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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. Stavenhagen's cohost really thinks analytics have debunked l/r platoon splits? Dude continues to be just clueless. Right down to his pronunciation of Detroit.
  2. I follow Tapper on Twitter and he was pushing the hell out of it when it first launched. Apparently, Zucker's ouster and Discovery's takeover converged and kneecapped it, but I will say what I said when it came out. Who thought that was a good idea?
  3. Whoever thought CNN+ was a good idea...
  4. I could see the feds telling him to pound sand. Same with a ratfucker like Stone. They aren't reliable.
  5. So... from time to time I check the local sex offender registry. It has come in handy a couple times. One such instance, there was one of those afternoon run clubs, and a guy was inviting ppl to his car to come get shirts for the club. I spotted him in the dB and alerted the girls I knew. A couple years ago right before covid I saw a girl younger than me... early 30's and googled her. Saw she was a teacher busted with a student and had just gotten out of prison. Fastforward a couple weeks later, the local dog park/bar was hosting a singles night around Valentines Day. And this girl my friends were talking to looked familiar. Yep, it was the pedophile. I pulled them aside to alert them.
  6. Theories on where Walt and Jesse enter the fray. Kim's public defending leads her to Jesse for some small fry case, which somehow gets him connected to the Salamanca clan (maybe). Walt stops by Omaha on his drive back from New Hampshire to Albuquerque and hits up Cinnabun.
  7. I stumbled upon a reddit discussion about it... and the episode name.
  8. You can die in a car wreck driving the speed limit with a seat belt on. So why drive at a safe speed and wear a seat belt?
  9. You can get struck by lightning indoors (I have been) so there is no point in going indoors for a thunderstorm.
  10. My masking strategy going forward will likely be to wear a KN-95 on a flight and in the concourse especially, if I am visiting my too-young-to-be-vaccinated nephews or old-enough-to-be-at-risk-of-serious-breakthrough-covid parents/relatives. I know masks are more designed to keep me from spreading it, but every little bit in those scenarios helps.
  11. This isn't binary. It is a sliding scale. Not all probabilities are the same. May as well reduce the risk.
  12. On board filtration systems were optimized after past airborne pandemics on board pandemics. I'm not worried about covid on flights. If they weren't, you would smell every fart everybody on a 200 person flight had. Concourses are another issue. Some are different from others, and connections that force you onto shuttles are an issue too. Flying through ORD last year, I remember smelling a restaurant from several hundred yards away. I knew then the ventilation there was no good. JAX, DTW were fine.
  13. My Comcast box crashed at 9:00... Was able to start pulling it up on the xfinity app about 5 minutes late. So I'm kinda curious what clues were in that first five minutes.
  14. WARdle #40 - 2/9 ⬜⬜🟨🟨🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 https://wardle.app
  15. Or Mike looking super old in the prequel... Or the Don losing 100 lbs and aging 30 years in the prequel... Or Huell losing a ton of weight. Edit: ... Or the Disappearer dying
  16. This wasn't the exact situation. Garneau was never on the 40 man before he was let go. He did have an opt out in his minor league contract he exercised though.
  17. The local media are basically mouthpieces for the team.
  18. The elbow is different from the ankle. Especially a pitcher's elbow, which is sore every 5 or 6 days.
  19. Well once the ligament goes, the muscles (flexors) start to pick up the slack. This is common. Elbow sprain is straight up ligament damage. It may not be bad enough to need TJ. But it is, by definition, elbow ligament damage.
  20. McCosky confusing sprain and strain is peak McCosky.
  21. The exact oppsite: a sprain is a torn ligament. Impact injury would be contusion.
  22. Sprain and tear are literally synonymous.
  23. West Michigan changed levels in that time.
  24. Late May, but there's big error bars depending on how quickly the bone heals.
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