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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. You can trade Skubal but it has to be for established young MLB players. There is *no* prospect plate that returns equal value for a likely Cy Young winner. None. I would also argue the idea that a pitcher is less valuable because his doesn't play everyday. A good starting pitcher affects the games he is in with a very high total percentage impact on the outcome.. He has far more than 5x effect the effect of a hitter has in the games he appears, so he affects win totals just as much or more.
  2. I can't imaging I'm even going to care when they kick it off at Main and Stadium this year.
  3. really don't get why Baddoo is still here. I figure Malloy gets 100-150PA to show or not.
  4. Depressing story in the NYT about Miriam Adelson prepping to drop $100M for Trump. Can't they just make her register as an Israeli agent? Another brick in the wall to build the oligarchy brought to you by Citizens United.
  5. Yeah - speed was supposed to be his big asset, and he would flash it once in a while, but to my eye you didn't see it enough to say it was being much of a difference maker. Maybe in a system like the Panthers that constantly attacks the puck aggressively with speed his skating could come into play more, but the Wings mostly sag back and play a more passive D so maybe he wasn't the fit for the system he could have been in a different scheme. Still, I hate to see the Wings get slower even if it's only potential speed as the team is already too slow.
  6. I'm curious about where they are going to go in the OF. I think Meadows is coming back - probably after the ASB, then something has to happen to clear some space. When they replaced Meadows with Perez, one possibility was that Wenceel would be a place holder and when Meadows was ready he'd go back down, but Wenceel seems to be on a real upward path, improving each time he levels up, so quite possibly he is still doing fine when they want to bring Meadows back. Once Carpenter is off the DL that's going to make a very crowded OF even with guys cycling through DH.
  7. this is my biggest worry. I think the objective for every batter in every AB should be very simple - don't make an out. Let the batter decide within his skill set what he can best do - can he hit a pitch out of the zone to get on, can he walk, can he drive the ball out of the park, can he slap it the other way? To me worrying about pitch location as a primary concern misses that what matters is what a guy can actually hit enough not to make an out - that area might not be the called zone for that batter. What matters for batters wrt strike zone is how much of it he can *defend*. Now maybe they are moving their idea in that direction or maybe not, but when Hinch first started espousing the control the zone mantra it was mostly directed at not swinging out of the zone, and maybe it was because when he arrived the tigers did have too many hackers, but it's just as important or more important that guys learn to defend (hit or foul off) pitches in the whole zone, and I never hear anything about any Tiger efforts in this direction and it is absolutely key. I hope everyone saw when they posted Harpers Red Hot Zone and it was 2/3 of entire K zone. That's how you get to be good hitter, by making it hard for a pitcher to get anything by you in the zone, not by being very selective *in* the zone which is the way the Tigers tend to talk about it.
  8. I hope Simon can play 30 min in the NHL because if you put those two together the other pairing are going to be bad - unless they sign or trade for an upgrade. ...Well Ghost and Chiarot might be passable. but you figure he as to be working every level he can to find another RH shot defense man, but that's a tough lift and we'll never hear a word about any deals that don't work out.
  9. CC Sabathia sends his regards....
  10. And another Tiger connection - it was Hernan Perez lobbing for Louisville, a middle IF who came up with and played for the Tigers a bit in '13-'15 and is playing out the tail end of a journeyman's career back in AAA at age 33. McCosky will be sad he missed it.
  11. Parker Meadows' AAA OPS is 90 points higher than it was last season when he was called up. Hopefully that means he's succeeded in working on some things and not just another reflection of terrible pitching in AAA this season.
  12. LOL - one would think. But you and I may in the minority with regard to valuing more good teams over one championship team.
  13. yeah - seems like there has to be an incoming Dman and at least one high priced signing in the works, the question is will it be the same guy - i.e. expensive Dman, or more fill-in Dmen plus maybe a $$ center.
  14. he still took a middle middle FB for a called strike one in his very 1st AB, but I'll give him a Ted Williams pass on the 1st pitch he sees in the game. Also have to give him props for reaching base twice against a position player pitcher - walk and HBP. Then again, maybe we should worry about his reflexes since he didn't get out of the way of a 56mph "slider."
  15. never been a fan - it's an easy out to execute when the IF is playing in, and you give up 180 feet on the exchange. And it's only gotten easier with the no collision rules, standing in for a tag is a lot less risky for a catcher than it used to be.
  16. it looks like over 85K votes in dem side this primary compared to 133K Dem votes for Bowman in the 2022 general. That looks to me like a pretty good primary to general ratio and I'm going to take that as a sign of good energy in a cycle people keep saying everyone is turned off about.
  17. Faedo threw 16 pitches to open the game - good for a walk, K and one other out.
  18. Meanwhile down South, Tork with a slammer for his 2nd HR of the night
  19. Kreidler with the "better to be lucky than good" at the plate award for the night, goes out and does a great job on the bases only to be wiped out by the stupid contact play.
  20. I guess this is why Colt isn’t getting any AB against lefties…..😁
  21. this is weird. I started a recording of this game, went to it after the game started, clipped out time (inning breaks etc) and when I got to real time, closed the recording and opened the game on Direct TV and the 'live' was a full inning behind real time. W.T.F.?
  22. Harris may have gotten Vierling to play CF so we could win with defense, but you are only as good as your weakest link.
  23. that's the 2nd time I've seen Urshela take it easy on a throw and cross up Canha. Just nail it over there Gio.
  24. In what I guess one could call irony, the Persian Gulf, which first put fossil fuel in the world's automobiles, is becoming the first place to be uninhabitable by Homo Sapiens. It's estimated that heat killed 1300 people at this year's Hadj https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/18/world/middleeast/extreme-heat.html?pgtype=Article&action=click&module=RelatedLinks
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