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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. right. So it breaks nicely for UM to get to the title game if they beat Iowa as they won't have to face Georgia ( who the odds seem to be will handle Alabama) till then.
  2. LOL - if they end up with Simmons, Kreidler better be an all-star by 2023.
  3. that seems to be the meme in the US, celebrating incompetence and failure - look at Trump! OTOH, you could say the left has itself at least partially to blame for that particular excess on the part of the right, as it was the left that first started equating all success with exploitation.
  4. read this site and you'd have your news two days sooner that "Media-Ite"
  5. I'm just spitballing since you asked. I am the most casual of arm-chair GMs (). It's mostly that as I look more closely at the other guys I see less daylight between them and the conventional wisdom's take that Correa is better than the rest. Since FOs are looking a lot closer than I am, I guess I assume that if a casual closer look makes me trend in one direction, that trend could be holding even at the data levels where the team operate.
  6. IDK - if the Yankees really want Seager maybe. Supposedly the Rangers are willing to break the piggy bank for Correa (echoes of the ARod signing?) so we'll see.
  7. The longer this sweepstakes goes on and the finer the lens we start looking at all these guys with, the less I will be surprised if Correa does not get the biggest deal. I'd still give him the odds, but I think they are down form where they started.
  8. OSU had had a good match all year with their O and D. Their pass D is much better than their run D, but since their O was good enough to get out to leads against other teams, they didn't face too much determined running all year. That's been their MO under Day for a while now. Michigan ended up the nightmare matchup for them exactly because the pass rush made it just hard enough for their passing game that they couldn't ever put M out of the run game. You might even think Harbaugh and MacDonald sat down and thought about how to build a team to beat them........ It was interesting to watch OSU's linebacker alignment. They started narrowing their sets and then at one point M gashed them for two consecutive outside runs, first one side (Corum's first touch I think) then they came right back to the other side and beat them around it as well. After that OSU generally kept the OLBs wider and just reigned themselves to trying to keep M running to the middle as the lesser evil.
  9. Could be that - for pretty much the same reasons I would see him as the worst fit for Detroit because we all assume (because he talks about it all the time!) Al is looking for plus D for his young pitchers and even now Seager has a fairly average glove compared to the other 4. And since he would be such a good fit for NYY.....
  10. I can see a team not wanting to change a scheme to draft one player. Even if he is a stud is he really going to bring enough to balance how much it might cost you in the performance of all your existing players who were picked for fit the current scheme? Now that is a general consideration. The Lions have so few players worth anything in the front 7 it would be perfectly reasonable to pick one great player when he's available and rebuild around the scheme that best fits him. Will Holmes/Campbell see Hutchinson (or Thibs) as that guy?
  11. this. These are all very good ball players, all capable of putting up 5-6 WAR seasons. The last SSs we had that gave us a 6 WAR season were Trammell (6 times) Guillen (once) and we averaged 92 wins when they did.
  12. I don't know if it was good or bad to see Harbaugh at his old weird self in that post game. He jumped up and walked out on the rest of the presser immediately after he said that BTW.
  13. Yzerman has hit homeruns with Raymond and Seider and maybe with Edvinsson, but we're going to need to get more than one guy from those drafts...
  14. I think Baez has some intriguing aspects. His swing seems to have a good deal of wasted motion - if he ever put his mind in to cleaning it up it could be interesting to see what he could do. Obviously at this point in his career that seems pretty unlikely.
  15. 2nd biggest take away for Michigan from this game (#1 being the score of course) is that I don't remember anyone getting hurt. A healthy M should take Iowa.
  16. yeah, M didn't beat Stroud. He kept his composure despite the pressure he was under and they moved the ball even if M did force them to use more time on their drives than they wanted. The big win was M's O against the OSU D. Between the points and the time of possession they left even a superlative OSU O with too big a hill to climb.
  17. crypto is a contradiction in terms. The concept was take control away from any central bank's ability to manipulate it, and you can insure a stable store of value, but in practice it turns out that un-tethered from anyone trying to control its value, it becomes the ultimate speculation with no price stability whatever. Which means it can never realize any potential as an actual substitute currency. Ergo - it's just a high priced video game and haven for the black economy.
  18. only nit to pick was that they could have burned at least another minute or two on the clock - they snapped the ball with 15-20 second left a few times. But OTOH, if the rhythm is working.....
  19. actually the 'hill' was supposed to be that Javy has decent grounds for not believing he should be 5th on the list but no-one went that way with it. But that is the thing with statistics, they are what they are, but they are only as predictive as you believe the situation in the past will be the situation in the future. But if you want to argue against them, you (general sense) have the burden to argue why the situation is likely to be different. Of course with athletes you have the built in difference that every year they are a year older and everyone ages differently, so that's always a big variable all by itself.
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