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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Parker keeping on keeping on, 2/4, BB and SB tonight. OPS still holding >900 Vilade wins the game for Toledo with a GS in the top of the 9th.
  2. Big defeat for Brit Tories. Labour projected to take a 170 seat majority in the House of Commons. I'll take the over on Britain being back in the EU before the Tories win another national election.
  3. I think they are going to have to press Montero into full time starting duty the way they did with Olson last year and hope they get lucky again. And of course if Mize's hammy is anything less than minor, they'll still need to keep starting Maeda.
  4. Plus the guys you can't figure because of their inconsistency. Vierling's monthly OPS have been 705, 925, 563. How do you use/evaluate that?
  5. LOL - maybe the debate woke America up to the fact that if Biden is going to get elected they are going to have to help.
  6. LH shots have probably had to play the wrong side somewhere along the way since teams are chronically short of RH shots. But I wouldn't think many RH shots are as prepared to play the wrong side.
  7. Manning’s stuff seems to run hot and cold, he can’t reproduce what he does when he pitches well with any consistency. I guess we have to hope that mechanics tweaking gets him there. There was a nice stretch last yr before the last injury when he seemed to have it figured out but he hasn’t gotten back to that since.
  8. In the end , evidence can make a difference. Biden has to get out there and defy the narrative. If he does, he kills two birds with one stone, because he will invalidate future negative speculation as well. But he has to act. If he tries to slide by with “this too shall pass” I’ll be much more worried that it’s his presidency that will doing the passing.
  9. I wish I could be more optimistic about what Tork is doing at Toledo. It’s looking like it’s going to be a slow process at best. /…sigh…/ OTOH, Parker continues to rake, which is nice to see.
  10. Even if in some world this is a logical outcome, do you really think the org will walk back the moves they made to put them where they are? Let me just say I’ll be surprised if it came to pass.
  11. We can only hope they get over all the silly stuff in the next week or so.
  12. By that time they’ve also had a hundred coaches give them conflicting advice about hundreds of things. The fact that a player ignores or rejects a lot coaching doesn’t have to say he’s unserious, just that he has likely already spent his life sifting through what he believes works for him may be justifiably skeptical of any teams theories de jure, even if it may be good stuff. Its especially hard to prove that to guys until you have success to point to. The tigers actually have some of that kind of cred on the pitching, have zero on the hitting side.
  13. I just mean that if a player doesn’t stay with the program but continues to perform, there aren’t likely to be any repercussions. Good players are just too rare. Maybe a rare management will cut off its nose to spite its face to make a point, but not many, even if it may be his just desserts if he does get hurt.
  14. I may be wish casting, but in recent post games I think I might be hearing some evidence of re-evaluation. Less talk about looking for good pitches to hit and more about getting aggressive in the zone. Is it real? Would it make any difference with this crew?
  15. If a guy can throw or hit MLB pitching, anything else he may or may not deserve for any other reason means essentially squat, at least up to where the cops or the commissioners office has be involved. 🤷🏻
  16. They are nothing if not predictable.
  17. With young athletes it can be a ‘lead a horse to water” kind of thing. You may give them great advice they follow when you’re watching then they go try to break the apparatus in the weight room when you’re not.
  18. Yeah, JHM may be coming around.
  19. Wings will have mold him into a better shot blocker though.
  20. Somebody out there needs to invent better training regimes for athletes. Nothing Casey did going for that ball should have resulted in injury.
  21. Mannings last start was actually pretty good. Can he string together a few?
  22. Which, given the quality of the starting pitching is even worse than should be.
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