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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It will be interesting to see what happens with Tesla. He is about to have a whole bunch of competition in a market he used to have pretty much to himself.
  2. Too late for that, I don't know where he has been but Austin has been deep blue probably since before Elon was firing bottle rockets in his back yard. (OK - maybe not that long but I liked the phrase.....)
  3. Ulnar Armageddon?
  4. my premise somewhere up-thread was exactly that that person wouldn't necessarily deserve it, but simply that 0/17 would require some kind of sacrifice to propitiate the football/media/fan gods regardless.
  5. this is actually an interesting question. Michigan needs close to 1 million vaccinations to close the gap from a 60 to a 70% vaccination level. So who is missing? The one obvious answer the band across the mid state from Sanilac to Oceola where vaccination rates are still mostly in the 40's. This is deep red farm and conservative evangelical country. I don't know how you reach those people but they certainly are not taking advice from anyone they regard as a liberal democrat so they sure aren't listening to Whitmer! But that is only half the story, the other big gap is in the City of Detroit and you have a couple of things going on there I think. The first is the general level of distrust in the Black community which has been higher than in other populations. That is a given, but FLA also has a large minority population. There is another thing at work which may be just a significant and tells a slightly different story, which is that it appears immunity in Detroit is actually already comparable to areas with higher vaccination rates because of how hard the city was hit initially. In this recent surge case rates in Detroit stayed low (comparable to Washtenaw county where the vac rate is 70%) despite the low vaccination rates. Another way to approach this is that if you look at the fatality rate Detroit had suffered and take it back into the overall national calculation of incidence rate, you get that the case rates in Detroit were easily 3 times higher than were ever actually reported. Long story short, I would guess there are tens of thousands of Detroiters are not bothering with vaccination because they know they've already had Covid.
  6. IDK, that might be easier to predict at 0-8 than it will be to maintain if they reach 0-17! All-in-all still more likely they do win one or two.
  7. yeah - the problem with going 0-17 is someone will have to be sacrificed, and it may have nothing to do with whether that is the person that most deserves it. They will be forced into change for the sake of change and as always with the Lions, there is no guarantee change will be in the right direction.
  8. I guess it depends on how Snitker evaluated the state of his BP. Or maybe he changed his mind when Minter got lit up. At least from that point he seemed to have decided that having the rest of his top arms rested Tues was more appealing to him than using more of them last night. If Houston wins out out course it will have been the wrong move! 🤷‍♀️
  9. I don't expect all Colleges to have the same admission or retention stds, the institutions are too different from one another. What is silly is that they are all trying to swim in the same pool. It would make a lot more sense for the college athlete for the conferences to re-organize themselves so that similar institutions could agree on whatever requirements they wanted without getting pushback from other schools with different objectives in their current conferences. You could have an AAU umbrella conference with 4 divisions or so that operated on academic rules set somewhere between today's no scholarship Ivy League and the current BiG and they could play for their own championship and the SEC + whoever could do the same and play for theirs, and everyone could be happy and there could be a lot less chicanery, except the people who only see the world through $$ signs. Unfortunately those are the people who get to make the decisions......
  10. One of the patterns with anti-virals is that they often have to be administered so early in the course of the infection that the patient is not yet aware they are infected. That can limit their practical usefulness, esp for drugs that require a prescription which means contacting or visiting a doctor or clinic. This new Merck product is described as effective given 'within 5 days of infection'. Hopefully that is a big enough window for people to get effective use of it - assuming it's approved.
  11. Y U P !
  12. TBH, outside observer's have had serious criticisms of the way FoMoCo has been run throughout WCF's Jr's tenure as COTB. There has been a bit of a crises to crises pattern with some poor CEO tenures (Hackett, Nasser) alternating with management 'rescues' Peterson, Mullaly, and now Farley is getting a lot of positive press and the stock value heading up again.
  13. I think the key starts with the Larkin line though. You have to find the right mates for him, because when that line clicks, it elevates to where the other team has to start worrying about match-ups, then it becomes easier right on down for the 2nd and 3rd Wing lines. Get Larkin's line-mates right and the rest all follows. I wish he could be more effective playing with whoever he gets thrown out there with but that doesn't seem to be the way it goes.
  14. yup - Snitker was/is managing to win one out of three - which is probably the right strategy. There are no style points awarded for winning in less than 7.
  15. The thing with SFH is the same with WCF, maybe they will succeed, but there just isn't any kind of resume there of successfully building/managing any kind of competitive organization. Now that's not the be all and end all, she *might* turn out to be good at it, and plenty of people with a lot of outside success have been terrible sports owners - our own Dan Gilbert not the least with the Cavs and Tom Monahan with the Tigers. And for that matter WCF Jr has/had plenty of management experience when he was advising his father and that sure didn't seem to do any good. Still, all-in-all your odds are probably better with an owner that has a resume of accomplishment building or running something. SFH is just another 'maybe we get lucky this time.' That's not her fault, it just is what it is.
  16. All true. I guess what triggered me was the way it was put: "Campbell has a guy that tells him when to go for 4th down." Well no, Campbell may have a guy that gives him an overview of what the most common outcomes in a situation may be, but Campbell better be doing all the things you describe and using that as one factor in a more complex decision analysis and not just nodding his head!
  17. The more general point raised by D Karch this morning is was the time. They were down to roughly 1 play (13sec?). So throw it into the end zone or kick it should have been the choices. If they had made the sneak where does that leave them? They still have to kick or take a shot into the end zone. IOW the clock was the bigger constraint than getting the 1st down.
  18. no, because what was happening right at the beginning had nothing to do with what any government or local population was consciously doing because no-one knew what they were doing. The death/incidence rates early on had to do almost completely with how international travel patterns first distributed the virus around the country and where it first found dense low health populations. NYC apparently hit because of connections to Italy (don't remember why Italy was one of the first hit but it was...) and Detroit apparently because of auto industry connections to Wuhan.
  19. LOL - I think the sports world has gone insane. You can do all the analytics back to 1933 and it still doesn't tell you whether that particular day on that field, *your* RT is handling *their* LDE or instead getting manhandled by him better than your own offensive co-ordinator looking at the play by play shots in real time. There are some things in life where each event is essentially a 'one of' and statistical analysis on those things can only have limited value. Could be why the Lions' results look so random? Or put another way, the analytics can tell you what the added win probability is for the average two teams in that situation, but you still have to decide for yourself on that play if your team and the other team look anything like average that day - and that is always a judgment call on a set of *unique* circumstances and matchups for that play. wonder if we are getting to the point where selling analytics to sports teams has become enough of a business in it's own right that it's becoming subject to the same over-hyping kind of marketing as other businesses.
  20. well, there is bad, then there is Lion's bad! No matter how many years you've had to prepare, it's still hard to expect Lions's bad.
  21. The argument is whether the market actually captures cost accurately or fairly or even 'justly.' Obviously books have been written arguing all this stuff backward and forward, but suffice it to say that 'the free market' is an intellectual idealization that exists exactly nowhere, so any any real world argument that invokes it is immediately suspect....
  22. trap game next week - could be a big let-down after this one. I heard Cade stepped up and put the loss on himself. Did his coach make a point of contradicting him (I guess we don't find out until at least tomorrow....) or will his coach let him get more or less thrown under the bus for a game when the D gave up 37?
  23. well, it's always nice to finally achieve clarity on long unsolved riddles. 👳‍♂️
  24. It strikes me they couldn't have done a very good job on UDFA's and searching the cut down lists. There had to have been at least a few players better than this combination who are seriously threatening to go 0/17. Even if you put up a whole team made up of each team's last cut you should be able to at least win a couple. Or even worse to contemplate, this coaching staff actually isn't better than Patricia....
  25. Walmart dithered for years before they finally opened the store in Washtenaw county near Ypsi. They closed it last year. I guess there is still one in Saline - never been there.
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