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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Jeane Kirkpatrick was of a similar mold, but never ran for office (that I know of....)
  2. FWIW, it's also true that StL missed much more performance from Pujols by letting him go than we got from Cabrera by giving him the extension.
  3. correct. At least unless you are Margaret Thatcher.
  4. They look about 2 players short to me - and that's assuming they stay healthy. So maybe someone ups their game more than we expect - a guy like Rasmussen or maybe Namestnikov could possibly. Velano could be another upgrade but I don't know if I'd make any bets on him ever being an impact player. So outside chance for this year I guess. But the further horizon is looking better.
  5. well it's heck of a lot easier when you have a Seider managing it at the line who can pass, is not going to lose the one on one if a defender comes at him, and can stop all kind of pucks from getting over the line. It's simplistic to say it but the Wings huge problem has been inability to control possession and now you put Seider, Larkin, Raymond or Bertuzzi out there and you have enough guys with real puck possession skill that you can start to generate sustained pressure simply because you are not constantly giving the puck away.
  6. It will be fun if the Wings can surprise us this season. The concern going into this season was that they haven't yet turned the roster over enough to be a good team, but the way I look at it, add up the bigger off-season adds (Leddy, Suter), the call ups ( Seider, Raymond), the guys that are heathier ( Bertuzzi, Larkin, DeKeyser), plus a couple guys playing better ( Rassmussen, Namestnikov), and you're at 9 guys, so that is a lot of change.
  7. rebound went right out to the blue line and caught all the Wings up ice from Puljujarvi. Nede was in decent position but got beat.
  8. Nede helping his D with some very active puck handling.
  9. Can I get the year for the season I watched him back?
  10. Tiger minor league FAs not much of a surprise. A few familiar names from last year's Mudhens though: Christin Stewart Aderlin Rodriguez Mark Leiter Hutchinson Yareil Gonzalez https://www.freep.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2021/11/09/detroit-tigers-christin-stewart-minor-league-milb-free-agents/6352961001/
  11. Right. And if Cabrera had demanded a contract through age 42 you let him walk at the end of his first deal. I don't blame Cabrera for taking what was offered but the truth is that they've gotten pretty much zero WAR from him since 2016 when his 2008 contract would have expired. I could be off by one year but even if - the extension has to have been one of the worst return on investments in sport.
  12. True, but I think your examples help support my point. What were the differences between China and the cultures present in the Western Hemisphere in say the 17th Cent? China had metallurgy, chemistry, sophisticated architecture, organized agriculture, advanced horsemanship, writing with relatively widespread literacy, and a communication system organized across an empire. They were a much closer tech match to Europe than any Western Hemisphere culture.
  13. To me it wasn't when they made the offer - locking a guy up the year before FA is a reasonable strategy. They gave Cabrera too many years irrespective of when the contract was signed.
  14. Do you think Obama would have won if he could have run in 2020? I wonder anymore.
  15. I suppose no advocate wants to lose a high profile case but if they are bumbling it's hard not to ask how seriously they want the conviction. Then again, as the OJ trial demonstrated, there are some pretty poor prosecutors out there. I wonder if they get too used to only facing perfunctory public defender defenses.
  16. She needs some major image building.
  17. What indigenous culture anywhere in the Western Hemisphere or sub-Saharan Africa survived to become an equal trading partner with the Euros? I would say you are downplaying the overall scope of history to favor heroic narratives. History has pretty well demonstrated the inevitability you say I've fabricated. I guess I can think of one counter case, which is that I'm told the Iroquois nation had a modus vivendi relationship with the French until the French got booted after the 1754 wars. There is some inversion to the pattern in the sub Saharan, where diseases they susceptible to largely kept any number of Euros from wanting to go there.
  18. this is a simplistic view of technology. Learning to use a rifle is not mastering the technology of arms production. What indigenous population ran their own smelters, manufactured their own tooling, controlled their own production resources or even manufactured their own steel plows? Borrowing tools is not controlling or possessing technology at a societal level. The Spanish could and did eventually resupply men and weaponry (manufacture and logistics!) to Cortez in a way the Aztec couldn't match. Regardless of Corez's short term luck, gall, barbarity or stupidity, the Aztecs were going to lose any battle with Spain once Spain committed to it.
  19. I think you overestimate Cortez. His luck was that his tech looked like magic. 🪄 Actually he did have the luck of arriving in the midst of a climate change catastrophe as well which left the Aztecs more than a little pissed off at their current gods. Mexico city was a lake when Cortez got there but it wouldn't be for much longer.
  20. I wonder if Chris I will entertain approaches by agents trying to cut out his FO or if in his process Avila and maybe even Hinch would be pulled in before he ever made a decision over the head of the club management in the way his father appeared to have done on occasion.
  21. it depends on what part you are talking about. When Cortez arrived in Mexico disease had yet to take any toll but the Aztecs had no answer to Spanish steel. In the interegnum smallpox, TB etc took their toll which made the early English settlements sustainable, but long after disease had run its course the US indian wars were matters of trains to move troops, better weaponry, and far superior economic power allowing greater resource commitment. That's in part demography but a demography only made possible by the technology that demographic possessed. If Euro settlers had only indigenous technology they could not have out populated the indigenous inhabitants and certainly couldn't have gotten here from Europe in numbers either.
  22. well if you want to call the defeat of a fundamentally neolithic culture by one with chemistry, metallurgy and steam engines an 'accomplishment.' It strikes me more along the lines of a participation trophy for having shown up. But it was war - and war and moral failure are pretty synonymous. And tend to be on all sides.
  23. But the "accomplishments" of Western culture should be separated from things like the conquest of indigenous peoples - they are different things. In the US we had papered over what was done in the name of the progress of Western Civilization, but what was done in the new World was no different that anything Genghis Khan did. The "Progress of Western Civilization" was never actually served by "Manifest Destiny" et al - that was always just old fashioned greed and tribal imperative -- unchanged as it has been from the beginning of history. But the truth is that the "West" has always talked a better game than it has played - going right back to Greece, which was chock full of internecine warfare one a scale that would boggle anyone's mind. Now that's not to say that the political and philosophical constructs the West has generated haven't proven their value in the rise in the quality of life they have produced, only that they have been and continue to be falsely invoked too often in the service of less noble atavism.
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