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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. you wonder he can still find lawyers willing to take on his cases.
  2. yeah - "Sprained" is a pretty broad diagnosis applied to an ankle.
  3. I guess it's true that there has always been a tension among Canadians themselves whether hockey is supposed to be a skill game or just WWE on skates.
  4. so there is a Hallmark card shop in the Kroger mall in west A^2. Staffed almost wholey by little old ladies. They are now selling CBD oil. Sorry but that just cracks me up.
  5. IIRC there were some posters here (well at the old 'here') that used to be host families in Lakeland.
  6. I wonder. Do you suppose it's because the league is so over-expanded with respect to the talent base feeding it that the only way to establish even a reasonable facsimile of parity across the league is to allow players to remain who make their living by abusing the other teams players instead of playing a skilled game?
  7. HaHa - another "better to be lucky than good" outcome. Good for you 1
  8. I'm not going to speak to cases not in evidence, besides which there are whack jobs on all sides - but unless your definition of 'a lot' of democrats is really "a handful of idiots" your implication is hardly justified. The question of which party is continually seen keeping the company of known white nationalists and xenophobes of other various descriptions is not open to serious debate.
  9. the choice for mutual funds vs direct investing has changed a lot in recent years. Not too long ago it was expensive to buy stock in lots of less than 100 shares, and since you need to own maybe a dozen or maybe even 20 (depending on your taste) individual stocks to meet your diversification tolerance, it was less expensive for smaller investors to use mutual funds even if they had the inclination to do their own stock picking. Today, stock purchase commissions are tiny and odd lot penalties are a thing of the past, so the value of mutual funds for 'active' small investors is much smaller than it used to be. Now in theory, if you don't want to do a lot of research, it should be easier to find a mutual fund that matches your objectives and performs to your demands than to pick individual stocks, but again, the context has changed a lot. When I started investing there were a lot fewer reasonable mutual funds to choose from than there were stocks. Today I'd wager there are more mutual funds and ETFs to research than there are stocks to pick so the question becomes - why bother with the middle man? I wouldn't tell anyone to avoid ETFs or mutual funds, as long as their charges are low, they are fine. I would just say the small investor "needs" them less than they used to. Or at least the amount of money you are managing before being comfortable with a transition to individual stock picking is much lower.
  10. It's not even original to Atlanta - they appropriated it from FSU.
  11. So you are a racist if you politically oppose a person of color in support of a majority of a community of color? Which is more likely to be the outlier to the community's needs and desires, one individual, or the community itself?
  12. The one fun thing about the baseball playoffs is the way they elevate the relative no-bodies and can bring down the stars. In most sports the playoffs are dominated by the best players - like you would expect. But in baseball you can have bench players go off for a day or two and turn a series around. I mean Eddie Rosario given his outright release by MN last year, and Joc Pederson with his 0.0 2021 WAR, with big plays both at the plate and in the field did the Dodgers in practically by themselves, while Scherzer and Urias give up leads and soon to be $30 million dollar man Seager blows the layup to give the Braves the win.
  13. haha - I thought he was in his 90's. The Bush admin seems like an eternity ago to me.
  14. Play of the game was Pederson's backup of Heredia on the ball he overplayed and missed. Pure hustle play saved what probably would have been the winning run for LA.
  15. Dodgers' BP has the 2nd lowest ERA and third best WHIP in the majors, but instead of dancing with the ones what brung him, he has decided to be clever. That only works for Mayo Smith and maybe a much younger Tony LaRussa. And It seems especially odd that with Kershaw out he's adding work load to Max and Urias.
  16. Well, they say the key to happiness in your work is to do something you are really good at. 🙄
  17. He trusted people that lied to him and used his credibility to burnish their own, which they knew was not sufficient to sell their narrative. That's been pretty much the MO of republican leadership ever since - lie to people who trust you.
  18. LOL - Braves walk it off when Seager can't make a play on a hard grounder. Braves' heros tonight ex-Twinkie Eddie Rosario and a guy that wears pearls.
  19. and Urias comes in and gives up the 2 run lead. You wonder if sometimes these guys think too much for their own good.
  20. So Max works relief in game 5 of the Divisional series and is pulled after 80 today. Urias is held to 80 in his last start and is pitching relief tonight. So Roberts' plan is to use his best starters in relief on their regular throwing days and keep their starts short enough to keep doing it?
  21. It pretty unusual for a lineman as young as Sewell to be starting in the NFL. Most NFL linemen were reshirt 5th yr college seniors who are 24 or so as NFL rookies and even then take a year or two to peak. That he is even staying in the game at his age is a probably a sign he will be pretty good after 4 years or so of increasing core strength.
  22. Before we write off Decker as some kind of wimp - I would ask if we are we waiting for Decker to decide to play or waiting for team docs to clear him to play?
  23. if the GOP can run commercials during my ballgames claiming the Dems are about to cut Social Security.......
  24. meh - you are still going to trade him and get a market return - maybe you take some other contract instead of Goffs if you need a sweetener. Your options are still better if you have Stafford's replacement and so don't need to shop for a QB while you are negotiating to move Matthew. Fewer constraints is always good. Whether a new regime make Miami's mistake is an unknown - that's granted.
  25. yeah - there is always that!
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