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Everything posted by Edman85

  1. I've programmed spreadsheets that write SQL code to query a database, and also have a special computer that runs a program that queries a SQL Server database.
  2. I'll leave it to the politics thread for the reason, but sounds like you may soon!
  3. I wanted to circle back here, because I have a set of the pre-2012 rules, and doublechecked to confirm there are no such rules on the books. They were informal suggestions, not rules.
  4. Need to launder any money? That's about the only use.
  5. Flying to DC tomorrow, which means there's a chance I'm sitting next to a congressman on the flight. If so, I am prepared to filibuster the whole way asking if they are okay with (blank)?
  6. This already happened Thursday after a court paused the deferred resignation deal and the WH just said they are still processing the resignations.
  7. My what is not in charge?
  8. Algorithm based social media feeds will be the death of us.
  9. All are recently signed, which means if they were signed to an MLB deal, they have a no-trade until June 15. Wisdom is overseas: Japan or Korea, too lazy to Google it.
  10. France is the only free agent among that bunch.
  11. That's the $64 dollar question.
  12. Answering your question instead of sending people to my sheet... Both were throwing 3X a week two months ago. I bet they are both 60 day candidates. Even if close to ready, you have 30 days on rehab assignment (60 days in SGL's case because of the special TJ rule), so if they are close for game action by late April, you are covered. Mattson could also theoretically be IL'ed, but that starts his service clock unnecessarily. They did this with Freddy Pacheco a couple years ago, but he was claimed too late to be optioned, so it was the only way to keep him .
  13. Little plug for my sheet... I've got a tab where I log the official team injury updates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jRnDAcv86yGYl1Tq6fdXD1VoGr2Ls5PiRBNEFBXHL3Y/edit?gid=885247594#gid=885247594
  14. Possible teams are waiting until 40 man roster spot can be cleared next week by the 60-Day IL next week.
  15. Sharing here... Because I think the Flaherty contract structure means the Tigers are planning on being at least luxury tax adjacent next year.
  16. What do I fall back on if I lose the coin flip? I would flip the coin because the expected value is higher, but if I'm broke after a coin flip, I would take the security. This is why my portfolio is like 99+% stocks.
  17. The Heritage Society doxxing left of center federal employees is going to lead to some violence against them (us?)
  18. ... case in point, as recently as three years ago I thought the pronoun thing was weird and was convinced there was a cottage industry talking people into transitioning for profit. Yesterday I changed my work email signature to protest the ridiculous pronoun policy.
  19. Musk of all people shouldn't be talking about what is breaking the law.
  20. Judge blocks the resignation deadline. White House says tough ****, we are still processing them. Expect a lot of judge defying.
  21. This is the crux, and why what they are doing is illegal. But it's an official act, so no consequences.
  22. I mean, we can hope one of the three deep red vacant house seats flips in the special. That would be a step.
  23. Me too, but doubt it does much
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