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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Interesting distinction here. Jesus was only 'convicted' by Jewish religious authorities in a religious tribunal. Pilate (the state) told them he saw no ground for any secular criminal charge, but to keep peace he threw up his hands and gave into the noise of the rabble. Jesus was not convicted of anything by State authority. So not so good an analogy in actual fact. If anything, the State of NY's refusal to give in to Trumps rabble is quite the opposite.
  2. Penn is a really bright guy - a little off in the head maybe, but he's got a lot going on up there.
  3. Kwame seemed like a break from a failed past of the prior generations of leadership in Det. In retrospect it may have been good that he won even if he turned out to be crook because it made that break.
  4. Kenny's failure in Det was mostly only one aspect of the job - the accumulation of too many years of bad drafting.
  5. Sadly, that is no joke. Syphilis up 80% in the US in the last 5 yrs. https://www.cdc.gov/std/statistics/2022/default.htm#:~:text=Overall%2C in 2022%2C more than,in the past five years.
  6. Isn't this pretty much what Stafford had once - IIRC he is still playing NFL football, so lets not write Kerry off just yet.
  7. I have ebbed and flowed party-wise. Of course, coming of age during Vietnam, I hated Nixon, but one couldn't hold VN against the GOP per se since the Dems had started it. I knew Reagan didn't know what he was talking about most of the time, but he did have some incredibly competent people around him (Shultz, Baker etc) and Carter, who may have grown into a great soul today, was a feckless president the economy probably wouldn't have survived for another 4 yrs. I was a fan of GHWB; a competent President, but hopelessly inept politician. I was bitterly disappointed (as noted here often) that the Dems backed Clinton after he lied under oath - I still take that as one the original sins of today's US politics. Thus I was seriously down on the Dems institutionally in 2000. I think Shrub was actually the better con man than Trump because he came in pretty much promising to be his father but in actuality was the executive model for Trump - built an admin full of hacks, then was able to get re-elected by wrapping himself in 9/11. Then just for toppers he normalized using the levers of the State to lie to the public in support of foreign policy to start a large war, then had no clue how to get out of any of the messes he had made, plus left us with us a parting gift in Alito - who is turning out to be an even worse hack than Thomas, hard as that is to believe. But Shrub's presidency was no outlier to the GOP the way you could at least argue Nixon's rouge behavior was. By Bush II that was the GOP, so if you couldn't walk away from the GOP by 2008 I'd tell you that you weren't/aren't really paying close enough attention.
  8. Right - being settled precedent in NY state, Trump would have to almost have get to SCOTUS with the hope Alito and Thomas would lead the charge to throw out the NY statute.
  9. May not be the only thing but his FB velo has been dropping over the his 6 or 7 outings. He was down around 93 last night. If you look back at his game data in Fangraphs what you see is that over last two seasons he doesn't sustain his FB velo. As a relief pitcher doesn't seem like he should be running down. The pessimistic theory is that his arm starts to hurt once the season starts and the goes to full effort and so it throttles him back a little.
  10. This team lays enough eggs to make soufle
  11. Guess Hinch would rather save the bullpen tonight
  12. Don’t know why Hinch was so slow to have anyone up. Maeda had been getting behind for a while but they hadn’t been up in pen long enough to be ready
  13. Why didn’t Gio go to 2nd on the airmailed throw? Didn’t matter but the right play
  14. He’ll probably be fine if they back him down to an appropriate level and let him get his feet under himself. - like Tork!
  15. I don't like the analogy!. The emperor managed to end up back on the throne after that.
  16. right - with the twist that every player is on an expiring one-yr deal. 😱 Next season are we going to see the first highly ranked player start the season playing for one team and finish the same season playing for another? Say maybe a guy decides to bolt because he his team loses a couple and fall out of playoff contention? 🤯
  17. For the average defendant, total lack of contrition coupled with continued rejection of the courts legitimacy, would drive severity in sentencing.
  18. another shoe drops - all transfer limitations and restrictions dropped. I can't imagine what people are thinking the future they are creating is going to look like, other than chaos. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5530608/2024/05/30/ncaa-transfer-rules-banned-permanently/
  19. He took another middle-middle fastball on the 1st pitch. Now I'll cut him a little slack for taking the 1st pitch he sees in the game. In this 2nd AB is did protect and swing against pitches on the outslde, but Pivetta made some good pitches against him in that AB. And that's why is so important not fail on the AB when you do get a decent pitch. Flashing a little leather though - who'da thunk it?
  20. Green, Carpenter and Keith are all LHH. There dirth of of RH power bats is probably why Torkelson has gotten as much rope as he has. Canha has hit a few but only one since May1.
  21. McGonigle on base 5 times today (3H 2BB), Clark another 3 (2H BB)
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