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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. Follow-up to the other day... Primetime shows on cable news on the bias chart.
  2. My biggest issue with that study is it is obvious covid risk depends on being vaccinated or not and that wasn't even factored.
  3. I see a big, likely the most important, variable was not factored into that study. Beware of overconfident numbers presented in a fancy way. There is no way anybody can quantify risk to the fourth decimal percentage point.
  4. I tried to fact check that tweet when I saw it, and it appears Nina was confused between the difference between average and median. The median salary, as she reported, was about 45K (I think), but when i tried to find average data, it was pushing 60-70K. Makes sense, income is going to have a long right tail. I could see high cost of living areas like those that Ivy Leaguers come from (i.e. coastal cities) maybe having average wages pushing 6 figures.
  5. Back to my traffic stop example... the cop pulled the driver over for speeding and the driver pulled a gun on the cop, but that is okay because he was pulled over for speeding.
  6. Officer: Do you know how fast you were going? Driver: No, officer. But I wasn't picking my nose! Officer: 80 in a 45. Here's your ticket. I couldn't see if you were or not, but that isn't a crime. Driver: Exonerated! I wasn't picking my nose!
  7. That collusion red herring is still doing a lot of work.
  8. 93... Decent chance father time would have gotten him sometime in the last 20 or so years.
  9. It is "so called." Those words don't appear in the Constution. Free Exercise Clause and Establishment Clause.
  10. I'm up against the paywall, but...
  11. They update it every couple of months.
  12. I have the free subscription version where you can put limited amount of individual outlets on charts. One thing I've started to do is mute people on twitter who show up in my timeline whose outlets are out of the green zone... which eventually led me to mute all of Lynn Henning's retweets.
  13. This one from NYT was good:
  14. But it takes up to 6 weeks from first dose to get full immunity, maybe an extra week or two for a reasonable person to find an appointment. Once infected, a week or two to be hospitalized, and a month or two from there to start dying. You would start to see partisan divide from unvaccinated people in July or so, and that doesn't even factor in the seasonality effect that any end point will not factor in. Long story short, I know that there is a partisan divide among covid deaths since the vaccine has been available. A chart from a partisan source isn't a convincing way to show that.
  15. Why April 19? Does extending to earlier in April ruin the narrative? That's got arbitrary endpoint written all over it.
  16. Finally started "What We Do In The Shadows" and enjoy it thoroughly.
  17. Okay then... Charles Ponzi?
  18. Sorry. That isn't true. I need a source that isn't hyper partisan.
  19. Who is the more despicable NewsRadio cast member: Rogan or Andy Dick?
  20. I do think Trumpers not getting the vaccine have contributed to the spread... The biggest vaccine related issue is likely not vaccinating the world, which is very logistically difficult, I will admit.
  21. Clarifying, I do think vaccines reduce spread, but not nearly as greatly as initially assumed... Just because it is so damn contageous. Virus gets in your nose, antibodies do their thing, but virus is still in nose for a day or two without you knowing it. Less time, less virus, but still far from zero.
  22. One of the things I have learned is I do feel like the ability of the vaccine to reduce transmission was very overplayed.
  23. I've noticed people in high up managing think engineering works this way too.
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