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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. My prediction is that even if he stays under control, Trump will 100% be playing to his base, which is all he ever does, and that's what will do him in with independents. Trump's political strategic error is that he believes his base is a majority of the voting public. it isn't.
  2. Glad to hear the Pistons did their homework.
  3. I'll pick a nit this far: by nomenclature this is true, but in reality it was just as much or more batters wasting time stepping out (Mike Hargrove syndrome), as pitchers wasting time that drove creation of the rule, so despite it being called 'pitch clock' it was meant to control batters as much as pitchers. That said, I agree with both your assessments. There was no sense at all in which Turnbull was waiting for Perez, so the call did not align in any way with the objective of reducing time waste.
  4. what can you do? Nothing of value is *happening* (yet...) 🤷‍♀️
  5. well, the Pistons have a long line of guys they've tried to teach to shoot and failed going back decades, sooner or later odds are that someone they take that can't shot is bound to come around..... Expectations for this draft were low, and they've been met.
  6. no arg about the likely value level, only that by tagging it "future consideration" I would still take that to mean whatever and however small the return is, it's still dependent on some future outcome, otherwise there is no reason for the decision to be deferred. Well I suppose you maybe do it just to avoid a PR hit because it looks lopsided - IDK if that's in Yzerman's MO or not.
  7. ergo: trading Skubal is a loser for the Tigers.
  8. Agree that Perez's productivity leaves much to be desired (Lee has also noted this) - to this point. My only defense of Wenceel that his performance trajectory, rather than rapidly falling with time in the majors like most guys who wash out, is *so far* holding up, maybe even trending up, so there may still be growth into greater productivity. We are still in SSS territory - it could be clear next week he is beginning to hit the wall so to speak, but until then I think you have to give him rope - or at least I would as a GM. If it came down to a choice I'd at least give him any PAs the org may be thinking about giving Baddoo. Conversely I think sort of a major swing change or something, Akil has shown his limit.
  9. the sad part is that the Phillies haven't even played particularly clean - they pitch and hit well enough they don't have to.
  10. Benetti should try watching the game. He just called a catch by Riley in CF as Vierling. Your license to gab in the box only goes as far as your professionalism not to screw up.
  11. I'm sure SY has talked to Anaheim. I'm sure he has talked to everyone about everybody (he pretty much said as much) - you know this is a guy who leaves no stone unturned. So the report may be true and still not mean much.
  12. LOL - Petry calling a throw by Baddoo that was 8 feet from where it needed to be to get the runner "accurate"
  13. My guess 84 probably was onto it in an earlier post. It's probably future consideration because both sides maybe admitted there are legitimate questions about where Walman is, so to close the deal they could have agreed to base the return on some performance metric for next season - maybe +/- or just games played. The other possibility is that by leaving the return empty for now there is no cap hit on the return so it leaves SY the max room if he thinks he's going to hit it close. So in that case the option could be something like a pick if the Wings end up pinned to the cap, a utility player if not.
  14. why would the Wings give up much for a goalie with a sub 900 save percentage when they are looking at Husso being healthy, Lyon having exceeded expectations, and two promising netminders in the pipeline? More coastal media assuming any mid-market team would be drooling over their leavings.
  15. Chalk it up to micro-fractionalization of the TV market. They had an 8 yr run on Peacock in a comedy called "Suits". I had no idea who they were either.
  16. that probably does it. Look at Montero again maybe next season if he can get his command up to snuff. Too many non-competitive pitches sprinkled in with the good ones.
  17. Perez needs to learn that major league hitters can run.
  18. They can't say anything nice about a guy from the booth without it blowing up in their face. They compliment Kreidler's confidence than BAM - TOOTBLAN!
  19. Harper greets each Tiger that gets to 1st. Nice guy I guess.
  20. Hit a curve and change for two of his hits last night. No sliders though. Steps....
  21. tigers got to play 9 against 11 that half inning....
  22. Holton not looking long for this one....
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