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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I've put that question to my Television countless times.... ..🤷‍♂️
  2. I think it's also interesting how we are moving away from 'consequence' punishments in criminal law. In MI we used to have a 'felony' murder charge. It went right to the idea that if you start out doing something stupidly felonious and someone dies - you are a murderer - regardless of whether the actions that led to the death might be judged murder in a different context. I don't know how long that had been on the books but it had been a while when was repealed in 1980. But that is the kind of legal thinking that certainly would have held Rittenhouse accountable. But we seem to be moving away from the 'fruit of tree' reasoning wrt people creating their own trouble. On a somewhat logically related line, as I understand it we have had similar legal shifts/arguments about the degree to which 'impairment' is a defense as opposed to actually being an aggravating circumstance. As a young person we were drilled that if you got blitzed and something happened because you didn't have control of your faculties that was your tough luck, the law was going to make no allowance. I think we still see that with drunk driving cases, but I wonder how much anymore in other areas.
  3. Niko can probably help a team that only lets him bat right handed.
  4. Does any care about the Knicks either? Seems like maybe NYC has become to basketball what SoCal is becoming to football.
  5. I think Niko sealed his fate with the Tiger org when he declined to make a serious attempt to change his LH approach. When your team comes to you and says "you need to do better at 'X' " and you opine in the press that you think you are just fine at doing 'X', (and despite a terrible OPS at doing 'X' ) you probably haven't done the optimum thing to enhance your career prospects.
  6. I figured Bryan Garcia was a gonner. And Garrett Hill left at risk....
  7. LOL. Nature is going to destroy his sidewalks a lot faster than the walkers ever will. It seems strangely ironic that with google as close as the keyboard they are using, Americans could actually spend a minute to find out how dumb they are being before they hit "send." As Steve Martin used to say "But NOOOH!"
  8. yeah - This wouldn't be the 1st time that transient public outrage led to an overcharge which led to an acquittal. You might think "Reckless Endangerment" or the like would have punished him for his stupidity without denying his right to defend his life. Some charge that would have been successful would at least have served the socially useful end of discouraging people from taking weapons into places were neither they nor the weapons were helpful.
  9. Yeah - for all the energy spent trying to do anything about it, look back over more than 100yrs and crime rates simply follow youth in the population. If people want to lower crime, stop having so many babies.....
  10. I won't be surprised if the Dems blow it, but OTOH, Biden was being left for dead a year before the 2020 election as well. Could be they are politically incompetent, could be they are playing a longer game than the 24 hr news cycle. I can hope for the latter, won't be surprised by the former!
  11. times change. People used to play whist, now they play video games. Whist sure ain't coming back. CA football? Maybe, maybe not.
  12. If vax rates stay below the herd immunity level (whatever that turns out to be, which is going to be higher than initially understood due to delta) then everyone will be infected in a year or two more. My best estimate is that at least a third of the country has already had it now (we know of ~50 million cases and there has to be at least one case unreported for everyone that is.....) At that point the susceptible non-vaxxed will be dead and thus no longer a pubiic health risk. So it is what it is. Society has actually managed to compensate pretty well really. We are not all at home sitting in the dark and cold - the GDP is doing fine and the labor market is tight. So if we had to yes - we could do this indefinitely. The only thing for certain is that little is certain. For example Paxlovid (Pfizer's new drug) might make a huge difference - or it might not.
  13. While cases at UM seem to be on the way back down from a local peak, cases are still skyrocketing in Washtenaw County. Significance here is the Washtenaw and Oakland have the highest vax rates in SE MI and cases are still climbing in both places. Since we haven't heard much about a variant replacing delta, do have to assume vaccine immunity is wearing off? Vaccinated patients are 50% of hospital admissions in Washtenaw. Or with life going largely back to 'normal' are all these folks the 5-10% left out of luck by a 90-95% effective vaccine and a vaccine too contagious for herd immunity to take effect in the community even at the 70% immunization rates? On the plus side (what there is of it) over 500K shots were delivered last week and ~500K Michigan minors have been vaccinated since the approval.
  14. yup - offer the opt out and front load the contract a bit and pray like crazy that being at the top of his game at 31 or 32 and seeing that new deals at higher AAV are being signed encourages the athlete to opt out. You might lose one or two years of performance but have saved yourself a likely 5yrs of shoveling money into a black hole.
  15. I think the only guy that has paid off on a 10 yr deal was ARod's original deal from Tx. Because they signed him at 24. He produced every year on that contract until he opted out (now with the Yankees) of the last 3 yrs. Yankees then extended him for 10 yr at 31 and got only 5 productive years. If you look at Arod, Pujols and Cabrera - three of the greatest players of their eras - "generational" by any definition, and NONE of them could produce on a long term contract that took them into their later 30s. And Trout probably won't either. Just offer a guy $60M for 5 yrs and be done with it since that's what you are actually going to get!
  16. Yeah and I think Ross or some such underwrote part of Harbaugh's original deal as well. The argument is "Well it's fine, the money is not coming from the Chemistry/English/Art Dept." But how true is that, really? If you have a big bank roll donor maybe he would have given it to the chemistry dept if that's what you had asked for. Sure there are going to be some guys who have a big sports thing, but I think the idea that somehow these deals are all 'free' money is an overstatement at best. There is some varying level of donor 'opportunity cost' with each one. Maybe less than most in this case but who really knows?
  17. this is a family forum right? Maybe not.
  18. IDK, I think it's not necessarily better when it's 'fluke' injuries accumulating around a player. I guess you have to analyze each one individually but that kind of thing can indicate a certain lack of body consciousness or recklessness as well and that can be just a bad as actually being physically fragile. It's just really hard to know. A guy whose never been hurt can be done tomorrow, but guess if it were my money he's still the guy I'd prefer - if I have a choice.
  19. 10yr/$95M reported. Good for him Hope he doesn't end up 9-4.
  20. Along this line, I won't be surprised to see Seager signed 1st.
  21. Maybe then, I'll fade away And not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up When your whole world is black
  22. Fister for Ray was good trade. The impatience with Ray resulted in an overal loss of roster capital.
  23. there was a time losing your committee assignments would have made you dead meat against an opponent from either other party or your own because you wouldn't have any legislative work to show, but in a party where legislating is no longer even remotely the point, you are correct.
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