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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. It seems the cycles are roughly six months, and and peaks are dependent upon the vax rate and precautions in the area as well as other factors. Things in Michigan are nowhere near as bad as Florida was in the summer.
  2. I hope we are more than halfway there to the end of this thing. I'm glad it' my life and I am 3 shots in.
  3. I've got the extroverted itch and just have fun mingling with people.
  4. I mean... he's under criminal investigation in Georgia. It seems risky to set foot there...
  5. I think in the next week or so my county will be out of the CDC substantial spread category... thus no mask mandate. I wear them to the stores, to work (required), etc. My ears are pretty far back, which has made the re-usable masks very uncomfortable so have used mostly disposables out of comfort, and when I ran out and was waiting on my new stash a few weeks back I went maskless for a bit. I don't wear at the gym because... well... I tried and it didn't work. Places like restaurants, bars, etc. I don't either.
  6. Verlander not vaccinated? He wouldn't have to quarantine if he was, right?
  7. Not sure who all follows golf, but there is a tournament in Bermuda this week, which effectively requires a vaccine. They were unable to fill the field and players are dropping like flies. There have been rumblings that many players are antivax...
  8. Found the post... It was satire
  9. Still it is going to fire you up and stress you out.
  10. Of course you got exhausted. You turned on MSNBC. Turn that shit off.
  11. Did you have any warning? Were you ever Pre? If so, for how long?
  12. So I am prediabetic* and got my booster today. Feel fine. *I read up on this some. I have one parent and three grandparents who have/had Type 2, so I started asking for a1c checks on my annual physical about 5 years ago after noticing that I got a bit tired after a day of not eating well. I've been able to keep the a1c from getting into Type 2 range, but my doctor recommended a booster when I asked if it counts. Anyways... the reading. Roughly 35% of American Adults have prediabetes (blood sugar high but still below diabetic range), and most (more than 80%) of those cases go undiagnosed because people don't get checked. There are some reputable studies/papers that make the case that same problems that make diabetics high risk for covid likely also apply to prediabetics. In other words, it is possible a lot of people don't know they are high risk but are. It is also possible a lot of people may be booster eligible without knowing it. Get your a1c checked at your next physical and stay on top of it.
  13. Ozark is dragged down by just terrible writing.
  14. Albert Brooks on Curb is just perfect.
  15. My hunch is the capital police are erring on the side of "caused by the riots" in some subtle legal way to take care of his family
  16. Definitely some gray area. The suicides I chalk up, though. Particularly if the injuries sustained were head related.
  17. The Rule 5 Draft is usually at like 10 AM on a Thursday.
  18. This I didn't know: https://www.npr.org/2021/04/19/988876722/capitol-police-officer-brian-sicknick-died-of-natural-causes-medical-examiner-ru
  19. The "there was only one death" line was the coup de Gras. We have a full fledged troll on our hands folks!
  20. He followed protocol. https://www.npr.org/2021/08/23/1030354113/capitol-police-officer-ashli-babbitt-riot
  21. Yeah, interesting that more "legit" outlets haven't run with this yet.
  22. A violent mob was breaching a secure area where the vice president was. That cop is a hero. The victim deserved it.
  23. Occam's razor
  24. I can't find anything on that, but it is scheduled after the expiration of the Basic Agreement. The Winter Meetings are put on by MILB, though, and now that MILB is effectively no more after the hostile takeover by MLB, it's possible that may have something to do with a potential cancellation. However, since minor leagues would still plow forward after the CBA, the job fair portion would still be a of benefit to fill the roles needed.
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