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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's hard to overestimate how bad Trump actually was. In general a crisis hitting from the 'outside' like a foreign war or a pandemic is something any even half-way competent leader can use to vault himself into relatively stratospheric approvals - for instance look at what 9/11 did for 'W', who without it probably would have crashed and burned as a bumbler before his 1st term was up. The fact that we are talking about the pandemic making it hard on Trump's popularity is a total inversion of any normal politics.
  2. Well since that is pretty much exactly what did happen in ~33 AD it would not be surprising if nothing has changed.
  3. the exec may or may not have the authority. There certainly isn't anything in US law that I know of that empowers a President to require people to get vacciinated *in general.*, but by the same token, if the Pres doesn't neither does anyone else in the Fed gov. But workplace safety is not 'in general' and using OSHA to get what they want on vaccines takes advantage of the existing authority the Congress gave the executive to make administrative law with respect to workplace safety. As long as they follow the rule making process correctly, that can be perfectly valid. And the authority flows from the Executive power of the gov - which is the Pres. Again go back to Article II "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:..." Many - especially liberals, wish it weren't the case but the Constitution does not allow for the Congress to give power to anyone but the President. Cabinet officers can have direct so-called "Ministerial Authorities" but those are non-discretionary. There have been rules and limits that Presidents have accepted for how they interact with their own departments as matters of good government, but again, Trump proved that it's custom that enforces those, and a President willing to violate custom can do pretty much what he wants in most of those areas up until there is a Congress actually willing to impeach and convict him.
  4. The difference of opinion on Reyes is I think less about Reyes than Hill's bat. A lot of folks here seem pretty optimistic about it. I think the jury is still out if he can stay above 550 ops. Show me a consistent 700 even 675 OPS from Hill and I'll take him over Reyes, but even the best OF D is not worth too weak a bat. Kiermaier is the best defensive OF on the planet and D doesn't get his bat everyday PA with one of the smartest orgs in baseball.
  5. Of course, I'd still rather have Kiermaier than either of them, but Tampa has quite the luxury with him as a 4th OF!
  6. he doesn't have to get better to be a viable 4th OF. Right now he is a ~750 OPS player coming into his peak hitting years who can field all three OF spots and run a little when on the bases. What do we expect to have in a 4th OF? I'd absolutely like to see what Hill can do longer term, but as a GM, in terms of downside risk as of this moment - Reyes is a safer bet than Hill.
  7. idling a modern engine produces little in the way of traditional pollutants like CO (carbon monoxide) and NOx but it still burns fuel and generates the resulting CO2 (->climate change), which is the focus now for having engines off when parked. Actually when it comes to pet peeves, that's one I have about a lot of the discussion about CO2 where it's treated as a 'pollutant'. A pollutant is something that is a byproduct, something you really didn't want in the first place and are just well off without. In that that stricter sense CO2 is not a pollutant - it's the desired product - if you don't get the CO2 you don't get the energy and that is why you are running the engine or the boiler or whatever in the first place. Calling CO2 a pollutant implies to people that you can have the still have the process without it, like you can have a car without the CO, but that's not the case with CO2. You can't have the IC engine at all without the CO2.
  8. What? Cabinet sec's that don't do what they are told or do what they are told not to get fired. That's the whole reason we worried about Trump. If we really had 15 fully independent governmental departments we wouldn't need to bother electing a President. The Const vests all executive authority in the elected guy.
  9. City of Ann Arbor actually passed an ordinance against idling cars but I rather doubt the AAPD are very much into enforcement since they are one of the constant offenders!
  10. Habit; their other car is a Freightliner
  11. this is supposed to be the silver lining?
  12. it not yet established Hill can hit enough to stay on an MLB roster - or even ever stay healthy long enough hold his spot. I could see Greene being held back long enough for them to decide which of Reyes and Hill gets the 4th OF spot - or just carrying 5 OF early in the season when they might not need the extra pitcher. And of course also will no doubt depend some on what the three of them do in ST.
  13. Greene and Torkelson still finishing well. 2/4 for Greene tonight, 1/3 2B for Tork. OPS 904 and 877 respectively.
  14. Michigan cases still trending upward - slowly - but clearly still upward to 3384/day. Vaccinations have picking up some, over 170K last week.
  15. I really hope Baddoo's terrible arm is still residual from this TJ surgery. If he can't improve his throwing it's going to be dent on his potential value.
  16. Jimenez keeps getting rope because he has great stuff - but he is 26 and his command just keeps getting worse. I think he has an option left - I'd put him in AAA in 22 to work on it but they may be short enough of BP arms next season to give him a roster spot out of ST
  17. he's hit for high average before - I wouldn't argue that the bat to ball skill is real, but he's not going to walk and he's probably not going to hit for much power so yes - even the optimistic reading is 4th OF. But that's fine, we need a decent 4th OF.
  18. and he wasn't even the key to the trade - that was Austin Jackson, who was considered can't miss - Max was still a crapshoot. And AJ did start out like he was going to have an awesome career. Austin put up 19 WAR in his 1st 4 seasons. Then he just got done in by a bunch of nagging injuries starting with the hamstring issues. Maybe because he was following Curtis but I feel like few people realize what an impact player Jackson started out to be.
  19. My guess is they stand pat on pitching all the way around, meaning that they accept arbitration or sign Boyd, make Peralta a reasonable offer (though in his case it takes two to tango - he could make other plans), and pencil Alexander in as the last starter. And try to sign at least one more 'disposable' guy. The other possibility is moving Fulmer back into the rotation, but I don't see the potential BP depth that might make that likely. That's the kind of thing that they could consider if they get lucky and say Wentz and Faedo are both ready for BP roles.
  20. There is nothing wrong with a single GFCI protecting more than one outlet if the pass through wiring is done right. The guy was just hassling you or more likely didn't know his own ****. Some of the stuff in the codes is beyond silly anymore though - the system has become largely one big employment program for contractors.
  21. Valenti banged on Tua's drum for months leading to that draft. But IIFC, he didn't have much to say about Herbert.....
  22. Lynn is not only crazy but he is wrong. If Tork and Greene hit at all as they project in the majors then add Candy, Schoop, Baddoo and Grossman plus Haase's HR pop and the bat that comes with your SS upgrade and you have plenty of offense for today's MLB. Certainly enough to where the marginal value of another good arm is far greater than the marginal value of another bat. But Avila knows that even if Lynn doesn't. The problem with the Tiger offense right now is too much Niko and Willi, and I predict the odds of either of them getting much playing time next season is close to zero.
  23. If you did a movie with sharks today, they'd have to be the good guys.
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