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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. The flash forward where Saul and Franceska are shredding documents, they hint at a call at a specific time. That reeks of Kim's jail term maybe coming to an end.
  2. One of Gus's first scenes is him doing a meet-and-greet with the Fire Department... "While I hope I don't need your services..."
  3. Who is justifying right wing violence? Christ man, you are obtuse. If the actions of left wing protests going overboard fuel and make worse the much much much much worse actions of the right wing nutjobs, then yes, they do add fuel. Anything that raises the temperature adds fuel, and that includes ad hominins from me on a forum.
  4. If the last 6 years have taught me anything, it's not to dance on the political graves of loons until they have lost.
  5. Once again, struggling with nuance. Extremism can be fueled by both sides without both sides being equal in their extremism.
  6. I can both sides extremism and point out that extremism on the right scares me more these days. I also think that left and right extremism fuel eachother. Jan 6 was rationalized by many of its participants by the Floyd protests that got out of hand.
  7. I've been jogging my memory, and trying to rewatch Saul... A few things. There is always foreshadowing galore. I'm only on Season 3 of the rewatch, but one such hint in seemingly throwaway lines came in the first scene where Chuck went to the hospital. The doctor warned that he was a danger to himself because the lanterns could burn the house down. I don't think Kim ends up dead unless Jimmy schemes against her and it goes too far. This happened with Chuck. It happened with Howard. It happened with Jimmy's dad. If we end up in the Breaking Bad timeline, some loose ends related to the main characters of this show. Saul poisoning Brock? Saul trying to get Mike's granddaughter her money after he died? The latter one seems like a big one, since the granddaughter seems to show up in a lot of episodes.
  8. Fine all those things happened the same time and shootings started to increase. By the same logic as those charts, they are therefore the cause. Also, I turned drinking age around that time and shootings started to increase. That is therefore a cause. Justin Verlander became a major league pitcher around that time and shootings started to increase. That is therefore a cause.
  9. If it is cancer or kidnapping or something like that, he wouldn't have been placed on the restricted list.
  10. I'm not sure why that burden is on me... You repeated the correlation/causation error. I pointed that error out, even if I agree with the conclusion.
  11. I also dispute that he is smart. He is smarter than Trump. They are smart in their own way, but I wouldn't call them intelligent. He is more effective than Trump, but also has a huge legislative majority under his thumb.
  12. I live here and see it every day. This is true.
  13. Hey, I agree with an assault rifle ban, but poor statistical analysis is poor statistical analysis.
  14. I don't know if it is deaths per year, but that is definitely lazy analysis confusing correlation with causation. There are a multitude of things that could have also played a role. 1. The rise of social media in the late 2000's and the rise of the dark web fueling tensions and leading to extremism. 2. Wars and people coming home with mental illness that resulted. 3. SCOTUS starting to put their thumb on the scale in 2008, and states opening up the floodgates the last 10-12 years. 4. The 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act removed liability for gun dealers.
  15. Well, I was wrong about where the gun was purchased.
  16. Will you retract this when we find put he bought it legally in Indiana or Wisconsin?
  17. Guys, I had flashbacks to 2007/Brian/VT today. I will preface this by saying my family is okay. But there was a short period there when I didn't know and I had such shitty cell service. On the family group text, my brother sends a pic of my nephew at a parade. My brother lives in greater Chicago. An hour later a friend at the party I was at said "Shooting at an Illinois parade." I didn't have the service to find out which parade or hear back from my brother. It ended up being a different parade. This needs to stop, now.
  18. As a heads up. Based on shirts I've seen today... Desantis's 2024 campaign will be "Make America Florida" not sure if they get the Global Warming irony.
  19. This is... a take.
  20. No, but listening to Tigers games on the MLB App I get reminded of it every half inning.
  21. This was roundly rejected and didn't come close to being approved. Seems clickbaity. https://twitter.com/bachlaw/status/1542665906777726978?s=19
  22. John Roberts should not have gone to the Fox News plastic surgeon.
  23. Moderates become enraged enough to vote for Dems until this brand of MAGA is quashed. And Dems don't push too hard on a far left agenda and scare them off. That is my hope.
  24. I see it every day. He does have the same hold.
  25. And then they turn to the younger more effective version of him governing his new state and we plunge into authoritarianism.
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