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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. Even that might be a stretch outside of the Tigers Prospect Twitter Bubble. I'd need to see more to that argument than some proclamations.
  2. 1. Health is part of development, but I'll put that aside since there is some luck and randomness there. 2. I just don't think this is borne out in the results relative to other teams. Yeah, the Tigers have done better developing pitchers than hitters, but still have had many flame out in recent years. Is Mize a development success when you take him 1-1? Is Manning a development success when he is taken 1-6 and takes six years to start to pitch well at the big league level? Are those guys development successes or tanking successes? Some other highish picks in recent years that flamed out: Adam Wolf, Hugh Smith, Gio Arriera, Beau Burrows. There has been a lot of stagnation on the international side: guys like Guzman and Montero to name a couple. The Tigers may be average/above averagish at best at developing pitchers, and certainly don't compare to (off the top of my head) the Guardians, Rays, Dodgers, Yankees, Brewers, Astros, Giants, etc. that just pump guys out and have numerous guys banging down the door ever year.
  3. I seem to have seen two things related to it and know it's a big problem in baseball. Put two and two together and suggested it might be four, and recommended a book that goes into the topic for further reading.
  4. I don't know, I said it smells like it. Struggling with rehab, mental illness. It's a big time underreported underside of baseball. It's my guess.
  5. Avila was the one who publicly floated the idea of voiding the contract, IIRC.
  6. Along those lines, some of this may be Avila dysfunction.
  7. How's the Tigers Season going, you may ask. It's going "Eddie is watching Big Ten Volleyball instead" well.
  8. Yeah, I wasn't really going at you. Just trying to stem the tide before people dump on him. https://www.amazon.com/Bigger-Than-Game-Restitching-League/dp/0806534877 Good book on this topic from somebody who lived it if anybody is interested.
  9. The Meadows thing reeks of painkiller addiction, which is a serious thing and doesn't deserve scorn.
  10. Yeah, you kinda do. It seems outsmarting them would be the preferred lane.
  11. Again, let's go back to 2016. We realize that a majority of America, not just backwoods ignoramuses, maybe dose on 5 minutes of current events a day, right? "Basket of Deplorables" backfired because it was able to be cast as a broad insult toward people who don't have time in their lives for political nuance. Just that picture alone of an angry President with an ominous backdrop is enough to give political fuel to that class of person. That class of person isn't MAGA: they just have a busy job, families, and don't want to be dragged into this morasse.
  12. I didn't watch the speech. I was watching my alma mater play a close football game. I saw the picture circulating that was shown earlier where he looks angry with a black and red backdrop. I didn't think addressing the crazies was worthy of a primetime speech, and think it could offend some right-of center folks who weren't part of the crazy but could catch some clips in the wrong context and get mobilized (see Deplorables pt. 2). It just seemed like poking at some beehives unnecessarily.
  13. No, she went into it looking like a 90 year old college football talking head.
  14. Somehow a fellow Purdue fan thinks I'm still on his team and was blowing up my phone to vent about Biden instead of the football game last night and sent me some pic of Biden last night with swastikas all over. Pretty much calling him a fascist. Quick J6 nazi Google search couldn't find any, but I thought there were. I was going to present a counter.
  15. Deplorables pt 2
  16. I didn't watch, but the optics of that primetime speech don't look good to me at all.
  17. Jaffe is always salty. I had to unfollow him, just to at least try to get my timeline to a simmer.
  18. Are they really going into a discussion on team WAR? That's a stat that is pretty devoid of meaning when you have actual wins. I've noticed this when Shep overemphasizes a meaningless fact, but I get the feeling some of the issues with the broadcast are in the truck. Did they lose some production staff when Mario/Rod left?
  19. My guess is it was Sartori who leaked it, but I could be wrong. Menzin doesn't seem like the type who would do that and I've heard some things about Sartori's people skills that hew too closely to how I would react in that situation, which would be to leak that to a reporter.
  20. The math Gibby was asking for ended up being 0.376 seconds. Carry on.
  21. Did you accidentally mix up the 20 and 80? I could have sworn it was 80% Neto, but Avila/Chadd overruled.
  22. The passive aggressive "The people won't stand for it" should be criminal.
  23. This storm is now a tropical depression in the Atlantic, by the way.
  24. Not even Eric Eckenstahler?
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