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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Solid deal. Kind of a So-So player but one that fills a need that will still provide value given the context of the Tiger's weakness at the position. And sure, it's mostly about the salary. Agreed $7.5 does seem high for what Burkhardt can do but it's a seller's market in catchers. Quintana's chances of turning into anything are vary small at this point. He's just enough to call it a trade rather than a pure contract dump.
  2. Cunningham going to have to change his first name to Mason. We're going to need some posts on what terrible early games some past stars have had.
  3. Hopefully Correa has been lowering his $$ with every out he he has made in this WS.... 🙄
  4. I absolutely could not make it through the day with a mask that hung from my ears - so I wear one that ties behind my head. Problem solved.....
  5. I wonder if Va will scare the Dem Congressional caucus in DC into cooperating a little better? Probably not.
  6. that was not going to be workable unless the vaccinated agreed to have their foreheads branded. In America dishonesty is just too high to give people the option of working on the honor system.
  7. Wings with an exhibition of terrible passing tonight.
  8. For your comparison, Maine, Vermont and Hawaii have death rates comparable or better than Canada. The State with population over 5 million with the lowest death rate is Washington, at 1145/M. The state over 10 million population with the lowest death rate is NCar, at 1729. So basically every large state in the US has issues either on the urban poverty side or the conservative vaccine refusal side, or both.
  9. you could be looking through the Hubble, there'd still be no trace.
  10. The way I read the allegory is that there is no moral responsibility for an evil action prior to moral knowledge. It's interesting that some of the Greeks took it in a different direction and said evil (sin) comes through lack of knowledge - that no-one who understands that something is evil would do it. So a perfectly knowing person would never commit an evil act. I guess I can see how either view works.
  11. It's 3:55, do you know where your left tackle is?
  12. all we had on our ballot today were city charter amendments. The joke is that they increase the authority of the city Managers, who are regularly fired by the City Council when they get caught between competing priorities of the mayor vs the council. It's really silly. We really just need to upgrade the Mayor's job and do away with the city admin, but we nurse this myth we are somehow above having normal mayoral politics.
  13. Of course the rich part is that the devil is never explicitly named Lucifer anywhere in the Bible. There is a reference to the 'Son of the Dawn' in Isaiah, which in Latin sort of translates to "Lucifer" (used by Wycliff and kept by the KJV translators) but the referent could as easily have been to fallen Babylonian royalty as to the devil, who actually gets almost no mention in the OT after the serpent in Genesis other than in Job, and it's a different kind of character there. All of our common demonology is Renaissance recapitulation of old Babylonian paganism. It has almost nothing to do with the Hebrew Bible and not much with the N.T. either.
  14. The Japanese industry - esp Toyota, had committed to hybrids and other than the Nissan Leaf are on average behind behind their competitors on all electrics. I think in the end they may be right that at least plug-in hybrids hold a solid place in the market for some years to come but right now that isn't where the action is.
  15. Luciferase is what makes lightning bugs light. And here you thought those are just innocent looking little fliers. They are really all just NSA micro-drones sopping up all your conversations - or at least all the ones you aren't already giving up to Alexa and Siri.
  16. They're paying him a $million a year to be ready for it. I know lots of students that would be glad to accept a non-performance refund on his (or Harbaugh's) salary! Being beaten on the field is one thing, being unprepared to play is unacceptable. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Harbaugh is just nowhere near an elite head coaching talent. He's not terrible. He may be as good as the U is willing to accept, but he isn't the guy Michigan football fan hoped he would be and that's not going to change.
  17. With Harbaugh this appears to be a feature, not a bug. Defensive coords come and go, Harbaugh's defenses remain unready for the snap.
  18. True. And 2020 the Patriots were 7-9 without Brady. But a good team is good because they have good players and MSU has one.
  19. Of course they have a lot more room for error against Indiana. TBH, the MSU game was more about MSU than UM. M played as well against MSU as they have against anyone this season. The story is what Tucker has accomplished at MSU. M fan has been able to assume that even if beating OSU was a bridge too far, just getting back to being a middling program would allow them to start beating an MSU program that threatened to remain in disarray after the D'antonio's flame out. Tucker upset those plans.
  20. It will be interesting to see what happens with Tesla. He is about to have a whole bunch of competition in a market he used to have pretty much to himself.
  21. Too late for that, I don't know where he has been but Austin has been deep blue probably since before Elon was firing bottle rockets in his back yard. (OK - maybe not that long but I liked the phrase.....)
  22. my premise somewhere up-thread was exactly that that person wouldn't necessarily deserve it, but simply that 0/17 would require some kind of sacrifice to propitiate the football/media/fan gods regardless.
  23. this is actually an interesting question. Michigan needs close to 1 million vaccinations to close the gap from a 60 to a 70% vaccination level. So who is missing? The one obvious answer the band across the mid state from Sanilac to Oceola where vaccination rates are still mostly in the 40's. This is deep red farm and conservative evangelical country. I don't know how you reach those people but they certainly are not taking advice from anyone they regard as a liberal democrat so they sure aren't listening to Whitmer! But that is only half the story, the other big gap is in the City of Detroit and you have a couple of things going on there I think. The first is the general level of distrust in the Black community which has been higher than in other populations. That is a given, but FLA also has a large minority population. There is another thing at work which may be just a significant and tells a slightly different story, which is that it appears immunity in Detroit is actually already comparable to areas with higher vaccination rates because of how hard the city was hit initially. In this recent surge case rates in Detroit stayed low (comparable to Washtenaw county where the vac rate is 70%) despite the low vaccination rates. Another way to approach this is that if you look at the fatality rate Detroit had suffered and take it back into the overall national calculation of incidence rate, you get that the case rates in Detroit were easily 3 times higher than were ever actually reported. Long story short, I would guess there are tens of thousands of Detroiters are not bothering with vaccination because they know they've already had Covid.
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