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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. this. a point has to come where you are building for yourself and not everybody else. You win with players, not prospects.
  2. Someone still has yet to explain 1) how do you qualify a candidate from out of the blue on 50 state ballots at this point. 2) the Biden campaign can't just drop their $250M on another candidate - where do they get funding?
  3. Lakeland loses 8-3. McGonigle ( 1/5 ), Clark ( 0/5 ) return to earth a bit. Toledo shut out, Tork 0/4, 2K - no hard contact. ☹️
  4. LOL - IDK - but certainly a much better one now that he has 120 PA at 805 OPS than it would have been if it had been offered on May 4 when his OPS was <500!
  5. I guess no one has a good handle on how he got so cross wired at the beginning of the debate but there sure doesn't seem to be anything wrong with his mental acuity. He's an old guy and for sure he looks and moves worse than some of my acquaintances of the same age. And I'll even agree his body looks like it may not have another 5 yrs in it but whether or not he can win the election, the Dems will surely lose it if they try to force him out. If he decides he's willing to step down - maybe.
  6. Doesn't particularly track with him scheduling additional interviews, but with the day's Tiger game already in the can I'll be all ears.
  7. LOL - Donors footing a bill for NIL in college baseball must surely be a sign of the apocalypse upon us.
  8. Kelly ranks 14th in wRC+ out of 34 catchers with >150PA at 104. Jake checks in at 28th (wRC+ = 79).
  9. So I am now old enough to seen enough dementia up close that I think I have some level of perspective and here are some things I would say: -there only rule with dementia is that there are no rules. - the patient may understand exactly what is happening and be able to compensate for a long time, or the patient be the last to know and in fact sometimes never comes to awareness of their condition. - I believe Jill Biden is a strong, intelligent woman and I do not believe she would let her husband attempt to serve if he were failing. That said, for all we know she may already be engineering his exit as per Romads supposition, or the two of them may be plotting how to put this behind them - we don't know yet, but certainly will soon enough. - I would also say that your brain may slow down and your down days get tougher, your reaction to drugs and minor illness get more extreme, all without there being any impairment of judgement or dementia involved.
  10. It's a whole different election logistics landscape. Biden will need a better answer than LBJ had.
  11. What is missing in all the chattering class talk about replacing Biden is that the usual talk about 'brokered' conventions comes in the context of a primary campaign where the possible candidates were already contesting in the primaries and so had done the ground work to be eligible for the general should they get the nod at a convention outcome. Not the case here, you don't have any ballot qualified candidates. That's why so little of this talk is from sources that Logan Roy would consider 'serious people', because people who are serious have to think through issues like this and propose answers before running their mouths.
  12. this is probably the most correct statement in several pages of this thread.
  13. It's not necessarily a Scotus issue, in most states you have to have your nominating petitions in before the party convention.... Take a look https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_president,_2024 Already past the filing deadline for independents in 10 states. There may be rules under which a party can replace a candidate - but you are going to get deeper into the weeds and probably end up in court.
  14. This is all almost silly at this point. Biden is only stepping aside if he decides to, and if he make that decision, that's end of story. OTOH, if the debate was a blip and he stays in and fights it out, my guess is that in the end he will get credit for having more stamina than his critics and by election time the age issue will be in the rear view mirror.
  15. Given the election logistics, that might not be the right move. If Biden really thinks he has to save the election by stepping aside, isn't now the wrong time? Can you even get anyone on all 50 state ballots? Maybe he goes to a podium - turns the campaign over to Harris and pledges to resign on Jan 21 after a Dem win and he and Harris are sworn in.
  16. Or maybe Ezra Klein (who I love BTW) is suffering a case of Pauline Kael syndrome.....😉
  17. In 1956 American didn't blink twice before re-electing a man that had just had a major coronary - in an era before statins, beta-blockers, stents or bypass surgery options, and his VP was 'effing Richard Nixon. Go figure. I guess the fact that he was a Republican speaks for itself.....😉
  18. Sounds like Hinch is setting up to be able to make a little bit of a distinction without a difference doesn't it?
  19. Part of the thing in baseball is that because of the CBA structure, a lot of guys don't come to market until they are already close to their sell-by dates, and hitting is a skill that can disappear in a hurry when father time flips the right genetic switches for a guy. Enough guys start falling off the cliff at just about 32 that anyone over 30 might be a risk at over 2 yrs. A good number of hitters do get to 35 OK, but then past that anybody still performing well with a bat is going to be an outlier. Pitchers go a few years longer, but with them the constant risk is already so high that age doesn't add as much additional risk as for hitters.
  20. It's the damn twitter/tik-tok culture run amok. Everyone is compelled to cook up some statement to drive their personal click rate. The more 'seriously concerned' you can sound, the better to burnish your credential as a person of gravitas equal to the situation you are commenting on, despite the reality that you're just another piker with a smartphone.
  21. Also, they knew the not so distant history of the Catholic/Protestant Civil Wars that had devastated England across every social class. Few Englishman in the New World had any desire to copy the old in that regard.
  22. I'm pretty sure it has been reported that Hinch's assistants are not available for interviews. I suppose the managers at the various MiLB levels must have more leeway, but they are running a pretty tight media ship.
  23. It's unbelievable that we have arrived at a point where you see a quote from a presidential candidate and if you didn't know the names your first assumption would have to be that it was something George Wallace said in 1968. This is so totally sick racism that any decent person should find it revolting. I know it doesn't help anything to call out Trump supporters who lap this up as being scum, sure - they love their kids too, but they sure have developed one helluva case of amnesia regarding basic right and wrong.
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