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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. So when Biden remains completely unmoved by the Media handwringing (and he demonstrated tonight that is the case), what do we suppose the MSM's next stance will be? -Biden overcomes concerns.... (don't hold your breath) - Senile old man continues to refuse best advice. Did we mention that dementia often produces stubbornness. (I don't count this one out) -Oh, never mind...(certainly in the running...)
  2. Still need to find that high K reliever.
  3. just sloppy enough on the bases to cost them. Wenceel with the pop-up slide that didn't stay on the base and Riley getting caught leaning. Losing 2 outs in close game is gonna be trouble.
  4. thought he had the first pitch nailed.
  5. Chris Hayes with a good summary of the campaign layout. Three simple legs: This is what we did. This is what we will do. The other guy is a menace.
  6. well, they were all licking their lips because he supposedly "left the door open" at the NATO press conference, but the one commentator that had it right noted that because of the setting he didn't want to get too much into campaign mode, but it's pretty clear he is slamming the door on his detractors. He's got the delegates and he's not going anywhere, so if you are a Dem you can either get on the bus or start on your plans for surviving Trump II.
  7. energy level sky high tonight. If he can marshal this persona he'll be fine.
  8. I agree, it's not a matter of Manning 'progressing' anymore - he is currently plateaued short of the mark. He has to do something to get on a different path - or maybe to get back to where he was before the injury last season, when he was performing fairly well. Maybe he lost some aspect of his old mechanics after being out, or whether he needs some new repertoire or new mechanics is the brain trust's task to solve if possible.
  9. Jays will owe Bichette 27M, but that's chump change compared to what we owe Javy, He is sucking this year - but it's injury related - reported as 'calf fascia strain' and given that he took a couple weeks off and it didn't improve, sounds to me like compartment syndrome is a possibility (see Cunningham, Cade) in which case the sooner the better for surgery.
  10. maybe the best of he Malloy and Vilade, but Canha is probably DHing because he is borderline hurting. Vilade started out life as a SS and has been working his way down the defensive value scale ever since, to pretty much rock bottom at LF. An ex-SS should at least have an above average arm for a LF.
  11. RH hitting against LHP has been a struggle for the Tigers this season. And just to make it worse, our two RHH catchers both have reverse platoon splits.
  12. Good question. A team appears to have the option of putting anyone on the restricted list (up to 2 yrs) who isn't there for reasons other than injury. The Tigers had put Eduardo on the restricted list went he went AWOL. I suppose there is probably some avenue for a player to appeal that decision. This Wki has a the list of possible statuses for players. I would read it that 'restricted' would be converted to 'suspended' in the case of a player with legal trouble once the legal system makes some kind of determination that would become the basis for the suspension. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status_lists_of_players_in_professional_sports
  13. Almost Heaven - John Denver would have written "Country Roads" about Michigan if he hadn't gotten stuck in Toledo and not made it here.
  14. The first thing the GOP will do is blow up the budget - again. Trump's "Tariffs not Taxes" plan has a 4 Trillion $ hole in it.
  15. This is the best hope - that a lot of people hearing the 'Biden is too old' drumbeat but haven't actually looked for themselves, begin to pay attention and see what we all can see - and old guy with a perfectly functional mind, and decide that's still a damn site better than anything they get with Trump. It also means that if Biden has the stamina to stay his course, then by voting time the issue will have been fully litigated, old news, off the table.
  16. Of course we'd like better odds than that! I sort of go back and forth. One one hand, I think in this cycle, the campaign itself might be the least consequential in history as you would have to be living in a fallout shelter in Nepal not to have already made up your mind about Trump and Biden at this point. OTOH, the way we have seen turnout bounce up and down by 30 million votes in last few cycles, turn out will be again supper critical. So to go back to something Tater said - maybe it's not 'carrying the message about Trump' that's nearly as important as figuring out how to keep Dems from staying home - the two things may not be the same task.
  17. One has to assume the reason that hasn't happened would have to be one of two reasons: 1)They still think there is starter potential there that can be unlocked (OK) 2) they think that even in shorter outings he can't generate the velo or K rate needed to be useful in leverage.(not so OK) What is disturbing is that he seems to be regressing in that he's looking mediocre against AAA pitching now. As already speculated, we can hope that's because he is trying to develop some new stuff, but it still would be nice to start seeing some results.
  18. There would be fewer issues for Harris, but I go back to the premise that to me replacing Biden with Harris is kind of a pointless exercise. Anyone concerned with Biden becoming incapacitated is already either OK with Harris nor not, aren't they? And I think that is a key. I think most of the chattering class at this point don't want Harris, and there's the rub. And that's part of why this is to me a ridiculous exercise - all these people want 'something else' and until someone is willing to put a name out there and try to build a consensus around it, it's basically nonsense. It's like people wanting a baseball team to just dump a player they don't like when the team has no replacement identified (Tigers/Baez!). If you don't want Biden, don't be a gutless sniper (you in the corporate sense here Tater...) tell us who you are willing to support in his place and start putting together that structure. And why isn't anyone doing that? Because they know there is no candidate that can fill that spot that will bring enough of the party with them to win the election.
  19. Prices were actually down this month. Has anybody heard the news?
  20. True, but OTOH, the current pipeline doesn't have much promising pitching in it past Jobe unless we still believe in Manning and Madden. And we are seeing how fast normal attrition chews up pitching depth. After Jobe i'd take our three most promising guys as the hitters: Clark, McGonigle and Lee. That said, if they move a pitcher for a hitter I'd be OK with that as long as it's a real hitters and not a lotto ticket. One thing that may soften the deadline market is that the Dodgers, Phillies and Brewers might not be feeling much pressure to be active. We could help that by beating the Dodgers a few times!
  21. Every executive acts through his staff. This argument only makes sense if you think someone other than Biden is picking his staff, is that your claim?
  22. exactly. but if you won't spend money on players who perform you also never get anywhere. The two things do go hand in hand. It goes back to a more basic premise, which is that I am pretty well convinced that in the end, all trades are a wash in terms of total roster value. You occasionally pick a team's pocket, but you occasionally get yours picking in the end as well. Trades work for a team when they have value at positions they can't use - i.e. once they have already built a system that has some value to shift around. A team like the Tigers is just going to be giving away value to get similar value and it won't get them anywhere long term - unless their actual objective is just to keep payroll down forever - a la the A's
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