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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. yeah - I think the article is misleading. 30 yeas ago managers weren't just leaving guys in who were giving up a lot of runs late because they were stupid. Mickey Lolich or even Jack Morris was a better choice in the 9th than your BP. It's not that analytics have changed strategy, it's that the game has changed pitching. For whatever reasons that no-one has been able to do more than speculate about, enough things in the game have changed such that pitchers need to throw more pitches per inning and they are more spent at a given pitch count (more effort per pitch) than they used to be. Net result that the guy in the BP is better now. Just to give an example - when our young guys go out there, they are pushed to use all their pitches right out of the box, and if they don't they get hammered. A young JV would often go through the lineup the 1st time without showing anything but his FB. Well that would leave you in a much better position to face that lineup a 2nd and 3rd time if you haven't had to show them anything. So that is only 15yrs. Why could a top young pitcher get by with just a FB for an inning or two then but it would be considered daylight madness today?
  2. IDK, the QO could be for more than most team are willing to put at risk on a 2 or three year offer. Maybe he will take it.
  3. We delude our selves with our language. No one anywhere is "free" except the guy in hovel at the top of the mountain. We've been telling ourselves we live in "free country" for 200 yrs and it's rot. What we have is a system of "ordered liberty", or what the SCOTUS is describing in the quoted decision. The idea of representative government has never been that anyone gets to be free of restraint. The "Freedom" in a "free country" exists for the individual in circumscribed areas - such as those in the Bill of Rights, but more generally does NOT apply to lack of restraint on individuals but to the freedom of the public to make its laws for itself. There is nothing in the theory of the democratic republic that limits the ability of the public will to constrain and coerce individual action through legislative and executive power, beyond those specific limitations established by Constitutions, traditions, and legislation.
  4. Yeah that make sense. The teams pay for insurance that is provided at the league level - completely solves the problem of guys changing teams and any games around cutting guys to avoid paying medical fees.
  5. One of the reporters had made reference to contracts that hurt the team as part of the premise of the question, or maybe even a question or two before - I don't remember at this point. But the point being that Hinch and Avila never made any reference to it and Al was well into a long rambling answer and had left the initial question far behind before he mentioned the sotted tar. I suppose it's in the eye of the beholder. What you think about the history of the Tigers from the Dombrowski era forward probably conditions how you heard what was said.
  6. I'm waiting for the Dems to realize that all they have to do is threaten to dump the filibuster and Mitch will roll over. The caucus should cut a handshake private deal with Manchin and Senema to the effect they won't really dump the filibuster against their wishes but if they would play along with the threat they can get what they want without ever having to.....🤔
  7. But we aren't allowed to impune the actions of a spouse to an office holder anymore. Mitch and Elaine (not to mention Clarence and Virginia) have already paved that road. OK - personally I think that sucks - conflict of interest rules should apply to households, not just individuals, but we can't do that because women now have to have the same right to indendently graft that men have always had.
  8. Both cases (3.8k/day) and hospitalizations still climbing in MI while other parts of the country are on the way down.
  9. Hey, this is America. You can get a gun as a side with a large order of fries.
  10. Yeah - I like Paredes as a ball player. He seems to have all the natural instincts for the game a W. Castro doesn't. But like everyone else on an MLB roster, he's got to get his hitting past the entry bar.
  11. right. The FD had become untenable for the broadcast media because it was not enforced on cable. The gov had the choice of extending the FCC's mandate to cable (by which logic it also would have applied the net when the time came) or dumping the FD. Given the ideological premises of the Reagan Admin that choice was a foregone conclusion.
  12. Just in the little time he was finally here - I think Paredes' critics have a point - his hitting needs work, the kind of work that probably can't be done while playing in the majors. But he seems a guy caught in that no-mans land where there is not enough failure pressure below the majors (e.g. winter league batting crown) to push him where he needs to be but where he is isn't going to play in the majors. He's needs to make a swing/timing change that gets him back into fair territory when he turns on a ball. He won't make when only 20% of the balls he barrels up stay between the white lines
  13. fair point.
  14. Likewise. People get too wrapped up in appearances. Al Avila's public speaking skills have virtually nothing to do with his ability (or alternately lack thereof) to build a winning baseball team for Detroit. Nothing he said or didn't say or how he said it has any impact on whether we land or fail to land a top shortstop or whether the Tigers #2 pick in the 2022 draft makes the majors. He's definitely a curious type though - watch him when Hinch was speaking, he was usually looking up or away, lots of nervous energy in the hands. Little signs he'd rather have been somewhere else, but who knows?
  15. True enough, but BC, Harvard, MIT are all private institutions with no common mission with UMass Boston. For one public University to set up some kind of institute on another's doorstep without there being a cooperative organization is unseemly at best - at least IMHO. They are supposed to be rowing in the same direction.
  16. except that since there is almost no place in the US that you can have multiple independent IP sources wired to your house, the idea that IP service is fundamentally different from on-air is a distinction without a difference from the public end - it's still a limited shared resources. Not to mention that a huge slice of the IP packets moving today are moving across cellular radio - which by the way goes over those same public airways.
  17. ..cont': If you want to do something significant - and successful, in higer ed in Det you should be doing with *with* WSU, not planting a flag in their front lawn like some kind of privileged carpetbagger.
  18. The Detroit thing is silly - what do you think you going to do to impact higher ed in Detroit while practically sitting on Wayne State's doorstep? WSU is not exactly chopped liver. Philbert was a major diversity marker - the highest ranking minority at the U. Did anyone think they could just bounce him before the evidence was incontrovertible? I don't really know how people expected that to go otherwise. There are a lot of people around the U on both ends that are fairly completely divorced from reality. That was what I liked about Schlissel, other than thinking he could make the campus carbon neutral he was in general pretty well grounded in the real world.
  19. and if there are regents actually bent out of shape over some of the stuff in the Freep story they need to get a grip. The GEO and Lecturer contracts were actually handled pretty well in my view. There was enough noise that people were able to make their complaints about being repressed but classes pretty much went on without significant impact. The downtown Detroit thing is pure donor ego tripping - that whole program is a flyspeck on the mission of the University - it's basically a vanity project for Gilbert or now an Ilitch if they end up taking it on. As to the handling of COVID? The U vaccinated half the damn county.
  20. I could be wrong but I don't think this much about football or Anderson. Or at least about any rational expectation about what the admin could be doing differently about either. The search should get interesting though. I don't think the regents understand how radical a significant part of the faculty is. It can't be an easy walk between sliver spoon ambulance chaser Regents and the UM faculty Senate. The faculty member standing in my lab when the news came over the UM mail system was thrilled he was out. Of course she is too young to have been here during Duderstadt or Bollinger; to know what bad actually looks like in a UM Pres. He was an old white male and that is all she needs to know. And that's an Engin School Prof - extrapolate that to where your average LSA faculty is. Here's hoping the Regents know a really competent candidate who checks enough diversity boxes to keep the torch and pitchfork crowd off the Diag.
  21. I think it was 'expect Willi Castro to get cut.' 'Hasn't put it together' being the operative part of the quote!
  22. only 1.8 million per WAR though, which does make it a pretty nice signing.
  23. Gavin Lux's bat hasn't exactly lit up MLB. LA may let Seager walk but I think it would have more to do with the money than that they think Lux has to play.
  24. Yeah - there is a definite psychology to it. I remember the pre-division days and having 6 or even 7 teams between your team and the top just feels way more depressing than being in 4th or 5th place even with the same poor winning percentage.
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