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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. If you want to go by the numbers over the last 4 (3 full) seasons (2018-2021) by WAR the ranking would be. by Fangraphs Semien=19.3; Story=17.1; Baez=13.3; Correa=11.4; Seager=9.2 by BBref Semien=20.3; Story=19.9; Baez=18.3; Correa=15.7; Seager=9.2 I didn't realize how much time Seager has missed.
  2. Javy probably should have taken the Cubs deal unless maybe he didn't like it there. I'd be surprised if anyone offers him 8 yrs again two years later.
  3. The other fun one along the review line is the internet recipe review from the cook who simply loved the recipe and then proceeds to describe the 8 or 10 changes they made that meant they actually cooked up a completely different dish.
  4. actually I think we will get the 2nd or 3rd guy. I just doubt more than 2 teams are going to offer anyone much over 200M and I can see the Tigers staying in the game to that level.
  5. HaHa. So according to the Nature article the variant was going to be NU - as in the 13th letter of the Greek Alphabet but it's already been relabeled in this story as Omicon, skipping the Greek letters NU and XI. I guess 'NU virus or Xi virus were going to be politically unacceptable! I can understand 'NU/New' virus was going to be too messy to deal with, but I bet Trump would have jumped at the chance to call it "Xi".
  6. I used to think the the competing rights and irreparable harm legal concepts were sufficient to get the answer. If the rights of the mother and the fetus conflict the question of which's rights prevail is answered by which suffers the most irreparable harm from the given action. By that analysis you have a straightforward call. But like most overly simple answers, I don't see it as sufficient to the question anymore.
  7. The problem with the way you put the argument is that you can make exactly the same argument and get the opposite result if you start at the other end. Two germ cells are nothing more than 2 germ cells, they are no different that one of the millions of skin cells you shed every day. At some point you have a blastula. An undifferentiated mass not particularly biologically different from a polyp you may have snipped during a colonoscopy. Then "suddenly" its a fetus = a baby. So where is the change? You can't get an answer from 'science' here because the science only tells you that *all* cells are *alive* ( in the sense of have duplicative potential ) and carry genetic potential. To make an even more arch observation - a human fetus probably carries something like >90% of the same DNA as a rat. So the moral dimensions of the question do not really lie in the biology.
  8. good article here: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03552-w Not a lot nailed down yet.
  9. I laughed about that at the time also, but again, to be fair, letting the clock run is what you do if you have resigned yourself to playing for the tie. If you still wanted to give yourself another chance to win? As hopeless as the D and O both looked by that time, do you want your coach to be the one signalling that he has giving up?
  10. again - it depends how many team are *really* serious about a new SS. With 5 guys out there it's certainly possible they exhaust the market before the last one gets a big payday. In that case that guy might look at who will be available next off-season (and I have not!) and see a potentially better market if he treads water for a season. Of course if that happens it means the price will probably have come down to where the Tigers will already have gotten their guy.
  11. I am willing to stipulate that the 6 holding calls hurt the Lions a lot more than any clock issues. When a team gets a lot of penalties, I think most fall under two causes: 1) they are physically over matched 2) the team has poor execution discipline and obviously both can be true. Now given that the lions have a lot of bad players, we can chalk up a hold on Kraemer to number one, but not so much a hold on Decker.
  12. well for sure they screwed up trying to take the double TO - but TBF it was Glenn that was going bananas trying to get the TO. If you are a HC in that spot what to you do - ignore your coordinator or assume that what he sees is worse than the cost of the penalty?
  13. I thought Gardenhire was fine - like Casey, he had been given an impossible task, but maybe unlike Casey if he had had the horses he would not have been a factor holding them back.
  14. I've probably posted this before, but I believe the Tigers have a pretty hard set system when they go into the off season with a pre-determined budget and Avila spends right to that limit. So my take is that there are so many $ in the till and so far they have spent on Barnhardt and Rodriguez and they have to leave some for they guys they have to retain and whatever is left is going to be available for the SS. Second piece is that that is not going to cover what Correa is going to get. IMO it's all going to come down to how big the dollar drop off is from Correa as you go through the rest of the field. If they get to Baez (who by consensus seems to be the bottom of the list) and even he is going to get more than is left in the Tiger's pot, we are going to get plan B, otherwise we get one of the 4 other than Correa. But I don't see this FO trying to second-guess itself in extended negotiations, for good or ill they seem confident in their strategy. The deal they want is either there or it's not and if it's not they are going to move on spend those dollars somewhere else (pitchers?) and let the fans be PO'd.
  15. I heard a little bit of Harbaugh Tues morning with the radio guys and heard one sort of interesting answer - they asked him why they used the pass play on the run back when they didn't 'need' it against Maryland instead of 'saving' it for OSU. The answer was that OSU's coverages weren't going to allow it to happen, and since they had practiced it, Maryland was the last time they could use it. That was a good college football answer.
  16. OK sure, it's always nice to have a bigger lead, but Glenn still needs to be able to get his personnel ducks in a row. And Anzalone? The guy looks like he carries panic with him in his back pocket. Though even that wouldn't be so bad if he didn't overrun so many plays....
  17. fair point. Though OTOH, Matt Stafford would not have helped with the defensive chaos on both the field and the sideline.
  18. true. All the early hope that it was Patricia's terrible coaching that was holding back a team that *maybe* wasn't as bad as it played last season has evaporated. Now it's, "Quinn left an even worse team than we had imagined." They've been unlucky with where their injuries hit, but every team is going to lose good players to injury every year.
  19. I wonder what soured Rodriguez on Boston? Or vice versa? In the interview quotes in the Freep he said he didn't even talk to Boston and "it was time to move on."
  20. LOL - I don't know if he is like that all the time (I pity his team mates if he is) or if it's just his game face but for sure, no matter what it is when something doesn't go right for him on the field he's all like someone is trying to steal his manhood. The one that cracks me up is when he and the CF are close to a catch and he get called off it's like the guy took his lunch money - he usually has nothing but a scowl for his own team mate. But if that's what keeps his fire lit, so be it.
  21. The Freep reported that Avila said again on Monday how much they liked Kriedler. Maybe they think they can land a Story or the like with an offer of a big 1st yr AAV and an option to walk after a year. I hadn't considered a guy on a short option as a particularly good move for the Tigers, but if they are upping their view on Kreidler's viabiilty signing a guy with an out route could be more attractive to them than I thought. That would represent a big leap in Kreiders evaluation though.
  22. Seems ironic you invoke a guy with maybe the best plate discipline on the team to describe swinging wildly at pitches out of the zone. Robbie's career o-swing is better than Mike Trout's.
  23. (or what does the signature matter? There is one voter log per precinct and once your vote is tallied your name is crossed off for that election. Signature or not multiple voters cannot vote as the same person nor the same person vote multiple times as themselves. OTOH, if people are stealing other people' ID it's not going to take very long for people to notice the scam when the correct people show up to vote and can't (or absentees show up for people that have already voted). The only way lack of ID verification matters would be if you have people setting out to vote in place of people on the roles where there is some intelligence work done to identify them as non-voters. That's going to be a large expensive undertaking that again, seems unlikely to fly under the radar of the poll workers.
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