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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Wings couldn't buy a goal in the 1st and then didn't capitalize on the 5 on 3. Doesn't bode well that CBJ are still in this one. And Larkin needs to take his own shot more.
  2. It's been three rounds - 5/7/7- for a long time now hasn't it? As long as they keep each series to 2 travel days it can't really get any shorter. I guess the play in game adds a day? It is too long - I don't doubt that if they add another round they might well cross the point of decreasing returns on viewership.
  3. Pointing out the things you liked that Trump did while president is like being happy about the fact that a guy that spent 4 yrs trying to burn down your house washed your car one day.
  4. I guess it depends on how you define 'Republican.' As per Gallup, full party identification with the GOP is down around 25%, so 80% or more of that group would not surprise me at at. OTOH if you add in the additional 15% of 'leaners' who don't admit to affiliation but probably vote red anyway, that number would be more frightening.
  5. Well, to be fair maybe they hadn't thought it through the 1st time and began to think it through subsequently and ended up where there are. I think one thing that is true is that when you are young, you have to choose something to believe about what motivates people and a lot of your ideas will follow from that, and you may change what you think about that any number of times. I think as you get older you form you own 1st person data about what motivates people and at that point if what you had accepted from other people eventually doesn't square with the sum of your own experience a big shift may come in your views also.
  6. Do you think the rivalry stuff still holds as much with half your starters coming through the portal from year to year? I wonder if between NIL income, transfers, etc., NCAAF going to become professionalized to where few players have any particular tie to their teams and rivalries become things that fans and sportwriters carry on about but that the players just see as just one more game on their resume.
  7. yeah - this is the dirty little secret of the supposedly liberal media. Campaign finance reform may be a fundamental topic for progressives, but 90 of all that campaign money is spent with 'the media' and they know all too well what happens in a system of publicly funded low cost political campaigns.
  8. Haven't seen any clarity on when Clifford comes back for PSU, one story said maybe for OSU. I've sort of got a feel for what M is, haven't watched MSU so have zero idea what they are. On paper it looks like two teams close enough that you'd just pick the home team. Obviously M has potential to surprise on the upside if they throw the ball well, but potential is all it is.
  9. The UM campus is running 10 cases per 100K per day and it's going down. That is with everyone vaccinated (~95%), everyone masked, and everything open including the cafeterias and in the mist of the surrounding community with an infection rate 2.5 times higher.
  10. "I've seen the postings and the damage done A little bit of them from everyone But every forum's like the setting sun..."
  11. I would think offers to Leddy and/or deKeyser would not be surprising depending on what they do this season. But will need need defensemen even if both of them do come back. Seider, Edvinsson, Hronek, Leddy, deKeyser is still only 5. I wouldn't put the odds real high on McIsaac or Lindstrom. Wings have scored 9 goals, the D has 6 assists.
  12. Btw - one other question. A member list doesn't seem to be visible here. Intentional or just oversight? I kind of liked that.
  13. TBH, after watching the replay, that was a pretty terrible hop Altuve was trying to corral. I can't figure the scoring on the play though. The MLB box calls it a fielder's choice and an error. But Altuve never made a throw to any base. No play was made, everyone moved up one base and a run scored. That's just an error - or a single. Where is the FC? If there is a FC *and* and an error either one out needed to be made or two runs should have scored - i.e. say a throw home that did or didn't get the runner and then a misplay to allow a second run to score.
  14. Could be but I'd flip the logic a little. Those seeing their children cut down on a regular basis by random gunfire are a lot less likely to care so much about the political theory if they can keep their children safer. Heck, look at how quickly the right wing has been to throw away constitutionalism at the first sign pressure on their white privilege, how much less do we think people burying their children will worry about the niceties? High level political philosophy is fundamentally a luxury for the well off.
  15. The conventional wisdom would be to say that comes from having life too easy, so you would think growing economic insecurity, 20 years of war and now 3/4 of a million deaths might be somewhat of an antidote to it. Hasn't seemed to have been.
  16. It does suck when you build something and you have to see the people that follow you not care about it. Been there.
  17. As you can guess, everyone is still masking in A^2. Part of that is because so many people work at the U and have to during their day anyway, part of it is cultural. Washtenaw also has the lowest infection rate of any large MI county. Washtenaw and Oakland also have the highest vaccination rates of the large counties. So given the high vaccination rate does the masking matter? Good question. People here are not interested in getting the answer the hard way however. I would be interested in reporting from folks in Oakland county though, because that would be a good comparison. Vaccination rates and infection rates in Oakland and Washtenaw are pretty close - are people in the denser parts of Oakland: Southfield/Farmington etc., masking or not?
  18. I don't know all the things they did but among other things they did fund a temporary bounty where they paid people to bring guns in. But TBH, what community benefits the most if there IS an unequal application of the law enforcing gun reduction. Again - lets not confuse theoretical benefits with practical ones! Afterall, Life is listed before Liberty even in the DOI. If you ask the average Detroiter if it matters to them if people in West Bloomfield have guns at home if their community can get more gun free I think you can guess the answer.
  19. that's a good description.
  20. Are we talking house to house searches here? I woudn't think so. But even those guns would eventually roll out of circulation as the next generation got rid of what they found in the attic. I'm not going to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Even under the worst case you describe the first guns that would be pulled out of circulation would be those used in the commission of crimes, which would then be much harder for criminals to replace. You would be getting results exactly where you want them.
  21. Why not both?
  22. That arm chair argument simple does not hold up in reality. Australia was very successful at getting illegal guns out of their society. Illegal guns have lots of avenues of removal. The police confiscate millions every year - without the legal trade resupplying the pipeline the illegal supply dries up as well. That is historical fact - not armchair theorizing.
  23. so just for the sake of argument let's say Edvinsson is becoming all his boosters say he is - could he be in Det by '22? '23?
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