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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. talking about awareness - there was a play in the second half when the Clips had a chance to break, Ausar was the first to see it and took off. Half way down the court he reached up and back with his left arm and took a blind swat - he saw where the man in front was and was just taking a guess at the passing lane while running down court full at a full sprint. He didn't deflect the pass, but I was damn impressed at the awareness to make the attempt.
  2. Doubly ironic coming from Elon, whose always stresses that exact point whenever SpaceX has one their "alternately scheduled vehicle disassemblies"
  3. Getting Thompson's back and picking up Schroder have been big adds. Cade's FTA and eFG both steadily increasing.
  4. A couple those fouls came when Trae got past Thompson, and Ausar then ran over him on the trail because he didn't anticipate Trae's little stutter step. Definitely something he needs to learn. And in general, he needs to accept that once his man is past him there is a limit to what he can do. He gets caught overplaying trying to make it up when he's been passed, and you just have to learn to accept that you can't do that. His agility is something else to watch though - he's like a big cat out there.
  5. Sulzberger has been studying for his "Lachan Murdoch" junior certification for a number of years now, he's just not very good at it or the Times would already be a lot worse than it is.
  6. There is an old saw about engineering mentality being the person that will spend 20 minutes doing a 5 minute task the first time so he can do it in 4 minutes the next time. I think there is a lot of truth in that. But like most things - there is a limit to how much a good thing is still a good thing.
  7. Yes, and the beatings will continue until morale improves.
  8. How many of these are run by the old mainstream institutions (read: "non-evangelical"). So they wouldn't count with the MAGA.
  9. You would think that even though baseball has fewer Black players than it once did, the Hispanic population has to be at historically high levels and you might think they would be just as radicalized against Trump as Black players, but it doesn't seem to work that way. I'd guess on some teams the language barrier results in there being two separate clubhouses that may play together on the field but that's about it.
  10. Pistons had 3 players attempt 10 treys and make more than 50% of them. That's not your everyday occurrence.
  11. IDK - people who don't receive donations end up dead - hard to see the revenue generating potential in that, other than for the NFDA*. (*National Funeral Directors Assoc.)
  12. Tiger 3b coaches in mid-season form I see.
  13. Nice play at 2B, but not Torres.
  14. who decided it was alright for both teams to wear almost the same color shirts? A dozen uni's in each team's closet and we get teams dressed as twins.
  15. He had definitely lost a couple MPH before the back and TJ. When he came back last season he could touch 97 but the command wasn't great. He's had a decently big arm other than when the back was an issue. He has to recover his command this year after it being a bit questionable last season.
  16. Management styles and methods are all over the map in big businesses. Some places are a bitch to work for, some aren't. But it's certainly NOT unusual for management in an organization to not understand who is providing the value added in their org. At one point UM spent a 7 figure consulting contract with the firm that used to be Arthur Anderson. They came around and did survey and time studies. A lot of people got their task time audited. The conclusion they came up with was to centralize purchasing across the all the research departments (with lower cost clerks of course). A couple of hundred people were given notice they would be let go. Of course the faculty was asleep at the wheel all the time this was going on or they probably could have saved a lot of trauma. In any case, once the plan was announced, all the people that knew better informed TPTB that commissioned the study that department purchasers were basically all specialists in various arcane technologies and supply chains and if you tried to centralize purchasing, what you would end up with would be faculty members (the most expensive employees in the org) spending all their time hand-holding purchasers who had no clue what they were trying to buy. Plan was called off, money was wasted, but it did grease the skids for at least one high ranking administrator's exit. Stupid episode but indicative of the fact that you even if you pay a lot of money supposedly to analyze what your org is doing, it's no substitute for management that understands its org in the first place.
  17. True - computers don't get embarrassed when they do a bad job.
  18. many games where they never set a decent a balance between crowd and announcer mics, games where one announcer was markedly louder than the other, games with clipped mics like today. Too often get the impression someone set board and went to play video games for two hours.
  19. You could tell they were going to give it up. They didn't have the gas to pursue the puck at all short handed or at the end of the game generally. Did Kasper, Berggren or Veleno even dress for this game?
  20. The Tiger production teams, both radio and video have been really sub par in recent years. There is just no excuse on the radio - what you're hearing is just proof that who ever is producing the feed is NOT even LISTENING to it, which means either they are slackers, incompetents, or the producer is also being tasked to run one of the hot dogs stands around his production duties.
  21. Wings getting Fleuried,
  22. If you have a great FB (and Jobe is supposed to) and you can command a 12-6 curve ( which supposedly is what he is doing now), that's a great base combination because it works against batters of either hand. Whatever you throw beyond those two is gravy.
  23. I'd prefer Kavanaugh, Barrett and Roberts not be JOTSCOTUS, but that said, they are not in the same class of crazy as Thomas and Alito and are occasionally going to contribute to a reasonable result. Gorsuch is also his own kind of crazy, but over different things than Alito and Thomas. (EDITED)
  24. Crosby had a chance on a rebound out in front and couldn't make the play.
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