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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yup - Can't blame Ramon, he was giving the right signal, he has third easy if he doesn't let up.
  2. The old skipper with a good word for Kreidler just now.
  3. also a good concept, though with Lawler just having undergone shoulder surgery - always potentially tricky - the DBacks may or may not be less ready to give up SS depth.
  4. Valenti being Valenti. Trading to rebuild is profitable if you are trading age for youth or depth for picks. The Lions are already a very young team and depth is a total oxymoron applied to any aspect of the current Lions.
  5. crude to say but DeSantis has already lost far more GOP voters to Covid than he won by in 2018
  6. people are never so adamant about proving than point than when they know they are really wrong. "double-down"syndrome at work.
  7. If it were me, I've got a SS so I'd use Kim as a sweetener to try to get someone to take Hosmer or Myers, which would make him unavailable on any terms the Tigers *should* be willing to entertain. ☹️
  8. Leiter 7 IP, 5H 1ER 0BB 7K as Hens top Louisville 3-2 Kreidler 2/4 HR
  9. It's pretty depressing when you consider how many middle infielders have passed through the Tiger turnstiles both majors and minors since Iglesias walked and that not one of them has been able to either make the majors or be useful once there. Niko and W. Castro especially since both flashed just enough to get the FO hooked on them, but both have now disappeared for all intents and purposes.
  10. Sure, it's Bush's clout in Wy that I would doubt. It feels like he's in a deeper hole with 2022 Repubs than Jimmy Carter was with 1992 Dems.
  11. Unless 'W' & Laura register in WY I don't see his endorsement bringing Cheney any votes.
  12. I can sympathize with him though. Fusion is a last resort kind of solution - I don't know anything about the alternative he wants to try but if it's viable I know I'd go a long way to find an alternative to fusion.
  13. The other possibility is a trade for near ready SS that is blocked or just hasn't been called up in some other org - a player in the position that Austin Jackson was in when we traded for him - a guy with no resume but not much downside risk of not performing. The thing is the trade chip would likely have been a pitcher and with Turnbull and now possibly Boyd down long term, they are not in nearly as strong a position to trade pitching as they were when the season started.
  14. My understanding is that the loss of activity of the flu shot is not completely understood. It had been assumed that the increase in vaccinated people getting the flu later in the season was that the vaccine 'wore off' so the advice would be don't get the shot too early. But there is a competing theory that the decrease in effectiveness of the vaccine over time may just be due to the constant mutation of wild flu - in which case it doesn't really help you to put off vaccination. Or maybe both are true. At UM they seem to be going more with the latter theory because they seem to be offering shots earlier each year recently - or maybe that is just logistics......
  15. China is depressing. I'd rather get a bottle and go tai wan on.
  16. I think this hinges on the disconnect between 'normal courtesy' and the deep tradition in baseball that it is *always* up to a team to protect any communication they do on the field - it's always the right of the other team to intercept the other team's communication as long as it is done by 'ordinary' human means, (sign stealing etc) and picking up a dropped data card certainly qualifies as 'ordinary human' means to me. To me, a catcher that doesn't have the presence of mind to realize he's dropped his data card is no different than one that doesn't realize he needs to change signs with a man on second. Tough luck. If I'm Kiermaier, I pick it up.
  17. LOL - the rich thing is that neither 'personal vendetta' nor 'political agenda' are in themselves grounds for legal action. Really just more abuse of the legal system by Trump. You'd hope that one of the things that might emerge from the Trump saga is more willingness of American courts to refuse what are clearly nuisance and harassment suits, or at least to demand court costs back for defendants more often. I understand that the US courts have always tried to maintain a philosophy of erring on the side of access but we really have gone way too far down that path compared to the rest of the world.
  18. but are the people in Ohio who elected Gonzales going to refuse to vote for a crazy, or just keep pulling that 'R' level out of habit or inability to get past a stale cultural identity? If they do the later then there ultimately will not be pressure for change in the GOP.
  19. yeah - he'd had at least 5 yrs in the minors and not on a 40 so I think that made him eligible as a minor league free agent to go where he wanted or could get a deal.
  20. seems unlikely they will need to - Cleveland isn't going to close the gap on the ChiSox and the ChiSox are not likely to get close to Houson's record for 2nd place overall so this game won't have any standings/playoff impact.
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