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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I think the whole question of the way music genres come and go is fascinating. There has been a change in popular music style pretty much every generation since Bach. Some eras have produced music with a lot more staying power and it looks like 60s-70's period may turn out to be one of them. I've seen music historians speculate that a big surge in music education in the post WWII era (US and Europe) led to a lot of very high quality musicianship, plus the boomer cohort creating enough market for their down generation's musicians to break through early when their creativity was still high.
  2. LOL - 8M is really nothing in terms of dead money. Of course next season that's likely to jump to ....$39M.
  3. I will say it concerns me - some. Most hitters are forced to abandon big leg kicks once they have to face the level of velocity differential that major league pitchers can throw at them. No great hurry yet - he can wait and do at some point on his way up, but he might as well do it sooner as later because he almost certainly will have to eventually.
  4. Biden looked fine at NATO. Americans probably not watching.
  5. Moral of the 10th : need more K's in the bull pen.
  6. If only our starter had only given up 3..
  7. Yeah - He throws pretty well, but the glove is not particularly reliable -
  8. The old guard GOP, finally disabused of the idea they will ever get their old party back, is reduced to hoping the Dems can somehow fail them back into relevance.
  9. yea - true in the overall sense, but in terms of the back to back to back futility....At least Zimmermann had the decency to keep going back to the DL so we never had to contemplate him being in the rotation for 15 straight starts more!
  10. Zimmermann was pretty bad, but this feels worse.
  11. Nose is narrower and the eyebrows are less rounded, other than that....
  12. With another year on the legs, I have a hard time believe Petry will be anything close to effective. Seems totally unfair to Edvinsson to ask him to play opposite a pylon as rookie. Of course, if he's good, I suppose he is the blue-liner likely to have the range and reach to play opposite guy who covers less ice.
  13. There is also a big cultural break within the boomers somewhere around 52/53. Maybe driven by the difference between being at higher risk of the draft, and also being more at the cutting cultural edge. If you were born in say '51, your might have been able to be sheltered from Rock'n'Roll and the cultural shifts somewhat - esp if you had conservative parents. By a few years later the older generation had lost the rear-guard action to hold back youth culture primacy. In my experience that older end of the cohort also became more politically conservative than the rest.
  14. this actually all makes perfect sense. The idea that the market would jump right to 100 EV instead of bridging though hybrids and plug-in hybrids was never the most rational concept. But part of what was driving it was that the manufacturers *wanted/hoped* to make the jump because hybrids are more expensive to build, and to maintain capability to service, so Ford and GM - who hadn't yet made really big commitments to hybrids, really wanted to to skip right past them. Buyers have other ideas. The other thing I think is true is that engineering sense finally began to penetrate with the decision makers. Vehicles with huge batteries for long ranges don't make a lot of sense - too much weight penalty. Far better to go with smaller batteries and a better build out of the charging infrastructure. The plug-in hybrid is a really good solution for big slice of the market who commute distances that can be reached without firing up the IC engine. This all reduces the short term demand for battery production.
  15. Interesting. Some composers of TV themes have been fairly well known, but in the cases I can think of it was prior to and not because of their TV theme work - Mike Post, Bob James, Lalo Schifrin...
  16. Nothing wrong with Miller's stuff when he's 'on', he just has this habit of turning 'off' unexpectedly......😱
  17. weather said there was a light breeze in toward home plate tonight and the ball park played big for everyone - luckily for Miller at the end escpeically.
  18. Montero and Miller saved the day? Who had that on their scorecard? ...yeah - you're lyin'!
  19. Geez - he tried to give it away on the 2nd batter instead of the 3rd!
  20. Miller for two outs but I don't let him pitch to the last batter - I go Foley for the last out.
  21. that's one good reason the whole ''replace Joe" thing has nowhere to go, because if Joe is out Harris has to be the presumptive "heir" --and if Harris has to be the answer, there is zero point in doing anything - she's already there.
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