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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Niko and W. Castro out of the lineup. Paredes comes through with a great defensive play against Abreu. Hinch is already a genius.
  2. Preseason FB is meaningless. I wouldn't make that judgment until they play together when it counts.
  3. absolutely. Cars and bicycles don't mix. I've done thousands of miles on a road bike in my life but I know enough physics to appreciate that what the law or the rules or the anti-car crowd or the urban reformers or anyone else says, you get in the way of a 300 hp, 2 ton steel object on a bicycle and you get dead pretty quick.
  4. That was too easy. And TBF, physically these teams were a lot closer than the score; it was turnovers that took Wisconsin out of the game. And that's fair enough - you are not a good team if you turn the ball over a lot. But M shouldn't get to pleased with itself either just because Wisconsin didn't take care of the football.
  5. Greene is having himself a day this last week. AAA East is going to be happy to see this crew promoted to Detroit. Who ever heard of a AAA lineup with 4 >850 OPS hitters?
  6. Numbers trending down nationally but still growing in MI. 4K cases per day for the last two days per the State report.
  7. Niko steals the base, Cameron strikes out and interferes with Grandal, producing a DP without ever getting the bat on the ball or leaving the batter's box.
  8. This could really be fun. The Tigers haven't hit on a really great player since Verlander - we're due.
  9. In Greene's case, you have a 900 OPS, a 300 BA, 20+ HR and a guy who went from AA to AAA and held or *improved* his numbers across the board. Maybe that guy isn't ready but he for sure is ready to be tested to see if he's ready. Tork did stumble a bit on his promotion in terms of bat to ball, but even then not in the power dept at all. If he plays some kind of winter ball (he and Greene maybe both to the AFL) he could be as ready as he needs to be for his 1st test as well. In any case, if W. Castro, and Goodrum are anywhere near the 26 man next year I will be sorely disappointed. I really don't see how you keep Greene in the minors going into next year beyond maybe those couple of weeks of service time manipulation - assuming the CBA doesn't change all that. Sure I could see him stumbling and being sent back down, but I think he's ready enough for the chance to fail.
  10. over/under: if the states of the old confederacy seceded today they'd be poorer than Mexico in 20 yrs?
  11. I guess I don't follow why it's not a good thing to be strong on both sides of the O-Line. It's not like the opposition is going to promise to always blitz or line up their best DE over our LT.
  12. OK - I wasn't sure if you were arguing he walk rate was high or low in this context. The counter arg would be that he is capable of walking at an even higher rate and is thus still being more aggressive than he *might* be. I'm not arguing that is true but he does seem to be a rare talent so we may need to hold open the possibility we underestimate him to project from league average values. All that said, having just turned 21 a few days ago, it's most likely he is still learning what he can't hit and he will likely also gain the strength to get the bat to more balls he sees well enough but doesn't reach now.
  13. LOL - I must have known your father. When I was in college I worked in the bookstore and one of the owners kept a sign on his desk that said, "Why is there *never* time to do the job right in the first place, but *always* time to do it over?"
  14. And there is some history of Mayhem in the those waters. I well recall the day my father, one and a half decades removed from the US Navy, deciding we had to walk 1/2 way across the Ambassador bridge just to stop and lean over the edge and look down at this ship (and take a few snaps with the Argus C3) which managed to get itself sunk smack dab under the span 59 yrs ago. They say she lost a load of European wine as she went down, though a guess would be some of the wine had already found its way to the lake pilot that rammed her into the barge.
  15. not following your argument here. You are positing he can't have a higher walk rate if he were less aggressive? Or something else?
  16. Riley pushes his AAA BA up to 307 tonight with a 3/4 2B; Tork 1/4; Kreidler also with a double. Leiter with 8IP gave up only 2 hits but one was a 2 run HR. 1BB, 9K. Hens with only one hit beyond those noted, end up shut out 2-0.
  17. Victor started the season with 2 options left, there would not have been any reason to DFA him, they just used one of his options. https://www.blessyouboys.com/2021/3/11/22312652/2021-detroit-tigers-roster-payroll-service-time-and-options https://www.milb.com/player/victor-reyes-622682
  18. It's hard to overestimate how bad Trump actually was. In general a crisis hitting from the 'outside' like a foreign war or a pandemic is something any even half-way competent leader can use to vault himself into relatively stratospheric approvals - for instance look at what 9/11 did for 'W', who without it probably would have crashed and burned as a bumbler before his 1st term was up. The fact that we are talking about the pandemic making it hard on Trump's popularity is a total inversion of any normal politics.
  19. Well since that is pretty much exactly what did happen in ~33 AD it would not be surprising if nothing has changed.
  20. the exec may or may not have the authority. There certainly isn't anything in US law that I know of that empowers a President to require people to get vacciinated *in general.*, but by the same token, if the Pres doesn't neither does anyone else in the Fed gov. But workplace safety is not 'in general' and using OSHA to get what they want on vaccines takes advantage of the existing authority the Congress gave the executive to make administrative law with respect to workplace safety. As long as they follow the rule making process correctly, that can be perfectly valid. And the authority flows from the Executive power of the gov - which is the Pres. Again go back to Article II "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:..." Many - especially liberals, wish it weren't the case but the Constitution does not allow for the Congress to give power to anyone but the President. Cabinet officers can have direct so-called "Ministerial Authorities" but those are non-discretionary. There have been rules and limits that Presidents have accepted for how they interact with their own departments as matters of good government, but again, Trump proved that it's custom that enforces those, and a President willing to violate custom can do pretty much what he wants in most of those areas up until there is a Congress actually willing to impeach and convict him.
  21. The difference of opinion on Reyes is I think less about Reyes than Hill's bat. A lot of folks here seem pretty optimistic about it. I think the jury is still out if he can stay above 550 ops. Show me a consistent 700 even 675 OPS from Hill and I'll take him over Reyes, but even the best OF D is not worth too weak a bat. Kiermaier is the best defensive OF on the planet and D doesn't get his bat everyday PA with one of the smartest orgs in baseball.
  22. Of course, I'd still rather have Kiermaier than either of them, but Tampa has quite the luxury with him as a 4th OF!
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