I'm getting a second booster tomorrow. I don't care if my eligibility is only barely borderline. Tired of rapid testing because people around me have it.
Also after the december/January boom resulted from boosters being poopooed for too long, the resistance of the CDC and FDA to greenlight a second booster for all is inexcusable.
Reading around, my theory that Walt meats Gene on the way back can't happen. The timelines don't match. The Gene scenes take place about a month after Walt's trip back.
The real crime is liking Ozark. 😀
I have a warning on my account for quoting Curb Your Enthusasm. I think their algorithm is erring on the side of nipping stuff in the bud.
Murder is murder. Who cares if it is a hate crime? Unless the sole purpose is to trigger the FBI to investigate some kind of organized activity, I don't get why a big deal is made over whether it is a hate crime or not.
I audibly laughed when the scene with the addict taking a piss in Saul's office was followed directly by clothes at the cleaner being dropped out of a chute.
I think it is as follows:
Baiting Howard's PI to see Jimmy "bribing" the "judge." Combined with using Huell to drug Howard with the pupil enlarger they got from the vet. All an effort to get Howard to appear to be a lunatic.
I bet they get out of it when the judge is found to have a recent enough injury it doesn't hurt them.
Or maybe Kim gets caught and needs to disappear to Omaha.
There is a slight chance there wasn't a elbow set back... Unless we hear otherwise. Hear me out:
There's a 30 day limit for a rehab. Given Mize was so bad and may have things to work on, it makes sense so you don't have to rush him back to the big leagues.
Having said that the "Trust us: it's just precautionary" fluff from the Tigers was easier to see through than saran wrap.
Yep, we have reached "It's just the flu" stage for most ppl. Two years after the morons said it was.
Now, watch as I get a breakthrough case that knocks me on my ass. I'm living my life like somebody who may get it soon. All social systems go.
Random COVID thought I had after being exposed (and dodging the bullet) a couple weeks ago...
Say I am vaccinated and fully boosted and find out a close contact had COVID. Would I be more or less likely to catch it from that person (given that we know already they had COVID) if they were vaccinated/boosted or not?
I would say actually MORE likely in this scenario. Given that whatever strain the contact had is more likely to evade vaccine protection. Again, this is only conditional on the person already having COVID. This does not mean you are more likely to catch it from a random vaccinated person.
He's out with a UCL sprain the Tigers tried to spin and spin hard, and he got torched trying to pitch. Forgive me if I am worried already. I will be worried until he has multiple effective MLB starts.