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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. I don't know how somebody can point to the Tulsa shooting and come to the conclusion that Oklahoma's lax gun laws weren't a significant contributing factor. *edited. Too many negatives or not enough. I meant to say it is clear Oklahoma's lack of regulation is a definite cause.
  2. Manning to the 60 day would seem to be the likely choice. He is coming up on 60 days anyways.
  3. Also, y'all know I'm tracking minor league lineups in a google doc, right? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jRnDAcv86yGYl1Tq6fdXD1VoGr2Ls5PiRBNEFBXHL3Y/edit#gid=443978389
  4. I came in here to point out Daniel Cabrera was demoted to West Michigan. But now I also want to point out Riley Greene is not on rehab in Toledo. He's just in Toledo.
  5. Well, new nickname for Carpenter is Frank Stallone.
  6. It happened down here about 10 years ago. The teacher was fired, went home, came back with a shotgun and killed the principal. If only he was armed in the classroom, he could have taken out a few students and colleagues first.
  7. I'm hesitant that random person interviewing stupid maga person videos are fake and the stupid maga person is a paid actor with a script. That one seems particularly likely to be fake and scripted to me.
  8. I'm being a bit presumptuous that this fits in this thread, but I have neighbors every Memorial Day who put on a Fireworks show. I live in a city with a lot of retired/active military, and just think this has triggering PTSD all over it. Fireworks are for celebration, not mourning.
  9. I'm going to ask "which mental illness?" going forward. Reminds me of a former boss who used to catch people in their recency bias exclamations when they said "X is the best!" He would reply "who is the second best?"
  10. It is unfortunate there is a lot of woo and pseudoscience in the mental health space. My hope is that ship gets tightened up, and we don't get a lot of right wing scheisters coming in and making it much worse once they see the money in it... Since that will only make the problem much much worse.
  11. When Constitutions change around the world, it is after an overthrow. Yes, advocating scrapping the constitution is advocating an overthrow of the system. It's radical: on-par with the sentiments of the Jan 6 crew.
  12. In all technicalities, the OP of this thread is advocating a coup.
  13. A scene from Barry that sums up its humor
  14. It sure seems to me that some seem to think the murder of school kids is okay as long as gun rights aren't infringed upon.
  15. At some point the people complaining too hard about reasonable gun control doth protest too much. Makes me think they have something in their past that may show up in a background check...
  16. Likely a lot of the "they are gonna take my guns" crowd have this particular scarlet letter.
  17. Don McLean has domestic violence skeletons. He has no business being anywhere near a gun.
  18. She's one of the new letters on the ever growing acronym.
  19. If exoneration is needed going forward I am fairly certain Howard was recording trying to get a confession
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