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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. That presser was music to my freaking ears.
  2. It was Turning the Corner, in part because I heard it. I stopped listening to the other one around the time the fanboy to expert ratio crept up to 2:1.
  3. They acquired Turner...
  4. Re: Cabrera. All bets are off after the new CBA. That is to say, the cost isn't sunk until there are games next year.
  5. I can name about 10... but roster stuff works itself out. There are plenty of reasons to be patient with Greene and Tork, and a new CBA may remove one or two of them, but "Don't call them up so you don't have to expose Grayson Greiner to waivers" isn't one of them.
  6. To quote your avatar... wrong
  7. How can you say trading Mize is asinine without knowledge of what is coming in return? Trading Mize for Trevor Rosenthal is asinine. Trading Mize for Noelvi Marte, Julio Rodriguez, and Kyle Lewis is a win.
  8. I'm just poking around for interest. We are just wrapping up year 20. The league's roots are in these parts, and we have one (likely two) vacancy/ies. 16 teams, free, a lot of MTS members/alumni, head to head, daily rosters, 11x11 categories. Pretty competitive. More details upon request, but I wanted to see if anybody had interest.
  9. All good, I make my own salad dressing.
  10. People need to stop giving Tucker oxygen by sharing his clips.
  11. I actually think Short is the most viable shortstop of all those guys... aside from maybe Niko.
  12. Well, somewhere else somebody said not to sign Correa because the job is Kreidler's, and that is more what I was responding to.
  13. Kreidler is not the type of guy you gift wrap a lineup spot for. He just isn't.
  14. So did some banned member just buy it out of spite?
  15. Doesn't sound there will be a huge fire sale this year. I really think the plan is to try to win next year. Of those, Boyd and Grossman are under control ND key pieces. Jimenez, Ramos, and Mazara have negative trade value right now.
  16. Next year unless the Tigers contend. Not sure you can count on Hill or Daz to stay on the field...
  17. Hi
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