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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. They wanted to give Short, Paredes, Kreidler, Clemens and who knows who else all time on the Hen's IF - i.e. it was already crowded before Tork got there. It made sense to leave him at 1st.
  2. not if you end up moving him back the rotation, which they should be thinking about if they aren't.
  3. Trump was the one man who could have actively fought the anti-tax movement successfully. He didn't do squat. They had to pull teeth just to get him to make a lukewarm endorsement of the vaccine long after the fact. He never made any serious attempt at pushing *his* people in the positive direction and never took on any of fake reality peddlers in his own party or his buddies like Hannity at Fox. That's just the reality. Even at this late date - you think he might cut a pro vax PSA? You'd be kidding, right?
  4. Think about it: You would think a president would come into office hoping to spend his political capital trying to accomplish something positive. GW decided to spend his trying to democratize the ME. Foolish goal but ethically laudable - at least initially. Obama spent his trying to get people more health care and it cost his party dearly. Trump could have spent his directly saving people's lives -- how much better could you do that that? But NOPE, he wasn't having any. A sad man, a tragic man, and a tragedy for the country.
  5. yup. Almost every US death recorded since this summer is due to vaccine hesitancy, and Trump is maybe the one person that could stopped that from ever taking hold. Really - it's all on him, both the crimes of commission and omission.
  6. I'm still not absolutely, totally sold on Jeimer. If he's doing well by the ASB next year I'd be ready to make the commitment.
  7. woundn't think so, but at the time I had seen no report for the reason that he didn't play the last day.
  8. it's true he didn't play in the last game. I wondered if it was just so his BA couldn't fall below 300. Woozy makes more sense.
  9. purely from a cost perspective, Niko's is the worst number. I wouldn't mind him on the roster as a backup at <<300PA or so, but that number is too big for a part timer and I don't want to see him get >400 PA! Jimenez I can go either way. We don't see his side work so I'd be willing to be persuaded the staff still sees something there that is worth a $2M bet even if you can't see paying him based on what he has done between the lines. All the other marginal guys there are cheap enough the money is not a factor. I have a feeling Boyd will settle with the Tigers before arbitration. Maybe Fulmer also. I don't have a problem with Hutchison. He got blown up in his first appearance but did OK after that. Again, they may or may not want him but $900K won't be the reason.
  10. Yeah - the rules are fine. Unfortunately, it often seems the Umpires are maybe a little tight when they are calling them.... 🍷🍷🍷
  11. or it could have little to do with anything other than which team is better. Of course if M could hit more receivers open deep, they could play with anyone. I just can't figure Harbaugh. The guy loves QBs that can't throw. Now granted, I'll take McNamara over Patterson any day of the week. Patterson was the worst thrower I've seen under center at M since Bo insisted on playing Ricky Leach with a torn up shoulder. Cade at least does throw a reasonable mid range ball, but he's still a cubit short of an NFL quality arm.
  12. yeah - but he's slow.... (old engineer's joke....)
  13. It's a simple question. If most runners on 1st score on an actual double, then the rule should reflect that and give home plate to all runners on any ball ruled a ground rule double. If you had asked be before I did a search on this I would have said it's a slam dunk that the runner usually scores. Well - not so much - at least not up through 8 yrs ago. It's actually close enough to 50/50 that the only fair way to call it is to make it one of the umpires' responsibility to make a call about where the runner is when the ball goes out of bounds. There are 4 of them on the field, it seems one of them could be doing that. https://www.beyondtheboxscore.com/2014/4/21/5631146/chicago-white-sox-adam-dunn-score-from-first-on-double
  14. LOL - but look at the map of where the terrible case rates in MI are - it maps the GOP voting areas, so the Trump/GOP angle is implicit anyway - it's all cooked in at this point. 🤷‍♂️
  15. 7-5 seemed to be a common consensus. They should beat that barring a mental collapse after a State loss.......😱
  16. Ezra Klein with a long piece about the internal tensions in the Democratic Party over how not to lose voters. A lot of pessimism in the party over it. Not so much over Biden as the general issue that the progressives that lead the party remain toxic to the voters that the party needs to add to get to congressional majority. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/opinion/democrats-david-shor-education-polarization.html?searchResultPosition=4
  17. The only saving grace is that if they had taken a QB it probably would have been Tua, so we'd still be screwed. Then again even Tua is probably going to end up worth more than Okudah.
  18. You do it because the defense is picketed at the LTG so your man is open in the space short of it. It's up to him to get the yards once the ball is in his hands. Think of it as a running play with a long pitch.... It can work but it helps a lot If you have a receiver with RB skills. If not - not so much.
  19. When I went back and looked at the DVR there is no question. They even had the side line shot straight at the ball down the LOS and you could see the Neb player move past the plane of the ball before the center picked it up.
  20. plus self inflicted setback of nine games where the probably #1 line has to be patched up because Tyler Bertuzzi can't cross the border.
  21. I've been pleasantly surprised by Harbaugh and his team this year, but it's more a matter that I've been more surprised by what Tucker has done. He had a really empty cupboard.
  22. Have to admit I'm liking State's chances. MSU seems to be on more an upswing recently than M. It was nice that they were able to pull out a win here, which is certainly an improvement, but they had enough chances to make it easy on themselves and they didn't, which is sort of the definition of a not quite really good team. And their inability to connect on the long ball when it's open is really a killer. That said, 3 losses would still be a big set forward compared to where they have been.
  23. Plus you have to give big league hitters some credit. Just because a pitch makes 95% of college hitters look foolish doesn't mean that's going to translate to the Majors. To me it looks like the decision was results based - he's trended toward the slider because he was more effective with it than when he was throwing the split more. I've always been partial to the conventional wisdom that prospects with power fastballs are considered premium because 98 is 98 in any league. The results on the breaking ball depend more on the recognition skills of the hitters you are going against so they don't always play as well as pitchers more up the chain. The hardware available to measure spin and ball flight helps with that a lot more than in the past but I'd guess it remains true to some degree even now.
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