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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. i wouldn't but maybe for a different reason. To me the Wings roster is already too thin - that's a situation where moving two good players for a great one (esp a forward) is actually going to be counterproductive for 40 minutes out of 60.
  2. But that rally isn't going national. That's my point. Those clips have to be the campaign commercials. Not the anti-Trump ones they've been running where you never see Biden. They don't need to persuade the people who are at all alive the facts about what Trump is, they need to get out there and show them what Joe still is - And they can't rely on the media to publicize 'energy joe' because it's not the narrative. They are going to have to build/buy that narrative themselves.
  3. The one thing they absolutely have to do after last night is get film of Biden looking and speaking better out into the media. They cant be running campaign ads with nothing but Joe's "I approved this message" at the end. We need to see Joe looking better.
  4. Except those polls are pretty meaningless because none of those people have mounted any kind of national campaign to raise their recognition levels. August to November provides plenty of time for that. Also none of those people have Biden's endorsement, which would be a major factor *if* it does ever gets to that which is still unlikely IMHO.
  5. Funny thing, they have three guys at Toledo carrying 900 OPS, Vilade, Navigato, Meadows, and Dingler is at 855. I guess in a what is turning into a wipe out of a season I don't see why McKinstry, Kreilder and Baddoo, and for that matter even Rogers, are blocking those guys from getting some run. I get it that a 900 OPS in AAA is pretty meaningless this year - (apparently the pitching in the international league sucks)- Baddoo and Malloy were both close before their call ups, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Give some guys a shot, the worst that happens is you send them back.So what?
  6. They might as well play Ibanez full time. His split this season against RHP is terrible but for his career he is 652 which beats Kreidler or McKinstry. Likewise Canha. His career split against RHP is still a better option better than Baddoo. You don't HAVE to play bad platoon players when they are worse than the non-platoon options - it's just dumb. You don't need to play bad players to "keep guys sharp" who are no real part of your plans short or long term. It's OK to have a guy on the bench that is only going to play if lightning strikes. Or rotate guys you need on bench for emergency backfill through Toledo so they get periodic playing time. Again, no law says those guys have to get regular MLB PAs.
  7. The rest of the line-up is just barely passable so when you add Baddoo, McKinstry and Malloy there's just not enough to generate anything. Someone said they're waiting for Meadows to hit breaking balls. He was 3/5 tonight - hit one curve but no sliders. Pushed his OPS back over 900. Also Tork 0/3 with 2 BB.
  8. They just got Gerrit Cole back so desperation may wane a little - although he did get banged around in his second start -
  9. Just cataloging what's out there available for the next 12-24 mo. It's the Org's view that Montero is the next man up right now. They made the call.
  10. Of course if Willi had put up the LH OPS with the Tigers he has put up for the Twins, I don't think so many would have been screaming for his head. Heck - I remember thinking he was so lost from the left side I suggested he'd probably be better off overall if he stopped switch hitting. He was already 25 and not showing strong signs he was ever going to get it.
  11. I guess if you had it to do over the pick might be Patrick Bailey, that would have been panned as a reach at the time.
  12. Nope. Even if you wanted to move him, an MLB for MLB trade would be an off-season one - not a deadline deal for exactly that reason. In the off-season you could swing a hitting for pitching deal.
  13. The other thing that I don't think people have adjusted to is that for the last several years we have been able to assume the Tigers were deep enough in starting pitching in the pipeline to be able to trade pitching. Times change - the pipeline looks like Montero, and maybe Jobe midseason 25 or later. Of the depth that was going to allow a trade, the probability of any of Wentz, Faedo and Manning becoming front line starters is evaporating.
  14. Dershowitz is a putz who fails to see the obvious. To paraphrase Stalin, "How many divisions does the SCOTUS have?" The executive still controls the LEO resources needed to evict them from the building if they they were so brazen as to overturn their own impeachment. End of story.
  15. Love is always real, man! (hear this in Dennis Hopper's voice and you have it.)
  16. To take a less US centric view, I think you also have to credit that Kim is trying to use Russia as leverage against pressure he gets from China. China may find NK a useful client, but they don't like loose cannons either, they want him under their control. So Kim gets a freer hand if he can play two sponsors off against one another. And for us, any potential friction between Russia and China over their respective NK policies would not be a bad thing.
  17. this is why Trump accepted for a debate this early. Hillary trounced in the 1st debate and the polls immediately after had her winning easily (as had been litigated ad nauseum!), but Hills didn't really show up in the rest of the debates and Trump was able to recover. I think that the difference here is that all Biden has to do for those worried about his age is to have his **** together and once that impression is made, what happens on the Trump side is less important. Whereas every time Hillary had additional mass exposure there was just more risk she'd tick off more people (sorry Hillary supporters, but that's just the way people take her to a large degree.)
  18. it's all good. But you were correct, it is a nothing issue, but nature abhors a vacuum and Stevie is a master at vacuum creation!
  19. I think it's complicated because while some guys have bad mechanics - and you'd think you could teach that - a lot of guys who can't make a shot in a game can make them all day in the gym, so it's not always a matter of just being able to make the shot, it's also being able to marshal that instant of calm you need under game pressure to switch from gross to fine motor control, or even have them both in play at once.
  20. The other, and hopefully actual, way that Biden wins tonight is we hear Biden talking about us, and we hear Trump talking about Trump.
  21. There are two ways to look at it though, with the clock the starter does his work over a shorter total time interval so the overall fatigue period is shorter. These issues are complex enough that you don't likely get an clear answer until it starts to show in real world experience if it ever does at all over all the other noise. Plus I'd put it this way - the incredible lengthening of games certainly didn't do anything obvious to reduce pitcher injury, so hard to make a strong case that returning to shorter games will be detrimental.
  22. If pitchers see that other Umps will call it, it will then almost certainly become a problem.
  23. Of course the worse case read is that Willi only blossomed when he got out from under the pressure of worrying over whether he was going to raked over every pitch he swung at. I'm not arguing that's the case, but at some point the team needs to show us the kind of success with hitters to prove it wasn't. The less severe read is that Minn simply had a coach that had the right answer for Willi's LH swing. I'll grant no team can possibly have the right coach for every player, but again - at some point you have to show your coaching hits at least balance out your misses or your staff needs to change. It's a no excuses business. Nobody cares about your theories if they don't make a difference on the field.
  24. one issue with Clark seems to be consistency. 3/4s interspersed with two or three ofers.
  25. Any North Korean troops the see happen to see the west will never be allowed back into N. Korean society. They've seen the Stalin model - you bury those people.
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