Worth pointing out there is a separate list (Bereavement and Family Emergency) for family health issues. If that lasts longer than 7 days, the player is put on the Restricted List. Since it hasn't been 7 days, this is not that.
I tried masking at the gym... it just doesn't work. I stick to the treadmill and do my weight stuff at home when cases are high. I just need a climate controlled place to do cardio. Fending off type 2 diabetes is more important than trying to avoid a disease I have four shots against that make it pretty mild, I hate to say.
My county moved into COVID high zone yesterday.
I did not wear a mask to the gym (nobody does). My assumption there is that anybody there is making the choice to be there.
I stopped by Target and put one on there. I think I saw one other person wearing one.
Possible ones I foresee:
Bad habits being taught... or antiquated habits. DeSantis talked about balancing a checkbook, does anybody do that anymore?
Red states having people pay off education boards to steer people toward their products.