I'll go further into the epiphany I had, one I strayed from a little bit in the lead up and aftermath of the election, and why I am choosing this path.
First of all, I have a family member with an excruciating, chronically debilitating health condition that is taking a lot out of me emotionally and mentally. Additional stressors are not healthy at this point.
Second of all, as a federal employee, the issues are two fold. One: I do not trust DOGE et. al. to not retaliate against anybody criticizing this group on the socials, so best to keep it off. Second: there is sudden professional uncertainty I haven't had in 16 years, adding to that emotional and mental strain above.
Thinking back on my own life, I was definitely more of a passive political follower pre-Trump. Being more politically vocal starting around 2016 and crescendoing during the peak of the pandemic has made me some enemies. Now, while you can say "big whoop, not a big loss," when you have had a **** year (see the first paragraph) and you see all the friends you've hung out with on NYE for over a decade (except 2020) were hanging out and you weren't invited, it certainly makes you look inward and wanting to have a healthier way of trying to follow this stuff, because how I follow it leads to how I react to it. Oh, I do want to say due to more social cache back in 2016, I was able to successfully keep some people off the Trump Train at that time who have since jumped aboard. I want to try to build that cache back up.
So... every-10-minute updates, doom scrolling twitter, doom scrolling here or a similar forum elsewhere, seeing speculation, having text threads with friends mocking Trumpies, just the constant barrage of Trump news? I don't need it, and it makes me a worse person. Worst of all, it doesn't help stop Trump and the like; if anything it only makes it worse. I know it's bad. Enjoy embracing the doom. I'm going to try to enjoy the good parts of life that I can, and hopefully use that to regain some social influence and try to get people aboard the good side come fall 2026.