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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. We got a very early IBM in our office maybe 82-83? In '84 when the Mac came out I brought on home on a 1 week trial, but couldn't deal with the tiny screen. We had had some Lisas at the engin school so I knew the prototype of the apple GUI but the Mac seem too cramped so I bought a build your own clone - must have been end of 85? The Mac was $~2500 at the time so I know I spent less than that, but maybe not much - that would have been with a 10MB HD. It was an 8088 which I souped up by upgrading to a Z20 CPU. I mean, can you say - Wow!
  2. If you strictly platoon young players out of the gate, you guarantee the inability to hit same side pitching will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. I am mildly surprised that a team supposedly committed to development would take such a short term gain at the risk of long term loss approach. But if you follow the numbers to win today, that's where you end up.
  3. Or as noted earlier, this the kind of thing where it's the owner who may say "I know you have your plans but you have to show some movement".
  4. If SY manages Matt Roy, he gets a pass for anything else that might happen next season. Of course this is exactly what the Wings used to do back in the day: win the sweepstakes for the guys everyone wanted.
  5. struck 2 balls >100 mph tonight. One was launched too high and was caught. There is still a nice swing in there trying to get out.
  6. But CA has - or would have, no reason to want to leave, especially if Tx and a couple southern states did and left CA's political preferences in the ascendancy of the remaining nation. CAs economic might stems from their exports into the rest of the country - everything from electronics design to movies to brussel sprouts. The rest of us are their market.
  7. I'm going to come back to this again. Beaten by a pitcher that didn't do quite what they expected of him. Stop expecting pitchers to conform to your scouting reports-- go into the game from the 1st AB looking to hit what they are throwing, not what you thought they should throw.
  8. I'd suggest it's time they do some more innovating around how to prep hitters to face big league pitching.
  9. remember last month when we thought this offense was still better than last year? Good Times.....
  10. Baseball gods don't like Riley upsetting the plan by getting on base.
  11. Have you heard he's great once we get to June?
  12. And for whatever reason, the two of them were spending a lot more time in non-game personal banter and camera in the booth stuff (toys/fgifts/food etc) than any of the other pairings, almost all of which could be deep-sixed IMHO. Maybe they were learning to get along, maybe it was forced --- don't care - don't need it.
  13. People will want to blame it on Comerica - but the ballpark gave us two batting champions and and a triple crown in a lot fewer years than old Tiger Stadium, a supposed great hitters park, ever did. The biggest problem with Copa has been who's playing there.
  14. Willi has learned to hit left handed. That's no mirage. The question is why did it take going to the Twins?
  15. I think it goes to prove conventional wisdom that while a guy with strong basic catch and throw skills may be able to be adequate no matter where you play him, it's takes concentration at one position type to make a plus fielder.
  16. Hot and humid in Det. Ball should be flying. Expect another shutout.
  17. After last season I wanted to see more of Vierling at 3rd to see how it went. It's been a mixed bag. He can make a lot of the plays and his arm is good, but over time we've seen what he can't do get a little exposed. Maybe with enough reps there he'd improve, but that's not likely to happen now. Bottom line - he may have been as good or better than anyone we played there last season but watching Gio you see that the position can be played better.
  18. Gio has a terrible reverse home/away OPS split (780 away/576 home). So you know he's going to go to some other team for nothing and immediately be a 2+ WAR player.
  19. I'll wager that pic has been retouched, but it still works.
  20. I've spent the last dozen years with 19 yr olds, most of them listened to old music. Granted a narrow cohort, but the kind of cohort Jason would be in.
  21. I can see it just meaning "We are respecting Monroe's prerogative to say as much or little as he wants to" but yeah - oddly put. The IT age has meant that everything gets written quickly with little review, so having a 2nd person (like a secretary that types it out) review stuff for unrecognized tone issues is pretty much a thing of the past.
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