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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I don't know why a team would expect any special consideration from a guy they'd traded once. "don't take it personal, it's just business" -good enough for thee but not for me.
  2. I think a big part of the problem is just the innumeracy of the society. So back in the stone age, you stand at the water cooler and the office goof ball comes up with an off the wall take, eyes roll and everyone goes back to work not caring a whit about it. Faced with being able see a one in 10, or even one in 5, ratio is enough for anyone in person to consign what what said to irrelevance. But you have maybe 100 million twits in the US alone and then on top of that you have Romad's Russian and Chinese bot farms pumping the noise and yet everyone still get bent if the goof ball now has a keyboard and elicits the response of 0.1% or 0.01% or some other tiny fraction of what is now a global water cooler. The basic inability to put how tiny the scale of things on twitter really is to the rest of real life seems to confound Americans, and unfortunately especially the MSM who just can't look away.
  3. well, I guess if Trump can leverage ridicule into a form of positive attention for his movement, maybe it's inevitable others will follow?
  4. it wouldn't be that terrible that among several hires, one would be a missed shot, in which case better to be done with it and move on. You just have to hope the reason it didn't work out is the hiree and not the hirer.
  5. I think John McWhorter often argues some distance past where the strength of his arguments are, but I like his take that the telling point when a movement/culture/whatever is lost is when its rhetorical mindset crosses over into refusing to talk about real things. I can put 1492 marbles in a jar. If I am going to continue functioning in the real world, I need to able to process that reality. The idea that words in and of themselves are somehow 'guilty by association' is one we'd be better off without.
  6. I don't know if I can take another year of roller coaster riding with Jimenez. But here is an interesting thing I hadn't noticed: Joe's OPS at home against 104 batters was 518, on the road against 106 batters it was 1011! Not in the least because he walked 25 on the road but only 10 at home. Maybe they should just leave him at home when they go on road trips.
  7. If I was going to be snarky I'd say I didn't specify whether I was talking about the polls or the CFP.... I am surprised CFP likes Cinci more than either poll though.
  8. didn't react at all, though I didn't react to the original two either. Hope I'm not the placebo in some big secret test......🎱
  9. Well the reason Rob has more than one is to spread out the burden......
  10. A little surprised at the vote for Baez returning to the Mets, both because he's going to be very expensive for a 2B, and because you'd think Javy would rather go where he can play short.
  11. IIRC correctly, the 1st time they switched to red on the road was early in the TV era when not many (any?) home games were televised, so teams decided to wear their colorful uni's on the road for TV. Either way, the Wings have the advantage that both the home and road uni's are classic.
  12. Doesn't Pete have himself to blame at this point as well? I've never been that interested in the all the gory details of Pete's story but didn't they give him a chance to make a gesture of atonement and he has refused?
  13. this is about 2 1/2 days of US supply, so its more for show than because it will actually affect any underlying supply condition. Not that 'for show' can't still affect that market. Small potatoes either way but I'd still call it a poor precedent. The Fed's probably can, and have, been more help with the port backups.
  14. if you don't have more grace than to come in here and throw shade at someone who has been one of the most valuable members of this community for many years, I think you have forfeited your right to be here.
  15. I didn't catch any of his show today but usually they do NFL weeping and gnashing on Monday, NCAA weeping and gnashing waits until Tuesday.
  16. agree. And Stewart was lucky he didn't get loose - for one LeBron might have taken him, but even worse for him if he had connected and put LeBron on the floor and out for any period he might have been looking at a suspension that would have made Kermit Washington feel like he got off lightly.
  17. I"m not sure "realistically compete for a WS" would be how I would capture it. I think you 'realistically' get good enough to be a consistent 95 game team that pretty much guarantees you get into the playoffs without needing luck or other teams to cooperate, but as has been proved time and time again, if all you do manage to do is luck into the playoff at a barely over 500 pace, you still have a perfectly 'realistic' chance to win a WS.
  18. LOL - so he's at the 'complex' now? But not an IF......
  19. Even better (or worse?) - one of the things he was on bail from was a charge of using a car to try to run over a woman with whom he had been involved.
  20. cases down some today. Vaccine resistance beginning to wane some In MI. Over a million vaccinations done in the last two weeks - even taking pediatric and booster shots, there was still an increase in the rate of vaccinations going to the general public
  21. we'll see if the money moves this pretty quick ... or not....
  22. LOL - Larry Summers doesn't make me feel anything about myself bro. Get over your rookie self
  23. Summers was a measure of how economically conservative Obama really was. If the old-school GOP still existed that's were Summers would be by ideology, but being ensconced in liberal academia he stays a Dem and remains just about the most rightward of nominally Democratic economists.
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