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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Sounds a lot like the White Sox plan of few years ago. I guess by '31 we'll be the White Sox.
  2. I will admit that I was surprised Castro managed to get himself to adequate as an OF after as bad as he looked there when the Tigers decided to try him there.
  3. This org is nowhere near as clever as they think they are. This loss was an unforced error brought to you by management.
  4. A Tiger taking too many pitches. What else is new? You just cannot end an inning on a called strike with a man in scoring position. Shouldn't 'control the zone' include defending it? In general the Tigers have done a good job of staying alive today but not that AB. And Miller isn't any better since he's come back.
  5. Does the IRS still pay a 20% bounty if you turn in a tax evader? Sure it's been all over the media, but do you suppose anyone has formally dropped the dime on Ol' Clarence? Hmmm....
  6. Players unfamiliar with each other leads to one run and using a LF that can't even keep a guy from getting to third on a FB leads to another. Hinch being the smartest guy in the room.
  7. Regardless of any particular case, if looking for the players that fit your system mean you pass on other good players that can help you win, you are putting system over success and that would be a pretty dumb approach. Systems don't win games, good players do. It's perfectly fine to use a system in development because you think it helps improve your odds of producing good players, but given a good player, you should never hold his style against him if he performs. No system works for every player and to exclude good players you may be able to get is purely counterproductive.
  8. Of course they were. The West will never bring itself to understand the ME.
  9. I haven't looked through the whole schedule to know if it's any kind of trend with the Tigers or not but this is not the 1st time they have been flat opening at home after a road trip.
  10. As terrible as it is, the Tigers are doing it right. If you are going to be one hit, you might as well pick that night to give up 10 and say screw you to Mr Pythagoras.
  11. On an 88mph cutter. Apparently the Mudhens have a deal going where no-one with a 95+ FB is going to pitch against Torkelson. It's great he's cleaning up, but it would be nice to see it against something at least approximating MLB heat.
  12. At this point, even under the most radical case the fed still isn’t going to cut more than 25 basis points before the election, which isn’t going to affect much of anything in the real world. So it’s all psychological and people will spin things every which way.
  13. That may well be true, but regardless of what they really are, anybody owned by Murdoch has a credibility problem because we know that the Murdochs are willing to force coverage to conform to what they want at any time.
  14. The big hits are often just so much luck though. One of my student aids was a gamer with high level video horsepower. He started mining bitcoin almost at its origin and had something like a dozen. He wasn’t investing, he was just playing around. He kept them for a while then sold them on a lark. If he had kept them he’d have started out life with an investment stake big enough insure easy investing from then on. It was a completely random decision made when there was no accurate way to see the future. If he had kept them and made his stake it would have the equivalent of being struck by lightning.
  15. Not the greatest test last night. None of the Iowa pitchers very threw hard -- Tork's hits were on pitches <90. Hit one 94 mph FB hard for an GO. But 3/5 still beats 0/5
  16. LOL - as of the end of the game tonight his MudHen OPS is 1.083
  17. The worst case scenario is that what he is doing works well enough at Toledo that here is insufficient drive to change. It's going to be up to the coaches in Toledo to impress on him that they don't care what kind of numbers he generates against AAA pitching, he's not going back to Det until they see the approaches they want. And that's going to be hard message to delivery with much credibility.
  18. The WSJ's credibility when down the tubes when it became a Murdoch property. It's Fox news for the Lexus crowd.
  19. With any luck, and Bannon being the a-hole he is, there will be no time credited for good behavior......
  20. It's pretty easy to for a techinically oriented person to silo themselves. They stop paying serious attentions to the 'outside' world, or never had the habit in the first place, then along comes some half baked idea that has a certain logic to it, maybe there is some kind of analogous logic from something in their field and they go right off the deep end with it exactly because they never had developed solid intellectual habits around following current events.
  21. Depends on what form ‘recovery’ takes. It’s hard to be real optimistic now but OTOH when a guy hits 30 in the majors in 2/3 of a season, he’s shown you do at least have something to work with.
  22. the difference is that Chafin has been Chafin pretty much all along, whereas Wentz started out as Cy Young and has turned into a Pumpkin. He's given up 22 base runners in his last 9.2 IP. ERA was 0.68 on 5/8, has been 13.03 since. So his season averages obscure that he he has pretty much totally lost it recently.
  23. Wasted pitching change-Wentz could have done that.
  24. It really too bad that the CBA ends up responsible for fans having to watch bad baseball. Wentz is going to get more chances to fail just because he is out of options.
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