or equiv getting 25 starts. They can keep looking for a SS in trade or a deadline pick-up if we were actually threatening to make the playoffs. The downside is that we have been sold a bill of goods about the defensive prowess of our minor league talent too many times in the past to have all that much confidence that Kriedler, or any one else in the system, really has an MLB SS glove.
  15. if we get Ray we may also get Kriedler at short. 🙄
  16. yeah - if Boyd doesn't sign somewhere else before the lockout..... I thought I saw something about the Tigers thinking there was not enough clarity on when Boyd would be ready to pitch for them to want to make an offer for 22 yet. If he is still around closer to the start of the season and there is a firmer date for when he will be ready I suppose they could talk again.
  17. Stafford with the 2nd longest play of his career today. 79 yds(TD) . Toss was 53 yd in the air.
  18. not necessarily. Sometimes you do get an outlier contract that other owners won't match for a while. Didn't it take quite some some for anyone to match ARods Rangers contract? I wouldn't bet on my memory here but I thought ARod's Ranger deal had remained MLB's largest right up until the Yankees extension to him. the other 300M deals are Harper and Machado - those deals probably look better than Lindor's about now.
  19. I don't think any of these guys want not to pay shortstop. I suppose there is some dollar level to make them love 2b, but a team offering the 6 is likely going to have the edge.
  20. It would be no surprise if the Yankees that set the top of the market, but once they are done, will anyone else follow? That last one or two guys may end up waiting it out till ST.
  21. yeah but a floor a long way from Lindor. Semien was older but was arguably the most productive in 19 and 21
  22. of course ARod was 24 at the time. Funny thing is that as reviled as that contract was at the time, ARod paid off on it for the whole 10 yrs it would have been in force (Technically it ended after 7 when the Yankees bought out the last 3 yrs with a new deal)
  23. Marlin's ink Avisail Garcia for 4yrs. Congrats to next yrs NL east winner. ...and keep the women locked up.....
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