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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Wentz isnt even missing close but some dumb base running saves him
  2. yup. But they will deny reality as long as they can because they also know full well that the minute that football and maybe Basketball are admitted to be fully professional, control of the system by the schools becomes superfluous - the new structure will need it's own professional management system - like a commissioner/league office etc and there is no reason for anyone at any of the schools to have any direct voice in that administration/management. I see the school admins being dealt out in the end - or maybe just reduced to just making appointments of members to some other management board..
  3. funny how things go. The West division is weak enough this season that you don't need to win the Central to get a playoff spot.
  4. Election in India a mixed bag for Modi but a big loss for polllng, which missed by a mile
  5. Yeah, we had one of the greatest veteran hitters on the bench through 2 terrible yrs by the hitters. If Cabrera didn’t rub off on anyone., how do you seriously argue Canha would?
  6. I hope he breaks through, but strike zone judgment only gets you so far if he can’t hit the strikes.
  7. Of course such a law should be anathema to a SCOTUS full of FEDERALIST Society members. Well, at least you might think that anyway.
  8. I don’t know that it’s his swing mechanics as much as his swing decisions, but he may as stubborn about approach as mechanics for all we know.
  9. The importance of bullpen management has grown in recent years. I think today a team that pays attention to assembling a bullpen that can show a lot of different looks and a manager how knows how to use that tool do make a bigger difference today than at any previous point in the history of the game.
  10. It was Pepsi sales falling as much as Dr Pepper increasing. From what I've been reading, the entire old style soda market is declining. It's something I've gradually given up the last few years. It's an easy place to cut out empty calories and without doing too much else other than dropping the soda I did drop a few lbs.
  11. Trump's politics have descended into the 'Oprah Giveaway' paradigm, but with the twist that the give away is to promise to break something in the government for every constituent with a gripe. "You get a broken institution, and YOU get a broken institution.....!!"
  12. Rangers starting a RH reliever tonight (LeClerc) - Assume that means the left hander Heaney after the 1st time through....
  13. And now Nigel Farage is trying to get back into the act.
  14. from the freep "As for Torkelson, the Tigers want him to tweak the lower-half mechanics in his swing to be more athletic and adjustable at the plate." I hope the plain English translation of that is 'cover more of the strike zone.'
  15. when was the last time a Tiger pitched 3 to finish a game?
  16. IDK - At least when Russ Thomas was there, he and WCF were BFF and I imagine every Lion move was vetting over several (or more) rounds at the Lindell. Thomas knew the way to WCF's enduring loyalty was to play to his aspirations as an NFL mover/shaker.
  17. It is true that WCF was always as interested in a top pick's potential market impact as his football impact (fannies in the seats!). Who knows why that might have drawn him to Harrington in particular, but if he'd had better football sense the Lions were not have been what they were.
  18. He can't hit a fastball right now, the question is whether that is a neuro-physiological limitation or th existence of mental confusion in the 150 milliseconds or so when he has to make up his mind. Without searching right now, I think I would find he tagged a good number of FBs hard in the 2nd half of last season when he had his best stretch. But we'll see if they can do anything with him in Toledo, though I will continue to wonder if the Tigers, with their emphasis on not swinging too much, are just a bad fit for a guy I think needs to swing more.
  19. The pick wasn't the problem - maybe the handling of the player, but that's still an open question. Someone always has to be picked 1st - that just a fact regardless of whether there are any sure things in a given draft.
  20. No - I agree with the way you put here - that is what I meant as well. Yes - they would have been dropping the ball, which is what argues that it is not the case.
  21. IDK - I'd like to think there is a hitter in there still waiting to get out. He has a beautiful swing and such easy power. maybe that last NCAA season where pretty much everyone walked him all the time put him down the wrong path? Who knows? it's like he either can't see the need, or maybe doesn't have the confidence to believe he can go get pitches and do damage instead of over thinking what he wants to swing at. But as has been noted, if what Tork happens to need in his unique case is to learn to become more of a hacker, that might be a hard lesson to find help with in this org right now.
  22. There isn't one. If something is going to change someone has to occupy Gaza who has the military where-with-all to keep squashing Hamas long enough for their light to finally flicker out, but even then, it still depends does depend on whether the locals are on board. Look at the US experiences in the ME- as bad it was and as inept as we were, in the end we sat on Iraq long enough to crush Al Qaeda but couldn't do the same in Afghanistan with the Taliban. Why? Because in the end most Iraqis were tired of war and crazies and were with us against Al Qaeda, but the same was never true in enough of Afghanistan. And to TBH, it didn't hurt that the US and Iran were basically on the same side against Al Qaeda in Iraq as opposed to the converse here.
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