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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Avila loves AJ. I can't imagine them bringing in someone he has objections to. OTOH, the idea that AJ has a problem with Correa is the purest speculation at this point.
  2. Running FF 94.0 with AdBlockPlus in linux and tweets are rendering OK. But yes, I have seen this behavior. It has come and gone with various updates. But I'm usually on Fedora Linux which is such a fast moving target that by the time you figure out where the bugs are they've fixed them and something different is broken. I have also had Safari not load tweets in Big Sur - but it looks different - it doesn't just give you the text and refuse the image, you just get a blank area and have to double click in the empty field to get it to load.
  3. See - look what Kreidler has already done for you - imagine what he can do for the Tigers!
  4. Nothing worse than having to wait to be misinformed. ⌛⏳
  5. That would be good for JV but TBH, velo is usually not JVs problem. He could gear up and throw harder even in 2015 when he was hurt but it was flat. It's the spin on that 96 mph 4 seamer that makes JV, JV. If he's got that, he'll be good.
  6. From the engineering perspective ( ) one can only come to the conclusion that regardless of the morality of it, all technologically inferior societies are doomed when they come into contact with a more advanced one. Every human on the planet wants life to be easier and that means harnessing energy and matter to do what you want, and that is technology. And of course not only are advanced technologies more desired in general, but they also provide their holders with the economic, organizational and force projection capabilities to get their way. Those facts transcend anything else in the way of sociological or moral factors. Probably one of the things we don't teach enough of is CTT (Critical Technology Theory), because of course engineers aren't interested in writing history and the average historian (Philip Morrison excluded) doesn't understand technology.
  7. Right - it is politically possible to direct resources to where they can be part of the solution, but workable political solutions need to be sold (and preferably truly structured!) as win/win.
  8. IIRC back in the 60's we covered Columbus moderately heroicly as an explorer but the point was made that the Spanish killed and enslaved the locals. We also read Frederick Douglass and John Howard Griffin. And this was before the bottom fell out and the while residential exodus began.
  9. the thing is the GOP shouldn't be fooled about what they bought. They may have coerced Trump to stay on board, but if he has decided his love is lost for the GOP, then he is doing no more than biding his time until he has wrung them dry for what is useful to him, and he will yet throw them overboard. With Trump you can count on it being the scorpion and the frog writ large.
  10. this is the logic you apply when you call someone up from AAA, I'm not sure it's what is going to apply when you decide to spend a quarter billions dollars. I think when you do that the question is more like - 'is this exactly the guy that is a good long term fit with the team we are trying to build?" That is a higher bar. It's interesting to try and weigh up all these guys on various kinds of scales, but the only yardstick that is going to matter is the one that Avila is going to apply, and it's a good bet that is not one anyone of us are using. So basically I'm ready to be a little surprised by where they end up on this.
  11. Zadina was noticeable tonight - in a good way. One guy I thought had some rough patches tonight was Hronek again. He seemed to be on the losing end of too many puck battles - though he picked it up in the offensive zone late in the game.
  12. I'll go back to what Lee said about Avila - he tells you what he's going to do. Avila has said repeatedly that he wants to build a lower strike out offense. I do think that will give them reservations about Baez -- but I suppose anything is possible given the right alignment of circumstances.
  13. Just watching Seider not mindlessly passing the puck up ice and giving away possession is such a reminder that is doesn't have to be the way it's been.
  14. I would too if the Wings could be the 80's Oilers! And Coffey was kind of a unicorn - would a coach today put any kid coming up with Coffey's skillset on the blue line?
  15. As groups true enough, but its not like you even need asians and hispanics to get it to a losing political proposition.
  16. Nature abhors a vacuum. When nothing can be done about the one, the space gets filled by the other.
  17. the one thing to realize though is that a little bit like trans-national business, science has also become pretty transnational. The scientific community sees all their host governments a piggy banks but also as nuisances at best. They generally have more loyalty to their work than their government - and I would say that is probably true both in China and in the US. No matter where in the world they work all these folks went to many of the same schools, attend the same conferences, work jointly on all kinds of projects inside the same world research culture and publish world wide to the same standards. I think this is generally a good thing. There are researchers in Wuhan right now who have the screws being put them by Beijing and are not liking it either. We should remember they are not our enemy.
  18. Only if he plays bigger. Coffey's problem - at the end of his career was that when the game got tighter he still played too soft. The Wings have some experience with guys that haven't played as big as they grew. That's the only reason I would call being compared to Coffey mixed praise. I don't want a bigger guy that plays like Coffey did for the Wings, I want a bigger guy that plays like Coffey couldn't! So call that semantics if you like.
  19. And I thought he had let himself get out of position on the 2nd goal as well.
  20. 14 pts in 13 games and some home games to go.
  21. Mahomes and Chiefs playing GB without Rogers. Last half of the 2nd quarter has been a total clown show for both teams.
  22. game was already changing by the time Coffey got to Det. Of course he was older too! It would be interesting to see what a young Paul Coffee would do in today high speed NHL.
  23. so someone persuade me that we are better off now with this massive imbalance and scores of bowl games played to empty seats and probably terrible TV ratings, than with the old system where conference winners could all end the year happy and you had bowl games that played to established inter-conference rivalries and actually generated regional fan interest?
  24. yeah - we are still carrying Niko, Garneau, Robson. Bryan Garcia is also a hot mess, though maybe somebody still think he's fixable....
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