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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I get the inappropriate methodology issue, but why are we taking a screen shot instead of frame by framing a video where we actually can bracket the maximum error based on the frame rate and the bat velocity? Meanwhile Cora is crazy to pull Sale here.
  2. sure - the strain of translating engineeringese can be fatiguing.
  3. Why - 401K are retirement accounts - you don't pay the tax until you take it out. If anything stock values would go up as US companies immediately became more competitive. Plus we'd get to tick off the Euro's again, which is always fun.
  4. It's good to see a man who knows how to be happy.
  5. exactly, and you notice he body slammed the player that came after him after he decked Joseph as well.
  6. You know the rule from gaming theory: Absorb the 1st blow with equanimity. After that respond with overwhelming ruthlessness.... 😇
  7. those three as trade bait? Jim Schmakel need another bucket or two of batting practice balls?
  8. Aside from their politics, as Tater says, they were (and a lot of people still are) fundamentally wrong about the nature of the future economy as well. You still have to have your people employed by direct wealth producing enterprises if you want to have a vibrant middle class. The 'information/service' age economy that they thought was Utopia in 1992 was a pipe dream. IT has turned out to be more easily outsourced than the businesses it was hoped it could replace. And the fact is that some primary wealth producing enterprise has to make enough ROI to pay for all those services and IT out of its excess profit margins. Taking stuff that is worth nothing and turning into stuff that is worth something remains, and will remain the ticket for middle class employment opportunity for as long as real people live in real physical space.
  9. actually this democrat would be happy to see corporate income tax disappear - as long as every income earner above ~250K had to pay a stiff absolute minimum tax and every dividend and stock option was valued and taxed as regular income.
  10. I'd take 5 cases per 100K as a good marker for when it's appropriate to relax.
  11. As I noted - I think it has to do with practicalities. You can write a rule any way you like but in the end the umpires (or even the computers - in fact esp the computers) have to have some real objective observable on which to judge. As I see the situation, the 'bat across the plate' is about the only concrete observable in the whole situation so that is what has become the de facto standard. And yeah - if a guy stands forward in the box that's a problem for him wrt to checked swings, but it's no worse than the fact that pitchers don't get the whole theoretical K zone against tall guys (top) or short guys (bottom).
  12. Granted the rule is terrible because semantically it's based on the batters intent, which is impossible to judge - in fact I would say that based on intent every checked swing should be a strike because at some level the batter meant to start swinging the bat which to me meets the definition of 'offering' at a pitch. But practically speaking, while the rule doesn't provide an objective standard, the umpires have more or less created one, which is whether the bat crosses over home plate. (and I think this is reasonable because if the bat gets that far, it could have hit the ball.) I think many fans think it's more poorly defined than it is because they tend to look at the batters rotation, and the batter often stops his rotation but still cross the plate. On that basis the rule seems to be as clearly understood and enforced as well an anything the umps are responsible for - which granted - may not be saying all that much!
  13. and of course the Umps had to get into the act. Game ended on a bad call on the one play where the replay almost always proves them right, the checked swings strike. But not last night. Max got a gift for strike three to end the game.
  14. yeah - It's hard to know what fair means anymore in an environment where you can't find enough people willing to do a job to even get multiple quotes.🤷‍♂️ A general question on one point though: How old is the existing siding? if it's not pretty new then it may make sense to replace the whole wall because you probably can't get a color match (even for white) with weathered vinyl and vinyl siding doesn't last forever anyway.
  15. I've read his stuff for a long time - you never know if the person you read is the real person or not, it's easy to assume a persona in writing, but that said, he seems like a straight up guy.
  16. I'm hoping that they hit on a minor league arm for some additional BP help this year - Faedo, Wentz, Madden...there are enough possibilities it wouldn't be too much of a stretch. Especially since I'm skeptical that the control Cisnerno found for the 1st time in his career is going to sustain.
  17. yeah - that hardly cuts it in a town that watched Chuck Daly mix and match nightly on the way to a championship.
  18. The caution is that the bird in hand rule always applies - you never end up having nearly as many good options as you think you had when you let any >2 WAR player walk because you think it will be easy to do better. It just never is.
  19. and Trout following in Cabrera's footsteps not only in being a generational talent but also in getting paid big dollars to be injured..... Which is a another reason that spreading your funds across many good players can work out better than putting huge dollars into one or two superstars.
  20. unless you already have a really deep team like the Dodgers, I think that in baseball the same dollars spent on two good players will get you more winning differential than spending it on the best player that comes on the market. Or IOW, the economic are that being at the very top as a player is worth more to you in $ than it is to your team in wins.
  21. some of these are pieces of a more universal college culture - stuff than transcends any particular teams or games.
  22. yup - the progressives carried the Dem narrative through most of the Trump years but they are getting serious pushback from the more "mainstream" side worried about building out the coalition enough to overcome the structural advantages the GOP enjoys. The Dems have to win several % more than 50% to hold power in Washington and the realization that all the "demographic inevitability' talk that the Dems thought meant life was going to get easier has turned out to be BS. The progs don't like the idea they have to trim their sails to bring in people they don't like anyway, but the other side risks becoming nothing more than a replay of Bill Clinton's "GOP Lite" if they can't do better than Manchin's and Sinema's bottom lines. That push/pull is generating lots of heat currently. And since the Dems have lots of liberal arts majors in the tent on both sides, we get lots of words..
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