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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Manning with a decent outing tonight. 6IP 1R (which was unearned - runner reached on an error), 3H 4K 2BB. Hens lost as the pen gave up gave up 5. Tork 0/4 BB
  2. The non-evangelical denominational leaderships are sort of a in box over this. Most (though not all of course...) have been hesitant to call out the political wing of Christianity in public (for many good reason which I won't go into here), but is does leave a void in the public conciousness there there is still a Christianity beyond the people they hear about in the news - which is of course the political wing. That's something that non-Evangelicals sort of have to live with.....
  3. around about the Middle 70's the Tigers got really left handed. I remember I attended a game and IIRC it was 8 LH bats in the starting lineup - everybody but Veryzer.
  4. Not sure I agree. Translations generate a pretty fair amount of controversy within and across denominations. Even in as short a text as the TC, the KJV mis-translates (at least by almost universal agreement) "Murder" as "Kill", which creates a starting point for endless digression.
  5. Filed under "Smoke and Mirrors", Tampa is sitting at 500 with a -63 run differential.
  6. actually this is more metallurgical fallacy than fact, but it would be nice if more the rest going on was also.
  7. If you had to be 21 to buy a gun he wouldn't have one. I get so tired of hearing these talking heads in front of microphone with the 'this is unacceptable" cant. It is acceptable and will continue to be acceptable because the proof is no-one is going to do **** about it.
  8. Always remember: You can take the boy out of Motown, but you never take the Motown out of the boy.
  9. Sorry - already back. It was great!
  10. not to be too flippant under the circumstances, but this puts me in mind of Hinkley - who of course was trying to impress Jody Foster. Now just imagine that the country had been a little more progressive a few decades earlier and Foster was out of the closet. Hinkley might have known he was never going be in her potentials list. Might have been one less President shot at.
  11. Glad to see the 'mental health' dismissal gears are already turning.
  12. I'd argue it's has already happened for all intents and purposes with the Vegas shooting. Essentially the same situation -- shooter at elevation into a packed crowd. Couldn't have been any worse if those people were in tiered seats than where they were.
  13. you seem to contradict your first sentence before you even finish your paragraph. 7 out of 30 Presidents shot at since the Civil War. How common does it have to be for you to accept that it is true? Plus your assorted Congress people. 43 years is just luck and much higher security.
  14. NYT says weapon was an AR-15 or similar. Go figure.
  15. The real problem here is that you can't divorce 'Political' violence from any other kind. If you create a violent society, it will be violent in every aspect of its being - there is no way to isolate some arena like politics from the general infection. We accept the senseless death of thousands at the hands of guns every year - politicians will end up as a piece of the cross-section just as inevitably as school children.
  16. The problem with Wackos is that the logic doesn't have to make sense to anyone on the outside. Just for example, you could have a RW white supremacist decide to that killing Trump would the best way to start his hoped for Armageddon race war exactly because his fellow RW conspiratorialists are the armed folks that could start something. To sacrifice both himself and Dear Leader was demanded by the urgency of the hour. To be clear - just putting that out as a typical hypothetical of how twisted logic can get for people who have detached from reality. Have no idea what this guy was about.
  17. And the pool system means that even if a team or teams were willing to pay more to get kids to leave school, teams would run out of pool money relatively fast if NIL are running to 6 figures plus. Maybe it's time for re-assessment of the system of the current CBA across the board. Productive players should be payed when they are producing and it should be easier for teams to hold their talent to build fan loyalty. Plus it would be nice to end the problem of over the hill guys like Cabrera hanging on only because they are owed money - the quality of the game would be higher. But from where they are to where they should be is so far it's hard to see any path from A -> B.
  18. Depends how much he’s learned from Putin doesn’t it? OK- That’s a rhetorical question, I hope.
  19. And my apologies for missing Teddy Roosevelt.
  20. We were traveling and picked up BBC, their reporter carrying on about how he can't believe this happened in American. Man, where have you been? Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, JFK, RFK, Wallace, Ford, Reagan. It's almost more unusual when someone doesn't take a shot at a US president or Candidate.
  21. Lord - you can only wonder what the profile will turn out to be on this guy.
  22. If that was gun fire some one was a pretty bad shot if nobody else was hit with multiple rounds fired into a solid wall of people. 🤷‍♀️
  23. take aways: - expected Montero to fold - he didn't. He wasn't great but he kept battling - what a difference an umpire with a tight K zone makes for both teams. Expect scoring to skyrocket with challenge or ABS. - Wentz: nothing to say.
  24. IDK, maybe as a pot sweetener but he I would guess he doesn't have much value right now - unless maybe some org has someone on staff who is ex-Detroit and thinks he knows some key for Manning no-one else has figured out.
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