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Edman85 last won the day on July 20 2024

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  1. Craig Paquette got 2/4.75 from DD 23 years ago and we thought he was nuts. A player with a similar skillset gets 5/90 now.
  2. Is that true? My understanding is the owners couldn't get their **** together.
  3. Nobody's heard from the Hawk Tuah girl for a couple of months after her similar pump+dump.
  4. My intent for those four years, or at least the first two, is to just bury my head in the sand as much as possible for a bulk of it and protect my sanity. Maybe midterms impose some much needed guardrails if we haven't already careened off a cliff at that point.
  5. The tiktok users up in arms over this are kinda only proving the point with their outrage... They are being played by the algorithm.
  6. There's legitimate reasons to not want China controlling social media algorithms, end of story. A real IYKYK situation, and the people that know the most are the ones who pushed the hardest for this.
  7. Those shows are so great on rewatch, if only for the bits of foreshadowing you catch.
  8. I had one person accuse me of abusing their dog on the route, which is the last thing I would ever do.
  9. I had a paper route. Good exercise, in hindsight.
  10. They implode when they sign a minor league free agent. Those implosions remind me of this Gene Wilder line in Blazing Saddles. https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg?feature=shared
  11. Also, Rodriguez will make a whopping $700 a week in Dominican complex league this year.
  12. I was making 40-50 per 1.5-2 hr game umpiring at that age. Good work if you can get it.
  13. BP has... Jobe 4 McGonigle 6 Clark 31 Rainer 56 Liranzo 58 Briceno 64 Jung 97 7 out of 101 is not bad at all.
  14. Randy is correct. No trade clauses can be included in contracts, but the automatic ones come from 10-and-5 rights. From Major League Rule 6(e)
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